willow tree march | slate



They'd been avoiding each other lately, Moon knows that like the back of her paws. Subconscious or conscious decision shes not sure, she doesn't harbor any hate for Slate but also cannot bring herself to not avoid him as well. A dance between a topic that neither wanted to speak of, how he marred a once beautiful pelt, how she had scored her own claws to mar his face. She doesn't find herself regretting it, no, she had won that battle no matter how scuffed it had been, no matter how hard she had to fight.

All over a stupid mouse. All over food that street cats should never have to fight over to begin with.

And now shes on a patrol with the guy, head held high as she walks alongside an NPC, the furthest she could get from him. And it would have been fantastic if the patrol leader had not assigned them to split because now shes with him and shes gritting her teeth in annoyance. Stuck with the one cat who couldn't bare to give her the time of day, hypocritical she is, but if thats how he will play then... As soon as the other NPC's disappear in to the underbrush she turns to him with narrowed eyes. "Whats your problem with me? Our fight is in the past." thinly veiled frustration leaks in to her voice, ears pinning down on her head. She wants to be seen, she wants to be known, all her life she has gone through it not being acknowledged and she'll take the chance to change it.

She'll beat him up again if push comes to shove. Except im not looking to be 'exiled' so quick.

❪ TAGS ❫ — He wondered if the rest of the patrol members could sense the tension between Slate and Moon, so much so that they instructed them to break off so that the others could get a break from it. Slate would have rather gone off on his own, but now that the she-cat had been forced to tag along with him, things were bound to get incredibly awkward. Maybe if they just kept their words to a minimum, kept their heads down, and did what they were told...

Then, she opens her maw.

The Maine Coon suppresses an eye roll to the back of his head. Slate had secretly hoped that Moon would just let everything go and conveniently never bring up the past incident again, but it seemed that she was the confronting type. Great.

"I don't have a problem, you have a problem. Why are you bringing this up now?" Slate grunts in response, if only for a moment sparing Moon a glance through dagger-like pupils. He keeps walking, shoulder muscles rippling, determined to get through this segment of the patrol quickly and without distraction.
"Me?!" the shock is evident in Moon's voice, her fur already beginning to prickle along her back. The nerve of it! Incredulous she meets his own glance through narrowed eyes, her teeth grit down further, the pressure making her jaw hurt. Insufferable! This man was nothing but insufferable and she feels her cheeks flush with anger, enough to make her want to claw that stupid look of his off his damn face.

Control yourself, Moon. He's not worth your time.

She huffs, sharply exhales and tips her chin up as she collects herself from the red hot anger. "I don't have a problem, you're the one avoiding me. Why wouldn't I bring this up?" I think you're annoying! She bites her tongue at her own wishy washy feelings, one moment wanting to be noticed and the next hiding behind a cold exterior. "You gave me a scar, I gave you a scar. It's even." her ears swivel back and her tail begins to flick back and forth. She takes a step forwards, not caring if her stance is threatening or not. So talk to me, I beg, talk to me.
❪ TAGS ❫ — His ears flick back as Moon scoffs in utter disbelief, as Slate has seemed to deeply offend her with his words. He hadn't been meaning to stir up a fuss; in fact, he was trying to do the opposite. It was too late now, as the molly before him looks pissed. Ugh, great.

He keeps pushing on, a frown tugging down on his maw, his focus on the task at hand and on Moon's pestering only bringing his internal frustration to a boiling point. For star's sake, they had a patrol to finish! Couldn't Moon save this for a more convenient time? Or... perhaps not bring this up at all?

"I'm not avoidin' you." ... Okay, he definitely was. He had lied through his teeth. But did that really change anything? "I just don't have anything to say to you. We're even, just like you said. What's more to say? Do you want some sorta apology outta' of me?" He didn't feel as if he had to justify what he did in the past, but if Moon wanted a confrontation, then she'd get one. One of Slate's favored pastimes was throwing himself into heated arguments, bickering back and forth until he either proved he was right or he just upped and walked off.