Wind bring me peace * priv with bitekit


It's not work. Not if it's you.
Oct 23, 2023

She had always wanted to be a part of something.
Once upon a time, she was. A sister. A child. A show cat. A friend. Now... now she was trying on Clan Cat. She'd joined Sky Clan recently and didn't know most cats by name just yet. She wasn't even sure which were Sky Clan and which were of the other clans, but that meant little to her right now. She had spent her days helping - or trying to help - everyone she could. She watched apprentices spar, talked with warriors about their worries, stayed up late with others, and did morning patrols to help ease the strain of everything. Fresh kill felt warm in her belly, and for the first time since... too many moons to count, she felt full.
If only her pelt would fill in like her belly did.
She had arrived malnourished and thin. Now, the winds didn't blow her around as easily. Her eyes felt more focused and her brain less fuzzy. She would still get tired out of nowhere though, and her paws felt bony. And her pelt remained half eaten.
She'd done it to herself, and each day she woke up ready to inspect some new peach fuzz or fur growth but it never seemed to happen. Too prideful to see the medicine cat, Circe tried her best to ignore the stares and hold her head high. She knew what she looked like. It pained her. There was only one thing it was good for.
Today, she sat in the camp clearing soaking in the sun. She was warm and happy. Tail flicking contently back and forth, the molly scanned the camp, watching the other cats and attempting to put faces to names while staying out of the way - especially of the kits. She knew they had more energy and fewer filters then everyone in the camp combined. She did not need to be in the way of that.
Paw folded neatly beneath her, the molly watched and memorized.

// ooc: Predated to before the Rogue Removal (tm) threads where everyone is still in Shadow clan's territory. @bitekit - -

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. he's been looming in camp, bringing with his his bubbling temper. since taking refuge in the camp, fleeing from the torn and bloodied place he calls home, it's been hard to keep a lid on everything.

the attitude he's shared during is stay in shadowclan is spiteful, occupying himself with pushing around other kittens. bitekit eyes the molly enjoying the sun with something bitter, his aimless wandering around having something itching at his paws. he takes in her patchy fur with a likely rude curiosity.

"what are you even dong?" he spits childishly, ready and wanting to pick a fight. he's set his sights on circre as his target for his temper tantrum. then, as he catches wind of her scent he's unable to prevent the way head cocks to the side curiously, following with: "are you.. from thuderclan?" he asks, his limited experience with other clan spurring the question.

Of course. Just her luck. A kit.
She'd spotted the little one stomp his way across camp a few times before. He was so tiny the sight of him made her audibly 'awe' a few times, but now that he was here... the angry face just made him cuter. His eyes... not so much. She saw them settle on her bare flank and paws. Without thinking, she tucked him underneath her. Uncertainty pooled in her stomach.
His first question sparked a light exhale from her. Her eyebrow twitched upwards and her smile curved. His second made her smile softly. Curious kit. Had she been like that at his age? Her ear flicked, remembering her parent's less then warm faces as they towered over her. Her smile flattened a bit.
"Ah, no. I'm from Sky Clan. Despite what you'd think, we're not in the sky though." She chuckled softly, "I thought that when I first joined."
No matter how uncomfortable he made her, Circe vowed she would be nothing but polite to this little one.
She mirrored his movements, tilting her head to the side. "Are you from Shadow Clan?"


bio ₊˚✧ ゚. "That's.. why would you think that?" He's intent to humiliate, the lack of home shaking his bones, he doesn't like the fond note in her gaze, reminds him too much of his mother, who's probably sleeping. She spends a lot of time sleeping, her health always giving her trouble. Bitekit's often causing trouble, away from the nursery.

"Then.." Before he can continue, it's again, followed by a question of curiosity, unintentionally undermining his attempts to get under her skin. "Why? Why is it called SkyClan?" He seems to pause, weighing the option of lying, before absolutely deciding to lie. "I'm from ThunderClan." He's encountered a ThunderClan kittens in the nursery, seemingly many kittens and queens are in ShadowClan, which is a shock to Bitekit, so used to the familiar den of home.