WIND IN THE TREES // open, climbing


Like A Hurricane
Sep 20, 2022

Racing across the open moorland was what Galeforce knew best, but now he was no longer welcome on those familiar stretches of land. If he hoped to stand a chance at surviving he knew he had to adapt to new environments. That meant learning how to climb trees. The tabby tom had returned to fourtrees, deciding that it was still the safest place for him to be as he continued to avoid falling into trouble with the surrounding clans.

As it turned out getting up the tree had been the easy part, but it was the process of getting down that proved to be the most difficult. Galeforce swallowed nervously as he clung to the bark with a look of concern as he peered back down towards the ground. "Shit... um... help! Can anyone help me?" He hoped that perhaps Yewberry was going about, or maybe a friendly loner passing by. Already his limbs were beginning to ache from the effort of keeping him in place but the thought of falling back towards the ground and risking injury helped to drive him to maintain his hold.


What a predicament- Galeforce was stuck in a tree and Yewberry wasn't sure how to help. He stared up at him, searching for words. Ideas. Skyclan did this all the time, it couldn't be that hard, right?

He paced back and forth.

"Uh- hm..."

He too had taken to climbing trees to work on his strength, but never going too high. He always made sure he could jump back down without injury. He had been steadily growing stronger, but not quite strong enough to push a tree down and help Galeforce.

"Try slowly coming down backwards?" He called. Better than telling him to jump, anyways. Besides, that's how he would do it if he were stuck.

He figured he didn't have to tell him to grip tightly with his claws. That was obvious.

"One pawstep at a time... Don't rush." He added.

Trees weren't his expertise, but at least he was trying!
she isn't expecting to stumble across two of her old clanmates today- and she definitely isn't expecting for one of them to be stuck in a tree.

unlike other loners, ember doesn't care for appeasing the clans. she goes where she pleases, when she pleases; the idea of owning land is ridiculous, after all. and whoever thinks with that mindset... well, they're no better than sootstar and her goons, who forced ember and her family to either surrender their free will and join windclan, or leave the home they've lived in since before most of windclan were even born. she claims that she doesn't give a shit about borders... really, though, she just wants to piss off those assholes who mark the trees and grass with their stench.

she's wandered back to fourtrees, the stale scent of all five clans lingering in the air... and she curls her lip at the tang of rabbit dung and heather. what catches her attention is a call for help from nearby. tattered ears perk, a curious hm? reverberating in her throat. if it's a clanner, she doesn't have any intentions on helping... her gaze rakes over the clearing, pausing on-

"yewberry?" ember splutters on instinct, the name falling from a mouth agape before she could even think about it. two-toned blue eyes glare at the familiar tiny tunneler who stands at the base of a tree. the fuck is he doing all the way at fourtrees? is the greedy sootstar planning on claiming this land as her own, as well?

her claws unsheathe as a reflexive defensive action; ember doesn't think that the cowardly yewberry would do anything, and on the possibility that he does, she isn't too worried. she could easily swat him like a fly. but as she presses forward with a curiosity behind her guarded expression, she realizes something off. yewberry didn't smell like windclan. the familiar scent has been washed away over time, leaving behind only the barest trace of it ever existing. ember's fur puffs out. has yewberry gone rogue?

the thought sends a shiver down her spine, and ember laughs. one by one, sootstar's losing soldiers. even if it's minuscule in comparison to her army of loyal followers, the idea of more cats betraying her makes the flame point giddy.

once the shock's worn off enough for ember to remember why she'd found yewberry in the first place, her brow quirks. now that she's gotten a good look at him, he seems to be fixated on something in the trees... following his gaze, she spots another one, clinging onto a branch. galepaw- although the young tom must've earned his warrior name by now. he'd been on the cusp of graduating when she'd been exiled. he looks as stuck as a badger in a rabbit warren, and ember wagers he's the one who'd called for help earlier. she laughs louder. "holy shit, two of ya! what a sight for sore eyes, you are." ember snorts, her tail swaying in amusement. her claws sheathe once more, quelled by the picture she's already painted in her mind. yewberry and galepaw- she supposes she should call them yew and gale, now- two more rogue windclanners to add to sootstar's list. all three of them, they're one in the same, now, aren't they?

"the hell are you two doin', here, anyway? didja finally get your shit together and ditch the snake?" ember seems more invested in hearing yew and gale's stories than actually helping gale out in his predicament, circling around the base of the tree while her eyes cut between the two.

Yewberry's voice came as a source of great relief to Galeforce as he continued to cling to the tree's surface for dear life. Backwards though? Was that the trick to it all? He swallowed nervously as he tried to move his hind legs by stretching them down, but the second he detached one forepaw he was left giving a yelp of terror when he dropped down a few inches. He managed to regain a claw-hold but by this point his limbs were beginning to ache worse than ever. Drawing in a breath he steadied himself once more and he readjusted how he moved. Back left paw, right forepaw, back right paw, left forepaw... It was slow but produced results as he inched his way further down the trunk. That is until his attention was caught by the arrival of someone else.

"Emberfang, is that really you-... oh shit!" The joy of a potential reunion with a former clanmate was abruptly cut off when his lapse in concentration made him forget to keep his claws sank in the tree bark. The tom fell like a rock and proved that not all cats landed on their feet as he splatted into the ground below on his back. Fortunately he hadn't been nearly as high up as before, but that didn't spare him from feeling the pain of the landing. Winded, he gave a groan of misery as he laid there.

Slowly he rolled over onto his paws and he sat up with a wince, but the grin on his face showed that his mind was more so focused on the she-cat. "Just trying to make a living. We got exiled for standing up against Sootstar after her little raid against SkyClan... ow, that smarts!" He paused to give his flank a groom, even more so since the worst of his pain was coming from his hip.

It felt almost eerie to see Ember again. At the time of her own exile he had been against her actions, too young and too blind to understand what it had all been about. He had been just another part of the indoctrinated youth. But he wasn't a mere apprentice any more and he had found his own way to the light.

His eyes brightened in recognition as he saw Ember approach, taking his gaze off Galeforce for a brief moment.

"Ember! It's good to see you!" He greeted. He was glad to see she was okay.

He wanted to be glad Galeforce was okay too, so he looked back up to him, waiting with held breath as he made his way down-

Galeforce fell. Not from too high up, but it still gave Yewberry a heart attack. His fur puffed up in alarm and he hopped over to his fellow exile.

"Are you alright!?" He asked. He could have gone into a tirade. Did anything break? Could he walk? Could he feel his legs? But in a remarkable show of self restraint, he didn't.

They had no one to go to for injury or sickness now, they had to be much more careful.

He glanced back to Ember. "Yeah.... We spoke out against Sootstar....Said some mean things.... Got chased out like rabbits... A lot has happened since you left." He said.

His ears twitched. He had to tell her about Echolight!

But could be tell her their secret? Would it be safe? He wasn't sure. Ember had a right to know.... But he didn't know how she would react.

"Windclan has only gotten worse, Ember....Its a pit of snakes, constricting the few good cats left in it until they either escape or die...." He said.

And he knew Dandelionwish would suffer a cruel end beneath their fangs.....And what tore at him was that there wasn't anything he could do. It stung.

He had half a mind to use the tunnels to sneak Dandelionwish away.... Sootstar has taken too much. It was high time she suffered an upset.

But he was Yewberry. And Yewberry was small and weak. There was no hope for any plans he made, and it hurt him every single day and night.