pafp WIND RUNNER // race

Boredom could kill a cat...Vulturemask was a victim to that during this late hour. He was sick and tired that evening feeling like a rabbit trapped in a burrow. He needed to get out before he really lost his mind which would only prove the council members they had have right about him. Anything, he would do anything to avoid that not wishing to give them that sort of satisfaction. Vulturemask locked his gaze on the only cat in this clan who he actually didn't felt sick when spending time with. He approached them to step right in front of the tom's path to disturb whatever they had been doing. " I'm bored." he would confess with narrowed orbs, looking absolutely displeased over this fact. He would give a swift lash of his tail clearly wanting something from them, an distraction and escape way out from this torture.

" Race me to the outlock rock." He decided, sounding demanding instead of pleading. Vulturemask would not like to do that. The medicine cat would turn then like he already had made Tigerfrost decision for them but after a few steps forward the ebony tom would halt, ears perked up before falling back. He would cast a glance over his shoulder at the lead warrior. " If you win i will entertain you..." like that would be the trick to get Tigerfrost to willingly follow along with his scheming instead of protesting. Of course what he meant with entertaining it was nothing out of the ordinary that two cats were supposed to be doing when 'hanging out' with one another. Gossips, spilling secrets to one another. Whatever 'friends' normally did...He was offering his company to be friendly.

Not like he had any intention to lose though.

prompt - racing another clanmate through the moors





The evening patrol had returned, and with them, Tigerfrost had brought a mouthful of prey. He had already dropped his catch off at the pile, and was turning to greet a few clan-mates, when the dark figure of WindClan's medicine cat stepped into view, blocking the tabby's intended path. Tigerfrost flicks an ear, locking eyes with the other cat as he listens to the complaint spilled from shaded jaws. Vulturemask was bored? Well... Tigerfrost supposed it made sense. There were no sick or injured, and one could only sort their own herbs so many times before they went insane, he imagined. No doubt the Lead Warrior could count himself lucky that he was no healer. Luckily for Vulturemask, the two get along rather well, and Tigerfrost doesn't mind getting some exercise with a friend.

"And if you win?" Tigerfrost questions simply, stepping up to the side of the medicine cat, clearly agreeing to the challenge that had been given.
Trailing behind Tigerfrost with their own catch held in their mouth, the black and white moor runner stops short when the voice of the clan’s healer reaches their ears. Vulturemask claims that they’re bored, challenges Tigerfrost to a race. Outlook rock and back, huh? That’ll surely take a while.

The black cat offers entertainment to Tigerfrost if he wins, but doesn’t say what they want if Tigerfrost loses. So Gravelsnap sighs, offers their own idea. "If Vulturemask wins, I think he should get to boss you around for a day," they suggest, they’re tone lazy. It would be amusing, at least, to watch the dark tabby being ordered around relentlessly by the normally stoic tom.

They truly don’t care which clanmate wins the race—either way, they will get to laugh at the loser. Their bet is on the lead warrior to win, though, against the healer. Either way, Gravelsnap will be getting some sort of entertainment out of it. They settle onto their haunches and swish their eel-black tail to rest across their paws, happy to sit back and observe the competition.