windbreaker | falconheart


duty & honor - 義務と名誉
Mar 31, 2024

It was nearly time for bed as dusk drenched Thunderclan's camp with deep mauve and blazing mandarin. Her siblings were settling in for the night, preparing to tuck themselves in once Flamewhisker finished fluffing their nest. But not her. The little tortoiseshell refused to sleep until a certain cream tabby came to visit her. Excitement burned in her belly at the sight of Falconheart returning home. Scorchedkit's tail waved in greeting as her lips parted, calling out to her older sibling. "Falconheart! You're back!" She trilled, poking her head out from the archway of the nursery. Bounding forward on ebony paws she met him halfway. Stretching up to press her cheek against his own with a thunderous purr she continued without delay. "How was it? What was the gathering like?" She inquired, firing off one question after the other.

For a moment she watched as his apprentice slipped away, no doubt preparing for bed themselves, before focusing on the tabby again. "Come on, you can tell me everything over here!" With a flick of her dark tail she motioned for the warrior to follow her back to the nursery. With a soft grunt, she climbed into her nest, encircling it once before laying down with her paws hanging off the lip. Wide, mismatched eyes stared up at him expectantly and her ears remained pricked and ready to listen. (@FALCONHEART)
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
𓍊𓋼 His return to camp is marked by exhaustion, the tips of his pale paws dragging against the ground with each step. He can’t wait to go back to his nest and fall asleep as soon as possible—but first, he plans to peek into the nursery and check up on his younger siblings. Becoming a good older brother is one of his most important goals at this point, and he doesn’t want to leave his mom all alone to handle her litter of kits. She’s sad, taking Flycatcher’s death even worse than he is, and Falconheart wants to do whatever he can to ease her recovery. He doesn’t even make it all the way to the nursery, though, as his tortoiseshell younger sister rushes over to meet him halfway.

"Hi, Scorchedkit," he purrs in response to the girl’s greeting, rubbing his cheek against hers in return. She then quickly fires off a few questions before leading him off to the nursery after Crescentpaw departs. "The gathering was fun," he says, with a gentle smile pooling on his muzzle. His voice is lowered as he follows her into the nursery and settles onto his haunches beside her nest. Her wide eyes peer up at him intently, and the tom can’t help but to chuckle at the sight. "I met a RiverClan warrior—he ran right into me, actually. He apologized a lot, but he seemed really nice. His name is Foxtail, and he actually just got an apprentice, too." Pebblepaw and Foxtail had been only recently assigned to train together, just as Falconheart and Crescentpaw had.

He thinks of what else has occurred at the gathering, and then recalls the sight of five leaders standing upon their rock once more. The sight had been enough to leave Falconheart awestruck back when he was an apprentice at his first gathering, and it still instills a sense of amazement in him now. At one point, Flycatcher was supposed to take that place—but now, someday it will be his mother who stands up on that rock… "I also got to see the leaders make their announcements. SkyClan has thirteen new warriors, and one of them is called Falcongaze." He neglects to mention WindClan, or any of the other clans’ worse announcements. The kits don’t need to know that; they deserve to remain sheltered from the harsh realities of clan life, at least for a little while. "One day, our mom is going to be ThunderClan’s leader, you know that? It’ll be her making all the announcements, then." Horribly, his thoughts turn for the worst—what if Flamewhisker dies as ThunderClan’s deputy? What if she never makes it that far? And of course, her ascension to leader would require Howlingstar to die, and that thought hurts almost as much as the first. He tries to keep his smile from wavering, but hopefully the kit won’t notice.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Wonder sparkles behind eyes of vibrant green and chilling ice as she begins to imagine the event the way her brother tells it. A Riverclan warrior bumped into him and the bridge of her nose wrinkles playfully. "Really? I heard they're smelly. But..." Her sentence trails as she adjusts her weight on her elbows, leaning closer to take a whiff of her brother's fawn pelt. "I don't smell anything." No indication of the icky smell Riverclan cats were supposed to carry. Perhaps the scent wore off after the initial touch? Falconheart and the rest were gone for quite some time. "Do all the other clans have different smells like Riverclan?" She asked, pulling back and sinking into her nest again.

Regarding the news of Skyclan's large population of new warriors, Scorchedkit's jaw fell partially in shock. "Thirteen?! That's so many!" It made her wonder just how large Skyclan was. Did they have more warriors than Thanderclan? She ponders this, however, it immediately leaves her mind when she hears of a second "Falcon". "B-but that's so close to your name. Aren't you upset that you have to share it?" She protested, brows screwing together as she sat up in her seat. It didn't matter to her that their warrior names were slightly different. Their beginnings were the same; to her, Falconheart deserved to have it all to himself.

But the subject changes to surround their mother and a smile easily takes the place of kit-like frustration. "Then mama will be Flamestar! Destroyer of evil and keeper of peace!" Scorchedkit declared with a puff of her chest. "Then you could be her deputy, Falconheart." She quickly added, tail waving to accentuate her enthusiasm. Pure innocence shrouds her words. The reality of what it would take to secure such coveted positions was lost to her.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
𓍊𓋼 The little tortoiseshell asks if the RiverClanner he’d bumped into was smelly, but says she can’t smell anything. "They don’t really smell good, I guess. But I wasn’t close to him for long enough to smell gross," he concedes with a shrug. He’s reluctant to say anything negative about any of the other clans, especially around his younger siblings. Some ThunderClanners seem to hate the other clans—he thinks of Skyclaw, and a frown twists across his muzzle. His friend never really liked SkyClan, and recently his hostility has been more difficult than ever to bear. Maybe it has to do with Duskbird’s death, but it makes him wonder if there’s anything he could have done to be a better friend. But Falconheart doesn’t like the way it’s made Skyclaw so hard to be around, and he doesn’t want to see any of his siblings grow up to be the same way. He wants his siblings to grow up feeling secure and safe in ThunderClan, not constantly worrying about the other clans being out to get them.

Thankfully, though, Scorchedkit moves on from the topic rather quickly. Her attention skitters to the smells of all the different clans, something that the cream tabby hasn’t thought of in depth before. "Well… RiverClan kind of smells like fish, and they smell mostly wet. ShadowClan smells musty, like a puddle when it starts attracting mosquitoes. SkyClan smells… like SkyClan? They all smell kind of different, I guess. And WindClan smells like dirt." WindClan only somewhat smells like dirt, but fear keeps the tom far away from the border any time their moor-dwelling neighbors are present.

Next the tortoiseshell’s concern shifts to SkyClan’s multitude of new warriors. That is a lot, he agrees, but in a few months ThunderClan will likely be announcing just as many new apprentices at the gathering. Between Moonwhisper, Roeflame, Leopardtongue, and Flamewhisker, there are plenty of kits to rival SkyClan’s many warriors. His sister then asks whether he’s upset that he has to share his name, and Falconheart shakes his head. "I’m not really upset. Plenty of cats share the same first part of their names. We have Softkit and Softpaw here, after all. And I’m probably the better Falcon anyway." His answer is finished with a gentle chuckle; he doesn’t truly believe it, but he hopes that it will ease Scorchedkit’s worries.

The kit makes the declaration that Flamestar will be the destroyer of evil and the keeper of peace, and it brings a grin to his face. "That’s right, destroyer of evil and keeper of peace! Just like Howlingstar." ThunderClan’s leaders have all been good, strong cats, and Flamewhisker will be no different when she takes her predecessor’s place. Scorchedkit suggests that he could be their mother’s deputy, and he shakes his head lightly. It’s a nice thought, and he would love to eventually take up the same position that both his mother and father before him have held. He’s realistic enough to admit that it isn’t likely to happen, though. It would make more sense for someone like Burnstorm or Roeflame to be deputy. "I don’t think I’m really, uh, deputy material. I’m glad you’ve got my back, though." He offers the kit a bright grin; at least she believes in him, even if it’s the unfounded belief of a kit who simply hasn’t witnessed any of her older brother’s many failures. She’ll find out eventually, he supposes.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore