WindClan Apprentice Adopts ✿ (Closed)


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022


  • These are siblings to my character Petalpaw of WindClan, you can find more details on him in his tags in the Genetics section.

    Brief backstory:
    Gorserunner and Heatherfoot were both loyal WindClanners taken before their time from the Greencough outbreak of last leafbare. They left behind a litter of three kits just old enough to be weaned, but not so young they don't remember their parents well. Of these three kits is Petalpaw, newly made tunneler lastmoon and has never once uttered a word in his short life.
    Both parents were tunnelers and so the apprentices can be small enough to be tunnelers as well, but you're welcome to make them a moor runner too!

  • ✿◦∘● Not FCFS, form is a free-for-all! There are 2 slots.
    ✿◦∘● I'd prefer only Petalpaw be mute in this litter.
    ✿◦∘● Please remain semi-active, I do not expect you to keep up with WindClan's activity, but I do expect them not to vanish.
    ✿◦∘● I will not accept applications from people I have had issues with communication with in the past!
    ✿◦∘● Must remain in WindClan until adults, please don't go out of your way to be exiled, these kits came from loyal parents.
    ✿◦∘● Age realistically on the 1st of each month, starts at 5 moons!
    ✿◦∘● Please use the genetics supplied and be mindful of the naming rules!

  • (Gorserunner) Sire: SH lilac tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, point)
    (Heatherfoot) Dam: SH blue smoke point w/ high white (carrying chocolate, non-silver)

    Kits can be blue, blue smoke, blue tabby, blue silver tabby, blue point, blue smoke point, blue lynx point, blue silver lynx point, lilac, lilac smoke, lilac tabby, lilac silver tabby, lilac point, lilac smoke point, lilac lynx point, or lilac silver lynx point
    - kits will be shorthaired
    - kits can have low white or high white
    - pointed kits will have blue eyes; non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye color
    - tabby kits will carry solid; blue kits will carry chocolate; non-pointed kits will carry point; silver kits will carry non-silver

    Siblings to @Petalpaw (TAGS)
    Preference for plants, WindClan-themed names and strong sounding names...
    Parents would not have given them dark, depressing names or names that can be associated with WindClan traitors or other clans.
    (Example: They wouldn't use water-themed names for RiverClan, would avoid things like Honey (Exiled Medicine Cat) etc...)
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(i'm changing his design so the picture is just temporary!)

PEONYPAW ✦ he/him ; windclan tunneler ; 5 moons

Small lilac lynx point tom with blue eyes.

- - - - - -
✦ dropped your hand while dancing, Peonypaw's expression consists of more often than not a faraway look. Most of his peers think of him as a daydreamer with his head in the clouds, but it is undeniable that he's already exhibiting signs of a good work ethic. The tunneler apprentice loves his work despite his tendency to get distracted - as long as you don't let him get on a passionate ramble while you're underground, he should stick to the task at hand well. Polite and graceful, the young tom offers good company on patrols and training sessions much to the joy of the more experienced warriors.

Despite that smile of his that suggests a good heart, Peonypaw tends to be melancholic and even negative sometimes. Having lost his parents at an alarmingly young age, it is no surprise that his outlook on the world is not in as high spirits as some of the other apprentices'. As a result, he very early on has come to the conclusion that wasting the little time you have is just a sure way to gather a lot of regrets by the time StarClan calls you to join their ranks. Peonypaw has developed a very self-serving attitude, focusing on the things that are part of his ambitions, goals and hopes while casting aside anything that he doesn't deem important.

A mean streak is in development too. His fellow apprentices can't help but think of him as a little two-faced; he might tell you that he has no time for childish gossip, but the very next day he might just start one if it's entertaining enough for him. Selfish, some might sneer, and Peonypaw can't exactly say that's untrue, but why is that such a bad thing? At the very least, this side of him has yet to rear itself in more extreme amounts - his personality is more mellow than anything at the moment, but his focus being on his own priorities and well-being (his siblings are the only exceptions, both of which he puts on a pedestal) means this could turn on its head the second it's beneficial for him.

✦ crestfallen on the landing, A litter of three welcomed into a world of sickness; that's one of the most prominent memory for Peonykit. His loving parents' lives were cut short thanks to the cruel greencough that rampaged through WindClan, and the three kittens would not grow to shake that memory of loss.

The stars above offered Peonykit some level of comfort. His siblings were there, of course, and he loves them all very dearly, but the knowledge that his parents are looking down at him from StarClan made it easier to sleep at night.

The moons passed - they say time heals all wounds, but even as Peonykit graduates to apprentice by the name of Peonypaw, he has to wonder if that's really true. Just how much time? Now with apprentice duties to focus on, he can at least shut his brain off easier and make himself useful.

After all, he couldn't let his parents or himself down.
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---updated the genetics for a litte more variety! :3
Aha don't mind me

mallowkit . mallowpaw . mallowblaze

↳ Mallow, the flower that often symbolizes; romantic interest, healing, and survival in tough conditions. Mallow was named after the flower that lives in the most harshest of conditions, a reminder to overcome and thrive even through the hardest of times. It also represents the color of her eyes (a bright amber)
— windclan apprentice ; moor runner
— female, she/her ; closeted bisexual - bicurious
Gorserunner x Heatherfoot, sibling to petalpaw & tba

A wiry blue silver tabby with bright amber eyes Inheriting her parents small and slender frame, Mallowpaw has the makings to be a wonderful tunneler. Skinny and flexible she's able to fit through the smallest of crevices, but her long and limber legs make her born for the wide expansive fields of Windclans territory. Her silvery coat is unblemished with scars, all aside from the small knick in her ear she received during a spar. Her features, whilst triangular in nature, look worn with unease -- plagued with a restlessness that never seems to leave her.
— scent: she smells like fresh grass and occasionally like dew


( + ) compassionate, earnest, protective ( / ) paternalistic, strict, obedient ( - ) assertive, scornful, steely Mallowpaw often tries to present herself as a very outgoing individual, a cat who makes an effort to approach anyone and everyone no matter the background. She's kind and earnest toward her fellow clanmates, ready to praise and support them for their rights and unafraid to correct them in their wrongs. She prides herself in being a cat who's warm to approach, but while she loves to goof off when the time calls for it she takes her duties as a moor runners apprentice very seriously. Especially her siblings tunneler responsibilities.

Mallowpaw tends to be very protective of her siblings, coddling and more often than not making them rehearse what their training entails under the ground. The loss of their parents have made her paranoid of death, too afraid to loose another person she loves to preventable (or unpreventable) measures, so she does the only thing she knows how to do; train. Despite her own limited knowledge of the world, she tries her best to be a support system her siblings could go to. Often going through hell or high water to make sure their needs and wants are met, regardless of her own.
mannerisms: Mallowpaw always tries to make herself know to unsuspecting cats by chuffing, she herself spooks easily so she tries to be courteous to those with a similar skittishness. During stressful conversations or situations, Mallowpaw has the tendency to smile -- a smile that strains her jaw and doesnt quite reach her eyes in a way that's warm or compassionate
— will start fights | will end fights | will not flee | will show mercy
— (will) excel at long distance chases, hunting and tracking


— Id like to explore her decisiveness in becoming a moor runners apprentice, having parents who were proud tunnelers she often wondered if they were judging her decisions. Did sootstar make the right choice? was she really more fitting as a moor runner than a tunneler? Would they be proud of her regardless? Thoughts like these will eat at her for a long time as she'll never receive the closure she desperately yearns for, but over time she learns that she's still serving her clan in a way her parents would want her to and finally lets go of the false expectations she's set up for herself. She knows her parents love her, that's all that really matters.

Im sure Ill think of more but for now this is all I got : ]