Hi all! With the beloved Dizzy departing the HP team the deputy position has opened up once more. Please be sure to read the ENTIRITY of this thread as it contains important information you must know before submitting an application! (Also credit to marq for formatting and some wording i stole all of it)

  • Must be 9+ moons old (warrior age in WindClan)
  • Must ICly show loyalty and devotion to not only Sootstar but StarClan and the Warrior Code. Sootstar would not pick a cat who often goes against her word/has more passive/"soft" approaches to situations.
  • Roleplayer must pre-consent to powerplay of their oc receiving a chest scar, as it is viewed as a badge of honor in WindClan and something a high ranking should be proud of
  • Roleplayer must not hold another deputy or leader position in a different clan. This excludes lead warriors.

  • OOC activity & friendliness. You must be seen outside of your channel talking & plotting with others. I understand that sometimes social activity dwindles due to mood and irl and thats perfectly fine, but overall, you need to be an active and engaging member of the community! You might be leader one day after all and you must have a connection with the members of your community OOCLY ;)
  • That being said you MUST be participating in the WindClan discord and HP discord whenever possible
  • IC activity. I'm looking for someone who can AT LEAST do 15+ posts a month! WindClan tends to be one of the faster paced clans, while it does fluctuate, we've consistently been the second or fastest clan for the past several months. There might be times where expectations are slightly higher than they appear to be in other clans, but I promise that's not as scary as it sounds and the entirety of the HP team understands IRL happens. We are understanding and flexible
  • Along with IC activity I'm looking for someone who puts themselves in lots of opens! Participating in privates is 100% okay but they shouldn't make up a majority of your post count
  • Someone who can handle intensity. WindClan tends to be a high angst clan, while intensity fluctuates make sure you understand they are more aggressive and cut-throaty than other clans. The HP team has found this sometimes stresses us out as caretakers of the clan, so I feel transparency is important that with WindClan's ic environment you may occasionally feel a different type of stress than you would as an HP in other clans
Likely there are notes I am forgetting, but these should be the main ones!

I am also open to hearing out TEMPORARY DEPUTY PLOTS, this means a pre-plotted demotion with a max 2 month plot before you must step down for the permanently chosen deputy. I'm LIKELY not going to go this route but I think short term MCAS and deputies are cool and make the environment feel more real/changing. Just know there is ALWAYS still the risk you will oopsies be promoted to leader (I doubt it but if I were to vanish) and you need to be consenting of that! You will be held to the same standards as a permanent deputy ^^ TEMPORARY DEPUTY PLOTS WILL NOT BE KEPT "SECRET". THERE WILL BE FULL OOC TRANSPARENCY TO THE CLAN IF WE GO THIS ROUTE SO THEY KNOW THE PERMANENT POSITION IS STILL OPEN!

 [b]Main account[/b]:
[b]Character account[/b]:
[b]Why are you interested in this position OOCly?[/b]:
[b]Why do you think your character would be an interesting pick?[/b]:
[b]What is your characters outward stance with Sootstar?[/b]:
[b]What is your character's position on the current climate between the Clans?[/b]:
[b]Are you wanting this role for the long-term or are you interested in a temp plot?[/b]:
[b]Is there anything else you'd like us to know or any other notes?[/b]:



( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Sootpaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Main account: @Wolf_Morgue
Character account: @Nutsprout
Why are you interested in this position OOCly?: I love Windclan, its my most muse filled clan and one ive always enjoyed through all the plots! Im a sucker for drama and angst
Why do you think your character would be an interesting pick?: Nutsprout is a previous Coalition cat like Ghoststrike, and I think he'd fit into the military like world of Windclan! He is very stric and rule bound while also trying ro be friendly towards others! I think he'd make a good bridge between Windclan and the HPs.
What is your characters outward stance with Sootstar?: Sootstar reminds him of the Coalition and doesnt think shes keeping the promise of a good leaf bare for the rogues, but she has a sense of comfort with him. The military and strict rules are familiar and make him feel at home.
What is your character's position on the current climate between the Clans?: Nut isnt sure about the rift between the clans. He wasnt there for a lot of the fighting and thinks Weaselclaw was in the right for attacking over their food. He doesnt like Riverclan right now due to the border skirmish and finds tension in their alliance with Shadowclan. The other two clans he has no opinion on, he doesnt have enough information to make an opinion.
Are you wanting this role for the long-term or are you interested in a temp plot?: Long term please!
Is there anything else you'd like us to know or any other notes?: Nope!
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Main account: @revelations
Character account: @SUNSTRIDE
Why are you interested in this position OOCly?: To be frank, I love the plots that spring up in this clan. The fluidity of its environment, the chaos of it. The idea of this rogue being promoted to a position of power so soon after joining, and him and Soot both dealing with the repercussions of this choice is really intriguing to me. I can see many different paths for him through this, and I love that!
Why do you think your character would be an interesting pick?: Well, first of all he's a former rogue and recent joiner to WindClan, as mentioned! He would likely be controversial to some members of the clan, though he would be quick to try and prove himself a capable deputy. He's a very clever man with experience in all sorts of tense situations, and his loyalty is steadfast.
What is your characters outward stance with Sootstar?: He's very respectful of her, and quite intrigued. Though he certainly is a bit wary of her and the stories he's heard of her, he's equally impressed by the world she has forged. He would interact with her politely but with a certain eager fire, following direction but not blindly or without thought. If he ever opposes her, it will likely be somewhat gently and behind closed doors so to say. She deserves that, in his eyes, and he does truly believe that she cares about WindClan. If they have that in common, they can work through the rest.
What is your character's position on the current climate between the Clans?: Hm, that's hard. Being a former rogue, he's in a sense still adjusting to the idea of a clan and their shared borders. He's curious about them, and can be respectful and warm in situations like a gathering, even being friendly to an extent, but he's very used to prioritizing the survival of those closest to him above all. He's not looking for friendships or alliances. He wants strength and stability for his own people, and isn't above sacrificing another clan for it.
Are you wanting this role for the long-term or are you interested in a temp plot?: I'm incredibly flexible, and could see many ways that he might exit the position early if such circumstances arise, but I would be in it for the long haul and would not want to plan for a temp plot– I would only want him chosen based on his merits and worth in the position full-time.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know or any other notes?: Not particularly! Sunstride is a relatively new character, but one that I have a lot of muse for and interest in. I feel immediately part of WindClan's community and would be eager to see this play out!
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Main account: @Benji
Character account: @Badgermoon
Why are you interested in this position OOCly?: I'm a big fan of behind-the-scenes Clan stuff - I love coming up with plots and helping make a community really welcoming and exciting to be part of OOCly. I also think that TT and WindClan in particular is a super-duper cool roleplay environment that's really quite unlike anything else I've seen before, and I would love to get involved in a deeper capacity.
Why do you think your character would be an interesting pick?: Badgermoon is a very solid type of guy, pretty even-tempered and easygoing, which I think makes him an interesting foil to Sootstar. Moreover, he is a little bit softer & less externally militaristic while possessing an inner proclivity for brutality that I think sets him up nicely for a position of some authority in WindClan specifically. He is also a loyalist and a faithful follower at this juncture, someone with a pretty basic worldview that I'm interested in developing and making more complex.
What is your characters outward stance with Sootstar?: He shows her respect and finds her impressive, particularly because her experiences are so unlike his own; he thinks she is a talented leader, especially considering recent troubles. Importantly, she is the leader of WindClan (to which he is completely devoted) and appointed by StarClan (to which he is also deeply dedicated), which means that he is doubly motivated to follow her and support her choices.
What is your character's position on the current climate between the Clans?: Badgermoon is something of a quasi-isolationist; he thinks other Clans have been disrespectful of WindClan and wants to focus on the well-being of his Clanmates beyond repairing external relationships. However, he is also deeply practical and understands that unnecessary hostilities drain resources and make it less likely that WindClan will flourish. In the present moment, he'd be inclined to advise some withdrawal and time to "cool off", perhaps waiting until newleaf to try to make friendly connections again. In general terms, he'd work for polite but disconnected relationships between groups, with perhaps one close ally in case of emergencies.
Are you wanting this role for the long-term or are you interested in a temp plot?: I'm interested in the role for the long term, but I am happy to talk about other plot ideas as well.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know or any other notes?: I'm confident I'll be able to meet the activity requirements and, of course, give permission for a chest scar to be given in the event that Badgermoon is chosen.
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Main account: @ABRI
Character account: @THYMEROOT
Why are you interested in this position OOCly?: WindClan has a special place in my heart from the days before Tabby Tales, and it has been so fun to watch its formation on here! The plots I've been able to take part in (as well as the ones I've had to simply watch on with) have been so neat, and I honestly just love the drama of it all.
Why do you think your character would be an interesting pick?: Thymeroot is a fairly new warrior, so his age would definitely be an interesting dynamic, having just graduated fairly recently and still working his way around being a warrior. ICly, he's supposed to be someone who picks up the slack where he can and a work-life balance is something he struggles with, often overworking himself, so something could be done there as well.
What is your characters outward stance with Sootstar?: Inwardly, I think Thymeroot harbors some fear about Sootstar, seeing her as intimidating, which often pushes him to work even harder. Outwardly, he is respectful of her and her decisions, and has yet to see fault in her leadership, as it's all he truly knows.
What is your character's position on the current climate between the Clans?: Thymeroot has yet to find much fault with the other clans, but still thinks highly of his own clan, and would want to see them succeed over others. This is something that will most definitely change as time goes on as he sees what trouble the other clans bring in.
Are you wanting this role for the long-term or are you interested in a temp plot?: I’m fine with either! Realistically, I can see him being a temporary deputy - due to his age and the high level of stress this may bring to him - but I’m down for something longer termed, if necessary!
Is there anything else you'd like us to know or any other notes?: Thymeroot is Dandelionwish’s brother, if that puts any hinderance on anything!
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