Jul 6, 2022

WindClan will be hosting mass adopts for the fall season!

For any unfamiliar, the mass adopt is a big thread with a bunch of different open and already established relations you can make an OC for. Want someone to play your ocs sibling? Child? Parent? Aunt or Uncle? Whatever you're looking for, a good place to advertise it would be in the WindClan mass adopts!

Anyone is welcome to use to form below and put relations they want adopted out on the mass adopts.

JUST NOTE; by putting relations up for adoption on the WindClan's mass-adopts, you agree that any applicants that are submitted for your adopt may be accepted and approved by the HP team. WindClan's mass adopts will be primarily FCFs, so unless someone didn't follow the rules of your litter, they will likely be automatically accepted ^^

ALL RELATIONS ALSO MUST BE IN WINDCLAN, they cannot be a part of another clan.
The oc the adopts are for MUST be actively posted with, preferably on the census!

Still interested in throwing in your characters relations? Fill out the form below and they will be included in the Mass-adopts!

[code][b]Slots:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Parents:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Relations:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Genetics:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Rules:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Other:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Slots:[/b] 04
[b]Parents:[/b] Bunnypounce x NPC
[b]Relations:[/b] children to @BUNNYPOUNCE. littermate to @coldpaw 
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] Kits are currently 5 months old aging on the first of the month, and therefore will be apprentices
[b]Genetics:[/b] Sire: SH blue silver tabby w/ low white (carrying albino)
Dam: SH albino (masking silver tabby; carrying dilute)

Kits can be silver tabby or blue silver tabby
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits may or may not be albino
- albino kits will have pink eyes; non-albino kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; non-albino kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- non-albino kits will carry albino; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
- These kits are the results of Bunnypounce getting baby fever from seeing so many happy families in windclan. The dad had absolutely no part in their lives other than being a genetic donor.
- Bunny loves these kids very much but she is more like a reckless older sibling than a mother. This is to an extent where she lets these kids do whatever they want within the bounds of what windclan allows (think like they're taught not to talk back to / disrespect warriors, but they have no bedtime enforced and can eat whatever or do whatever) and generally has them call her by name or even "sis" rather than call her "mom"
- You cannot kill off these characters until they are at least 9 moons old
- These characters must remain in windclan until they reach 9 moons old
- It is highly likely but not required that these kits will be tunnelers as both she and the npc dad are small bodied tunnelers themselves
- Names will be short, simple words that are either objects she saw nearby or defining characteristics of that kit: [i]grey-, small-, stumpy-, rabbit-, dirt-, grass-, tunnel-, etc.[/i]
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] casual at minimum
[b]Other:[/b] these are also listed on my mini-mass adopts, so please be aware slots may close sooner if applied for on there
[b]Slots:[/b] 2
[b]Parents:[/b] NPC x NPC
[b]Relations:[/b] parents to @MOUSEPAW. 
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 40-50 moons old (you pick!)
- Sire: shorthaired blue ticked tabby (OPEN)
- Dam: shorthaired red tabby with low white (OPEN)
- you must stay within the genetics given
- although these cats do not have to be part of the future loyalist rogue plot, they do hold high standards of what a true WindClanner is and have taught that to Mousepaw
- Mousepaw is the only cat from his litter, but other litters are possible and welcomed!
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] casual to semi active, at least five posts a month please 
[b]Other:[/b] FCFS
[code][b]Slots:[/b] 3
[b]Parents:[/b] NPC x NPC
[b]Relations:[/b] Elder siblings to Sedgepounce
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 17 moons & age realistically on the first of each month
[b]Genetics:[/b] Sedge is a brown / taupe tabby with high white
[b]Rules:[/b] These are Sedge's elder siblings! He's currently 11 moons old and is the only cat in his litter. Personality and general appearance is a total free for all—the only contingency is that Sedge is not very close to these siblings (which can definitely change in RP!) since they're so much older. He considers them all studious and distant compared to his free-willed nature. They're likely to be devout WindClanners in their own ways. ++ Bonus points for a tom named Hawkswoop, since he's the only NPC sibling to be officially referenced!
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] FFA. Sedge averages at about 10 posts per month, but no pressure to match activity
[b]Other:[/b] Feel free to hmu on Discord with any questions!