WindClan HPR Angst-Heartbreak Litter

Their Story

Throughout WindClan, it is known that Hyacinthbreath is head over heels for her long-time mate Lavenderstorm. Together, they are known as quite the femme fatale couple, one which those in WindClan would never guess would break apart anytime soon. With their strong bond, they had decided that having kits was their next goal. They wanted a family badly, and so Lavender went to WindClan's newly appointed Deputy to ask if he would be their surrogate. When that fails, the couple begins to drift apart; but not at their own will, as Lavenderstorm had decided to take a short break to gather herself. During this time, Hyacinthbreath is left by her lonesome for days at a time- and her grief is soothed by the company of her friend Moonshadow. This night of comfort soon turns into an affair that Hyacinth is determined to bury and move on from, but her plans to avoid the molly is disrupted by news that Moonshadow was pregnant with her kits.

Kits which aren't biologically Lavenderstorm's.

The very thought of such a secret getting out terrifies Hyacinthbreath, and she begs Moonshadow to keep the kits' sire a secret until she can talk to Lavenderstorm about what happened between them. However, her plan goes awry when a rumor gets out that Hyacinth might just be the biological sire of the new WindClan kits.

1.) This litter is not first-come first-serve unless there is just enough applications to fill all slots by the time the deadline is met. The deadline is set for 4/2/23. Extensions will be made if not enough people apply, or by request.
2.) While there is no set form to apply with, we will pick candidates that show serious interest in wanting to play a kit first.
3.) This litter will follow realistic genetics, but stylized designs based off of the genetics given are accepted as well.
4.) These kits must stay in WindClan until they are Warriors, and must stay active. If you wish to drop the kit you're playing, then please inform @/saeyoung so we can re-adopt the kit. These kits are not death fodder, so do not kill them off if you grow bored of playing them.
5.) With the circumstances of their birth, it is up to you to decide if you'd like your kit to hate Hyacinthbreath or not for leaving them in WindClan. It was their decision to stay, but they are children and we expect them to be a bit upset anyhow.
6.) These kits are 9 months old, and apprentices of WindClan.

SIRE: SH silver lynx point with high white (carries longhair, solid)
DAM: LH black smoke with low white (carries point)

kits can be black smoke, silver tabby, smoke point, or silver lynx point.
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have low white or high white
- tabby kits will be spotted tabbies
- kits can have any realistic eye color; point kits will have blue eyes
- kits with blue eyes could inherit a genetic trait that causes their eyes to look slightly blue-purple when exposed to sunlight
- shorthair kits will carry longhair; tabby kits will carry solid; non-point kits will carry point

Hyacinthbreath and Moonshadow are both Gen 1, making the litter Gen 2.
Hyacinthbreath was previously a Lead Warrior of WindClan, and Moonshadow is a Warrior of WindClan. Hyacinthbreath is now a Warrior of RiverClan.

While there is no mandatory naming theme, Moonshadow would most likely give her children a serene or elegant-sounding name. They will take on the -kit suffix when they are born, and will use -paw suffix when they become apprentices- with their traditional warrior names being given when the time comes.

Examples of some prefixes she'd name her kits are Wisteria, Cypress, Sycamore, Hummingbird, Almond, Lilac, Nightingale, Firefly, Guppy, Sand, Tumble, Crow, Dove, Iris, Mint, Hiccup.

It is not mandatory to pick one of the names above, but those are some ideas.

1.) periwinklepaw, played by kitty-kat
2.) wisteriapaw, deceased. played by rai.
3.) nobody
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if I don't make sense, please forgive me I can't sleep at night

periwinklekit | periwinklepaw | periwinklebreeze
reasoning: 'periwinkle' after the plant; 'breeze' for his gracefulness and gentle nature
enjoys nicknames; responds to 'peri' 'wink' 'periwinkle' and any other variation of his name

02 months old
birthdate: 00/00

demi-boy [amab]
uses masculine/gender-neutral pronouns (he/they)

homoromantic | homosexual | monogamous (possibly flexible)
no preferences; will crush on anything that moves

windclan | kit

sh black smoke w high white; carries longhair + point + spotted
an effeminate tom, kit is built tall and long and graceful, with the typical lithe and agile build of an oriental but lacking the sharp angles. his pelt clings tight to his form, short fur soft and glossy, with a notably longer, wilder underbelly and neck ruff. large almond eyes and a heart shaped nose are framed by a triangular face, with large ears set to the sides. pale silvery-grey fur covers most of his pelt, darkening at his limbs in a mockery of a pointed pattern. a raccoon like mask of inky black covers his face, with dark ears and dark forepaws. his hind legs and tail are more gradient in hue, and a few ghost tabby markings peek through along his flanks. his eyes are pale clear blue that seems almost periwinkle in the right lighting.
no scars/birthmarks; speaks with a pronounced stutter
smells like burnt sugar and warm marshmallows

design by artist | visual reference tba |vaugley inspired by
accessories: often has flowers and feathers woven or tucked into his chest and belly fur

pacifist | gentle | compassionate | affectionate
positive: friendly, nurturing, giving, loving, loyal, considerate
neutral: quiet, submissive, attentive, observant
negative: self depreciating, easily manipulated, pushover, lacks self esteem, anxious

a shy young boy, periwinklekit is a gentle and kind soul at heart. he spends most of his time enjoying the simple things, like birdwatching or picking flowers, content to simply live in the moment. he enjoys learning, soaking up knowledge like a sponge and doing his best to memories everything he can. a good kid, periwinkle tries his best to make friends and make his parents proud, but often finds his own ideals don't necessarily match his clanmates expectations of him. he's not ambitious by any means, instead only hoping to someday have a family and kits of his own, and he hates conflict of all kinds, but especially physical, going so far as to allow others to injure him rather than stand up for himself.

mentally fragile | chronic insomnia
symptoms include inadequate quantity or quality of sleep, restlessness, mood swings, difficulty focusing, lethargy, immune dysfunction, anxiety, and depression

moonshadow x hyacinthbreath | gen 2
2 littermates (tbd, tba)

forms platonic relationships easily but must be approached first
forms romantic attachments extremally easily but will not act on them

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- finished !

I'm thinking Horizonkit, Eveningkit, Morningkit, Sunkit, Daykit - so, if she gets accepted I'd love to see which one you prefer <3
previous names?
2 moons
WindClan kit
cis-female (she/her but is fine with they/them)
sexual and romantic preference unknown

a silver lynx point she-kit with blue eyes.
high white & short/longhair (debating)
fate looked down upon the charade and laughed: one kit molded into a miniature version of her "unknown" sire. though a barren field of snow when first born, telltale signs of her hidden heritage begin to emerge. every moon the lynx point's markings darken. the sun's light highlights the silver lynx pattern shielded by the shadows in the nursery.

another nail in the coffin: baby blue eyes gleam with hints of purple when exposed to the sun's all-seeing rays. truly, nature and fate were tranfixed on exposing the parents' ruse.

excluding the disproportionate ears, her grown physique will mimic that of hyacinthbreath: dainty and slim. by cat standards, she'll grow into quite the beauty.
anything else you can think of

at only two moons old, her personality is moldable and events will greatly affect it. however, she will be a relatively reserved and quiet kit. she won't be fussy nor disobedient. she's not a pushover, though. she'll speak her mind when pressed.
mbti type
hogwarts house
any mental illnesses etc

will originally respect hyacinthbreath but lose all of it once the secret is revealed.
absolutely adores moonshadow.
will be protective of her siblings although will express disdain towards any positive interactions they may have with hyacinthbreath.
parent to none
child of moonshadow & hyancithbreath
sibling to one, two

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Lilackit -- Lilacpaw -- Lilacbreath
Kitten of Windclan
— nicknames; Lily, Lilac, Bubs
— Cisgendered Feminine she/her (Enby Femme they/them)
— Heterosexual Heteromantic (Polyam Demisexual Sapphicromantic)
— Single
— Sounds like Larua Prepon
— Smells like dandelions and heather​

A longhaired silver tabby cat with white and blue eyes
— Lilackit stands at about 5 inches tall fully grown and is a skinny thing at 5lbs fully grown. She has a narrow shaped head and muzzle, coming to a point at her nose with round, large ears. Lilackit is a long haired cat across her whole body. She has a long plumming tail adorn with darker tabby stripes and her face fur is also very long. She has tufts of fur between her toes and growing off of her heels that always seem matted. Her coat is a rich silvery color adorn with blackened spots up her flanks and across her muzzle like freckles. White sits on all four paws as well as across her chest and face, making one side fully white. Lilackit also has round saucer-like, deep cerluean blue eyes with patches of green around the edges to give her patrial heterchromia.
any extra notes

( + ) positive traits
( / ) neutral traits
( - ) negative traits
— Autsim spectrum, Bipolar 1 disorder​


name meaning?
This flower represents love, fertility, beauty, creativity, and long life. It can also symbolize things like patience and honor. The flower can live for more than 100 years, so it's often regarded as a symbol of everlasting wisdom
previous names? N/A
age? 3 moons (Ages every 11th of the month.)
position in clan? kitten of windclan
gender/sexuality? Trans Male | (He/Him) | Questioning
relationship status? N/A

A sleek silver tabby and white tom, his eyes are an intense blue-violet.
Moonlight dipped in snow, Wisteriakit is a lithe and slender silver cat with faint tabby markings that are easily missable at a glance. He carries himself prim and proper, holds himself with grace and esteem and disliked being dirtied. His eyes are intense, reflecting the faint violet of his flowery namesake.

Boisterous, loud and generally a problem child. Wisterakit believes himself above the rules and certainly wastes no time in breaking them. He's the first to pick a fight and the last to leave it, getting underfoot and generally being obnoxious. He'll quickly run crying to his mother the literal second he gets a taste of his own medicine.
As he grows older the chaos will lessen and he'll gradually work into a more pulled together but still tempermental young apprentice whose superority complex is not as prominent as before but still lingering.

➸ easy to form platonic relationships
➸ moderately average to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of?

@hyacinthbreath & @moonshadow
sibling to? @Periwinklebreeze. & TBA
➸ apprentice to? N/A

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- Aspenkit
- Silver lynx point with low white spotting (mainly face & underbelly) & icy blue eyes
- Reserved, blunt, optimistic, formal, loyal

Named after the pale bark of an aspen tree
3 moons(?)
Cis female (She/her) & orientation

Scrawny, long-haired silver lynx point with low white spotting and icy blue eyes
Long, tangled fur adorns Aspenkit's scrawny frame, giving her a slightly larger, if somewhat bedraggled, appearance. Her fur is a soft grey, darkening along her limbs, tail, head, and ears. Stripes darker still adorn her fur, marking her as a lynx point, though in places they are interrupted by mottled white patches. Her chest, throat, and chin are swallowed by white fur, and the white spills up and around her nose along one side. A few extra areas of white give her a sort of patchwork appearance - her belly, front right toes, left hind paw, and tail tip also sport splotches of white. As a kit, her paws and ears will always seem a bit too big, making her feel clumsy and awkward, but as she ages Aspenkit will grow into her proportions, though her ears will always seem a bit large. As she grows, her eyes will always remain a deep, icy blue.
Typically found with a messy, tangled pelt full of small twigs and leaves
Carries solid

Reserved, blunt, optimistic, formal, loyal
From a young age, Aspenkit is rather reserved, opting to observe before jumping to action, though she is not afraid to make her opinion known when she deems it necessary. She does not see any reason to sugarcoat her words, though Aspenkit is rarely intentionally malicious - rather, she tries to convey her meaning in a way that makes sense to her. Despite the harsh nature of her words on occasion, Aspenkit primarily chooses to look for the good in most things, and often tries to look at the positives alongside the negatives of a given situation. Due to her blunt nature, she is generally open about how she is feeling, and she tries to make it known to others how she feels about them through actions rather than words. Once Aspenkit's trust is gained, it is not easy to lose, and she gives those she has faith in the utmost respect.
mbti type
hogwarts house

Somewhat easy to form platonic relationships
Somewhat hard to form romantic relationships
Hyacinthbreath x Moonshadow
Sibling to Periwinklekit & TBD
Close with Moonshadow, interested in being close with Hyacinthbreath

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