The WindClan HP team is looking to broaden WindClan's current landmark variety, so we figured what better way than to have some friendly competition! The prize for the winner? ONE MONTH OF DISCORD NITRO!

We want our community to have a hand in coming up with a new landmark and also having a say in which landmark gets implemented. Everyone who is BOTH IN WINDCLAN AND NOT IN WINDCLAN IS WELCOMED TO PARTICIPATE as this is not an in-character specific competition. That being said, entries can be made both ICLY and OOCLY.


- If you wish to do some writing with your character, you may roleplay out your character discovering and exploring this landmark in a one-shot! Make sure your character clearly goes over what the landmark is, its main use and other potential uses, where on the territory its located, & optionally a name for the landmark.


- Really the same as the IC option, but you are writing in the third person instead of through the eyes of your character. Please still be thorough and describe what the landmark is, its main use and other potential uses, where on the territory its located, & optionally a name for the landmark.

When submitting a thread, please make it obvious in your title that it's a submission for the landmark competition and put them on the PRIVATE BOARD!

(ANOTHER NOTE: If you fear members may biasly vote for or against your landmark, you are welcome to submit your landmark privately to ava VIA DMs. You will ony be revealed as the creator of the landmark if you win. YOU WILL receive credit on the guide somewhere for your landmark, so don't feel like opting for this will take your chances of credit away)

Entries will then be voted on VIA Google Survey's (platform the clans host Clan Feedback survey's on). Each person on TabbyTales will only be allowed to vote ONCE and an email will be required when voting to ensure no one votes more than one time. Aside from who wins, the number of votes and who voted for what landmark will NOT be revealed to anyone except WindClan's OOC leader (ava).


  • By entering you agree that WindClan may use your landmark concept.
  • By entering you understand that WindClan's HP team will show your submission to staff to make sure if it wins the voting that we have permission to implement it. If for whatever reason staff denies it, we will let you know and inform you why they have.
  • By entering you agree that the WindClan HP team may make tweaks to your concepts, we may add or remove elements of your idea and we may also come up with a different name from what you provided. Regardless, your landmark idea will NOT become unrecognizable to the concept you presented to us
  • By entering you agree to have your landmark voted on
  • IMPORTANT: the competition needs AT LEAST 3 ENTRIES for the prize of discord nitro to be handed out to the winner.

Another question floating around might be, what exactly is WindClan's HP team looking for in a landmark? We're more than happy to let you know!

Currently we are looking for a non-hangout spot as we already have Outlook Rock & the Sun-warmed pool, which both have their practical uses but 99% of the time are merely used as hangout locations icly. That's not to say your landmark can't be used as a place to relax, but it preferably wouldn't be your landmarks main use. We are also wanting to avoid locations meant to purely bring more danger to WindClan as we have the gorge. Same as above, your location can have its dangerous but going to the landmark shouldn't be a major risk in itself to a character like the gorge is

We would love for a bigger-end (not bigger than the farm, but bigger than the sun-warmed pool and badgerset den) landmark that is multi-use. But at the end of the day, we would be happy with a landmark that provides a different main use than the others we currently have (see below)!

(Outlook Rocks practical use = a lookout of the territory. Easy to spot dangers and trespassers. Sun-warmed Pools practical use = that herbs grow nearby and it's also a good place for Medics to treat and bathe wounds. Abandoned Badgerset practical use = shelter and a potential dangersite for returning badgers. The main use of the gorge = marking the RiverClan border and providing a dangerous/risky area for cats of WindClan to approach. The Horseplace is WindClan's twoleg interaction landmark)

Some ideas you could use and expand upon (more than one person can use these ideas, just know that only one will win);

- A Training Grounds (could also be used for hangouts & hunting as secondary uses)
- Could get more specific like an agility training grounds, a fighting training grounds, etc or make the landmark efficient for all sorts of training!

- Popular *large* hunting locations, a copse of trees, a popular water-source for the clan and prey, etc

- A cat-made hiking/walking trail with sticks and rocks to point you in the right direction. Could be used commonly as a racecourse

- Any F2U starter ideas anyone has to offer can also be thrown here!

For now please avoid;
- Landmarks only certain cats could use (tunnelers or moor runners only, apprentices only, etc) Not to say they couldn't be popular among a certain rank though!
- Landmarks populated by twolegs
- A reminder to avoid landmarks with the same or similar main uses as ones we already have now

If you have ANY questions don't hesitate to ask in the replies below or in WindClan's discord server! Thank you for reading and we hope to see your concepts soon!!
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ok so to add onto this, a few ideas i have could be:
- tall hill of some sort? maybe the tallest in the territory? a place for training and talking to starclan (higher = closer)
- maybe some sort of like gorsey area with a path? so they can practice agility?
- maybe a tunnel landmark? something unique like a spring of water or something? (i’m tempted to mention having *one* tunnel larger members can fit in but i also know tunnels are supposed to be “exclusive”

I’ll expand upon my general idea once I’m able! But for now this is my notes for my submission!!
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UPDATE: I just added this to be included in the rules; but since the reward is heftier than usually provided for this type of competition Im requiring a minimum of 3 participants in order for the prize to be awarded to the winner. Sorry for the inconvenience!! This will be up for awhile so I'm sure we'll meet that minimum, but its something I thought to add a few days late
On the near edges of Wind Clans territory, just before the high stones there is a tunnel, almost invisible to the untrained eye and it looks almost identical to the thousands of other tunnels that dot the landscape however, this tunnel holds a secret. Once you go a little bit of the way in it opens up into a cavern. Inside the cavern is a spring, no matter the season the water is always warm. This is particularly useful for elders capable of making the trip and is seen as a place of healing from Star clan. Sick cats are often brought here in hopes that Star Clan will bless them and heal them. Additionally, many stones can be found along the hot springs banks which cats often pick up and bring with them to mark graves. (Tying into the new tradition). At the top of the cavern is a hole that allows sun or moon light to filter in, illuminating the space so it is not in pitch darkness. Additionally, though, this hole can be a great danger for cats not looking for it as it is just the right size for one to fall in and meet their end.
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The Ground Maw: An abandoned two-leg construction area (perhaps they were making a silo or something here) but long since left to be retaken by nature. It has various things around it such as mossy and overgrown lumber piles and maybe even a dilapated tractor but the main focus is the series of long 'stone' (concrete) tunnels partially buried in the earth with one tilted at just enough above ground to allow access. It is a long, seamless black tunnel quite unlike the comforting dirt ones of the moorlands and it is large enough to easily fit even the biggest of feral cat.
These stone cylinders are designs to make drainage areas but to the cats they dip into the darkness and seem to be swallowed by the earth. It is the furthest thing from the stars one can imagine. While this area is empty enough to be used as a training place the deep tunnel is a right of passage of sorts for upcoming warriors, still apprentices who will challenge one another to see who can get from one end to the other the fastest and who will fearfully back out or not. Under the ground and buried beneath the earth in a smooth cylinder of stone where your claws gain no traction: Are you brave enough, apprentice?
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the wheat field
an expansive field of golden wheat and rye located just north of the windclan camp. in the center of this field is a single quaking aspen tree at the center of a wide clearing; the wheat provides the perfect cover from airborn predators, mice are commonplace nibbling on the grasses, and the clearing at the center makes for an excellent training ground, with enough space for cats to run and fight. there are three wide, flat rocks near the aspen tree that heat easily from the intense sunlight that windclan endures, and since it's north of the windclan camp and nestled near the trees lining the thunderpath border and the horseplace, it would be an ideal area for the windclan cats to evacuate to in case of an invasion.
the lookout;
- a large hill that overlooks neighboring territories. this can be used to survey the territory from a higher angle, and help the clan to defend themselves from invading attackers. could also be used as a point windclan will force attacking enemies too to win the upperhand of fighting on steep slopes.

the winding path;
- expanding upon ava’s idea of a race course, this could be an abandoned hiking trail / deer trail that windclan has made use of. could be used for training to navigate steep / challenging terrains, new hunting grounds, or as a fun race course for when the clan needs to unwind! likely to be popular among apprentices for the fun side, and popular with warriors/mentors for being able to train their apprentices in a new environment (potentially even a safer one than being exposed on the moors)
notes included in post