Jul 6, 2022

WindClan will be hosting mass adopts in the month of May!

For any unfamiliar, mass adopts is basically a big thread with a bunch of different open and already established relations you can make an OC for. Want someone to play your ocs sibling? Child? Parent? Aunt or Uncle? Whatever you're looking for, a good place to advertise it would be in the WindClan mass adopts!

Anyone is welcome to use to form below and put relations they want adopted out on the mass adopts.

JUST NOTE; by putting relations up for adoption on the WindClan's mass-adopts, you agree that any applicants that are submitted for your adopt may be accepted and approved by the HP team. WindClan's mass adopts will be primarily FCFs, so unless someone didn't follow the rules of your litter, they will likely be automatically accepted ^^

ALL RELATIONS ALSO MUST BE IN WINDCLAN, they cannot be apart of another clan.

Still interested in throwing in your characters relations? Fill out the form below and they will be included in the Mass-adopts!
UPDATE: If you can remember please put your form in a code box for my ease!

[code][b]Slots:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Parents:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Relations:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Genetics:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Rules:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] ANSWER
[b]Other:[/b] ANSWER
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Slots: 2

Parents: NPC xx NPC

Relations: Scorchstreak’s siblings (backwritten as having traveled with her & joining WindClan when she did)

Age & Aging Rules: Age monthly on the 1st

Genetics: longhair black point with low white (carrying dilute, chocolate) xx shorthair tortoiseshell with low white (carrying longhair, chocolate, colorpoint, dilute)
— offspring may be longhair or shorthair
— offspring can be black, chocolate, red, blue, lilac, cream, tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, dilute tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell
— offspring may be solid or colorpoint
— offspring may have any amount of white, or none at all
— non-dilutes will carry dilute & shorthairs will carry longhair & non-colorpoint will carry colorpoint
— offspring may carry chocolate

Rules: Must remain in WindClan, please don’t drop off the face of the earth with them—the usual rules

Desired Activity: Nothing crazy, but at least some level of activity!

Other: Tunnelers are preferred bc sibling tunnel adventures would be fun, but moor runners are okay too!
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Slots: 2 Siblings & 2 parents
Parents: tbd & tbd
Relations: Milkpaw
Age & Aging Rules: siblings are 5 moons (25th) & realistic time
Sire: SH black smoke (carrying point, non-silver)
Dam: SH lynx rosette point (carrying solid)

Kits can be black, black tabby, black smoke, silver tabby, seal point, lynx point, seal point smoke, or silver lynx point
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits will have no white
- points will have blue eyes; non-points can have any realistic eye color besides blue
- tabbies will display a rosette tabby pattern
- tabbies will carry solid; silver kits will carry non-silver; non-points will carry point
Please don't move them to another clan for a while!
Please don't kill em off for a while.
Angst is 100% accepted.
Parents are also up for adoption and names have not been disclosed!
Desired Activity: casual to active, anything works.
Other: The only description I've given is that his sister is a goody two shoes, and his dislike for her! Go wild and have fun!
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[spoiler=BACKWRITTEN ROGUES][b]Slots:[/b] Unlimited
[b]Parents:[/b] Up to you
[b]Relations:[/b] Up to you. Lived in the rogue group with the following;

[B][B]Previous Leader;[/B]
@Gin (Killed by Sootstar)

[B]Other Rogues Formerly of Gin's Group;[/B]
@Jasperglare (In exile)
@Branchfall. (Deceased, murdered) 
(Please reach out if we are missing your character)

Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 6-120+ Moons
[b]Genetics:[/b] Up to you
[b]Rules:[/b] Character will have come from Gin’s Rogue group, which terrorized the loner lands outside of WindClan until coyotes began to slaughter their prey and themselves. Please read [url=]here[/url] for the whole backstory!

[*]Characters must be morally gray. It’s encouraged that they are somewhere in the “evil” spectrum of alignment. PLEASE DO NOT apply and then change their alignment icly as them being brutish and hostile was part of their plot.
[*]They are eligible to request a badge [url=]here[/url] AFTER they’ve reached 20 IC POSTS. This will be enforced.
[*]Character cannot leave WindClan unless exiled, which is discouraged. They are meant to thrive in WindClan.
[*]They may be called upon for a plot involving the code very soon!!!
[*]If you have any questions please contact the WindClan HP team!
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] This adopt is low risk, inactivity will not result in rehoming.
[b]Other:[/b] N/A[/spoiler]
[b]Slots:[/b] 5
[b]Parents:[/b] Bunnypounce X NPC
[b]Relations:[/b] @" BUNNYPOUNCE " 
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 3 moons, ages realtime on the 1rst of each month (apprentices by windclan standard)
[b]Genetics:[/b] (by blitz <3)
Sire: SH blue silver tabby w/ low white (carrying albino)
Dam: SH albino (masking silver tabby; carrying dilute)

Kits can be silver tabby or blue silver tabby
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits may or may not be albino
- albino kits will have pink eyes; non-albino kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; non-albino kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- non-albino kits will carry albino; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
[b]Rules:[/b] these kits are subject to any/all tabbytales and mass adopt rules
- naming theme is short, simple prefixes, likely either objects she saw nearby or defining characteristics of that kit (grey-, small-, stumpy-, rabbit-, dirt-, grass-, tunnel-, etc.) 
- it is highly likely that these kits will be tunnelers as both she and the npc dad are small bodied tunnelers themselves 
- she loves these kids very much but she is more like a reckless older sibling than a mother. like, she lets these kids do whatever they want within the bounds of what windclan allows (think like they're taught not to talk back to / disrespect warriors, but they have no bedtime enforced and can eat whatever or do whatever) and generally has them call her by name rather than call her "mom" 
- please do not kill off these characters until they are at least 9 moons old
- these characters must remain in windclan until they reach 9 moons old 
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] any activity level is fine, but if inactive for over a month with no warning i reserve the right to rehome the slot
[b]Other:[/b] n/a
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Parents: Gin x Tonic (Both deceased former rogues.)
Relations: Offspring of the Rogue Leader Gin, siblings to @Turtlespots & @REDRUMBLE
Age & Aging Rules: 16 moons (ages 1st of each month)
Sire: SH black tabby (carrying dilute, solid)
Dam: SH blue tortoiseshell w/ high white

Toms can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, torbie, or blue torbie
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits will have low white
- kits can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
- tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
-Please follow the rules listed in the WindClan Rogues slot section as this is just an extension of that!
-Their loner names were themed after alcoholic drinks.
-They had no loyalty to their father as he was abusive, so they should hold nothing against Sootstar for killing him.
-It was rumored he left his mate to die to coyotes during an attack because he felt her too weakwilled.
Desired Activity: Casual to Active is fine, will rehome after a few months of no posts though.
Other: FCFS within reason, I am rehoming them and so they should go to a new owner rather than their previous ones.
[b]Slots:[/b] 2
[b]Parents:[/b] Gin x Tonic (Both deceased former rogues.)
[b]Relations:[/b] Offspring of the Rogue Leader Gin, siblings to @Turtlespots & @REDRUMBLE
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 16 moons (ages 1st of each month)
Sire: SH black tabby (carrying dilute, solid)
Dam: SH blue tortoiseshell w/ high white

Toms can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, torbie, or blue torbie
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits will have low white
- kits can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
- tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits will carry dilute
-Please follow the rules listed in the WindClan Rogues slot section as this is just an extension of that!
-Their loner names were themed after alcoholic drinks.
-They had no loyalty to their father as he was abusive, so they should hold nothing against Sootstar for killing him.
-It was rumored he left his mate to die to coyotes during an attack because he felt her too weakwilled.
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] Casual to Active is fine, will rehome after a few months of no posts though.
[b]Other:[/b] FCFS within reason, I am rehoming them and so they should go to a new owner rather than their previous ones.
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Slots: 3
Parents: Splinter(Dam) X Stake(Sire) (NPCs)
Relations: Siblings to @JaggedOak
Age & Aging Rules: 41 Moons (on date posting this), Ages 1 Moon every 25th
Sire: LH chocolate tabby w/ polydactylism (carrying dilute)
Dam: LH blue tabby (carrying albino, chocolate)

Kits can be black tabby, chocolate tabby, blue tabby, or lilac tabby
- Kits will be longhaired
- Kits will have no white
- Kits may have any realistic eye color barring blue
- Kits will display either classic, mackerel, or broken mackerel patterns
- black-based kits will carry chocolate; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; kits may or may not carry albino
- Kits may be born with polydactylism, causing extra toes on the paws
- Please try to remain in Windclan, although I'm always open to future plots
- Naming was very 'Spiky/Wood/Stick' theme. Jagged's original name was Spike
- Jaggedoak is max weight (20 lbs) himself so his family probably leans that way
- Pertaining to above, they'd prob be to big for the tunnels but Im not opposed to a runt of the litter tunneler
- Jagged is probably the 'oldest' and probably took up the big bro position when younger
Desired Activity: Casual! I'd like to see them on the board so don't go disappearing for months!!
Other: N/A
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[B]Slots:[/B] Unlimited
[B]Parents:[/B] Up to RPER
[B]Relations:[/B] Up to RPER
[B]Age & Aging Rules:[/B] At least 8 Moons by January of next year OR older
[B]Genetics:[/B] FFA
[B]Rules:[/B] This adopts is very open-ended and allowing of all sorts of in-clan backstories and kin. However, the kicker is that once Sootstar is slain/exiled/etc in February 2024, you character will flee/be exiled from the clan and help start a ex-Sootstar loyalist rogue group. The rogue group will have a similar vibe to Brokenstar's loyalist rogues in canon and with ooc approval from leaders, will raid, trespass, and attempt to take over clans as they see fit. Naturally, they may primarily target WindClan. They will live by no code.

The rogue group will have an IC leader chosen when the time draws near along with potentially a deputy / lead warriors (to mimic their former clan life) but no medicine cat.

[*]Must be a Sootstar loyalist. Doesn't have to be extreme.
[*]Unlikely to be of known kittypet origins
[*]Natural to evil aligned. 
[*]May have backwritten relations with Sootstar, especially if from the marsh group. Ava is always open for plotting
[*]CAN be pre-established characters, if so you don't have to apply just give me a heads up.
[*]Will be heavily called upon for plots the final 3 moons of Sootstar's reign

[B]Desired Activity:[/B] Any activity levels welcome. Inactive slots won't be rehomed.
[B]Other:[/B] n/a
I have-
two lil things...
Slots: 1
Parents: NPC x NPC(both died)
Relations: Houndthiste(adopted father)
Age & Aging Rules: Kid is currently around 7-8 months old, ages realistically
Genetics: FFA, I imagined them being on the more ginger/gold side tbh but ffa
- Must stay in Windclan until atleast 12 moons of age, if a good enough plot is made for them to leave, we may negotiate
- Natural to be chaotic/good aligned
- I'd like them to not be killed off until atleast 12 moons
- Houndthistle was never the absolute *best* dad, especially since the kid probably thinks he gave up on them, but he did love them like they were his own child. This can be reflected in their dynamic however we see fit
- Kid was originally named "Sun" by Houndthistle, though feel free to change the name.
Desired Activity: medium activity is fine
Other: Kit was born to originally a loner that Houndthistle mercy-killed. Everything for the kid's history is in Houndthistle's "Adult" section of his history in his tags! If anything wants to be changed/whatever, feel free to negotiate with me on this and I'll work with whoever gets the slot <3

Slots: 4
Parents: Houndthistle x NPC
Relations: Houndthistle (father)
Age & Aging Rules: Kits will start at 3.5 moons, they age realistically
Genetics: FFA, Houndthistle is a stylized shorthair grey solid tom with low white and shortened tail(manx); carrying long hair, broken mackerel pattern, and cinnamon. Has genetic linkage to polydactylism. These kits ARE littermates, so I'd like if you guys kind of based off eachother for appearances, but don't feel pressured to.
- The kits must remain in Windclan for atleast 3 months of activity.
- Toms would be named after dogs, in honor of Hound and Hound's father, and she-kits would likely be named after flowers. Bonus points if one is named Peony, after Houndthistle's mother.
- Houndthistle was around for their birth at most before being separated, though he wasn't actively looking for them. They may have heard from their mother of Hound's abilities and the stories he spun her. Likely did tell of "Sun", Houndthistle's adopted child.
- Houndthistle was an absent father in most of these kids' lives, having spent most their life looking for "Sun" or in Windclan, ignoring the fact he even had them. Allow this to shape their dynamic with him.
- Kits can range in size, though Houndthistle is described as "very large" and is based loosely off of Maine Coons, NFC, and Highlanders. Hound is stated to tower over most his clanmates, so very unlikely they'd be able to be tunnelers unless they were born a runt.
Desired Activity: Medium-high activity
Other: n/a
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Reactions: WINDCLAN
Slots: 4
Parents: Houndthistle x NPC
Relations: Houndthistle (father)
Age & Aging Rules: Kits will start at 3.5 moons, they age realistically
Genetics: FFA, Houndthistle is a stylized shorthair grey solid tom with low white and shortened tail(manx); carrying long hair, broken mackerel pattern, and cinnamon. Has genetic linkage to polydactylism. These kits ARE littermates, so I'd like if you guys kind of based off eachother for appearances, but don't feel pressured to.
- The kits must remain in Windclan for atleast 3 months of activity.
- Toms would be named after dogs, in honor of Hound and Hound's father, and she-kits would likely be named after flowers. Bonus points if one is named Peony, after Houndthistle's mother.
- Houndthistle was around for their birth at most before being separated, though he wasn't actively looking for them. They may have heard from their mother of Hound's abilities and the stories he spun her. Likely did tell of "Sun", Houndthistle's adopted child.@ava
- Houndthistle was an absent father in most of these kids' lives, having spent most their life looking for "Sun" or in Windclan, ignoring the fact he even had them. Allow this to shape their dynamic with him.
- Kits can range in size, though Houndthistle is described as "very large" and is based loosely off of Maine Coons, NFC, and Highlanders. Hound is stated to tower over most his clanmates, so very unlikely they'd be able to be tunnelers unless they were born a runt.
Desired Activity: Medium-high activity
Other: n/a
@ava edited this to make easier for kids to be accepted in <3
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[b]Slots:[/b] 3
[b]Parents:[/b] TBD x TBD
[b]Relations:[/b] Doverunner's littermates!
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] They start out at 13 moons, and age monthly with her 
[b]Genetics:[/b] shorthair chocolate ticked tabby with low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, long-hair, & pointed) x shorthair lilac tortoiseshell spotted tabby with high white (carrying solid, long-hair, classic tabby pattern, and pointed)
kits can be:
- shorthair or longhair
- chocolate, cinnamon, red, cream, lilac, fawn, chocolate tortie, cinnamon tortie, lilac tortie, fawn tortie
- can be solid or tabby
- tabbies can be ticked or spotted/broken
- can be colorpoint/lynx point
- can have any amount of white spotting
- can have any color eyes except blue, kits with white can have any color eyes
- solids can carry either classic or mackerel pattern
- tabbies can only carry classic pattern 
- Cats can either be tunnelers or moor-runners
- Must stay in Windclan for atleast 2 months irl
- Naming is bird themed! I also based Doverunner's design off of a mourning dove, so bonus points for designs that correlate to their names!
- Loyalty to Windclan's politics can vary from extreme to mediocre at best.
- Kits were born and raised in Windclan!
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] Casual to active preferred!
[b]Other:[/b] Parents are also going up for adoption!

[b]Slots:[/b] 2
[b]Parents:[/b] NPCs
[b]Relations:[/b] Doverunner's parents!
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] Start out at 30 moons!
[b]Genetics:[/b] Sire: shorthair chocolate ticked tabby with low white (carrying cinnamon, dilute, solid, long-hair, & pointed)
Dam: shorthair lilac tortoiseshell spotted tabby with high white (carrying solid, long-hair, classic tabby pattern, and pointed)
- must remain in Windclan! I'm open to plots where they die/are chased out(i.e. mother is part of the loyalist rogues maybe) but otherwise these two are loyalist to Windclan
- Father is a bit less loyal to Sootstar and is known to have a bit of morality issues with the way the clan is ran. Mother is known to be an extreme loyalist. How these things shape their relationship to their kids and their dynamic is up to adoptees
- Backwritten stuff is up to adoptee
- They can be either moor-runners or tunnelers or both, up to whoever adopts them.
- most stuff is up to adoptee, think of this as just, a base to make your own character el oh el
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] casual to active preferred!
[b]Other:[/b] n/a
Slots: 1
Parents: NPC'S
Relations: Heatherpaw's mother
Age & Aging Rules: 37 moons, ages realistically every 17th
Genetics: FFA, Heatherpaw is a red mackeral tabby with mismatched yellow/green eyes
- MUST stay within WindClan. Raised Heatherpaw to be strongly devout to StarClan, and would not betray Sootstar
- Name would be plant-themed to match Heatherpaw's (can be assigned to the prefix or suffix)
Desired Activity: Active / a few posts a week
Other: Heatherpaw is a product of a warrior (mother) and a rogue (father) that lived in the Horseplace. How she met him is up to the rper. She would have been teaching him about StarClan and sharing Clan ways with him when they became romantic, trying to train him as a warrior to appease Sootstar to let him join in. Obviously, this didn't happen and she wouldn't have even attempted once Sootstar started to become more strict on this.
Already a bit too late to stop, she was pregnant with Heatherpaw and had him in October of 2022. Still wanting the best of both worlds, she started taking Heatherpaw to meet his father when he was just 3 months old at a timely schedule.
Her rogue mate then passed to due ingesting something toxic in february or 2023, leading the visits to stop. Heatherpaw copes by understanding StarClan warning him of breaking the code
[b]Slots:[/b] 1
[b]Parents:[/b] Ashbriar x Darkstalk (both npcs)
[b]Relations:[/b] estranged Parental aunt to Snakepaw (played by beatles) and estranged mother to whitepaw
[b]Age & Aging Rules:[/b] 40 moons/ aging once per month per to rper's preference
[b]Genetics:[/b] a long haired blue spotted tabby with gold eyes
[b]Rules:[/b] Greyhawk is immensely loyal to Windclan, and with the exception of her late mate, is extremely prejudiced to those who weren't from the colonies. It is also firmly known that Greyhawk is very lacking in maternal instinct and is immensely unlikely to have more kits (even on the rare scenario she finally moves on from her grief)
She is known to be very distant and immensely critical of Whitepaw, who is the only surviving kit of her litter with her late mate, Alderpath.
She is immensely unlikely to ever leave Windclan, and would remain there for as long as she lives.
[b]Desired Activity:[/b] Honestly I am not too picky on activity, I'd prefer if she was at least semi-active as I'd love to see her around Windclan, but i'm fine if she gets slotted to a casual character
[b]Other:[/b] More lore in relation to the rules section;
Greyhawk had fallen in love with a rogue from Gin's rogue group named Alder(later Alderpath). Alder truly desired a family with Greyhawk and eventually convinced her to have kits with him. However, half way through her pregnancy, Alderpath was killed in a border skirmish.
Greyhawk had the kits, who all except Whitepaw, were stillborn or weak and passed soon after. She practically neglected White beyond on feeding her and having the kit named by the clan. She soon left the nursery once White was weaned and focused on her moor runner duties.
Because of her romance with Alderpath, she is heavily estranged from her brother and his family. Though its up to the rper and beatles if they ever reconcile!