WindClan Medicine Cat Interest Check (Closed-Pending Decision)

WindClan Medicine Cat Interest Check

Anyways, hello! I bet you weren't expecting this so soon but its been sitting in the works for a bit! Time to get those applications rolling in! Make sure you read everything here in the tabs of whats expected because its a lot due to plot circumstances you will become privvy to once you are chosen!
I will say this has an age requirement listed in the IC Requirements that you must be 9+ moons too apply and a full warrior (by WindClan's standards!)

Please make sure to read the High Position & Semi-High Position Guide as well as the Rank Guide to make sure you're familiar with what these duties will entail and what is required of you and then fill out the form below to post!

Character you are applying with: (Tag Account)
Character's Age:
Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan:
What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment:
What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her:
Anything else?:

  • -Snowshadow (Wolf)
    -Echolight (Noor)
    -Spiderbloom (Blobl)
    -Lemontongue (Abri)
    -Vulturemask (Kazy)
    -Nettlepaw (Tricky)
    -Bunnywhisker (Nya)

  • These are the requirements specific to the character themselves! For what is expected of you as the player make sure to check the OOC Requirements.
    • Newly made characters are welcome, but must also be able to maintain activity and follow the existing requirements!​
    • It must make IC sense for this character to be chosen, characters who had made waves in WindClan or been generally disrespectful to Sootstar herself will most likely not be picked as she has a paw in the decision making here.​
    • Your character must be active within WindClan to some degree as they will be expected to fulfill the monthly post quota upon being accepted. This does not mean to spam the board or post in threads without any substance.
    • In addition: Activity is not the ONLY requirement and not even the most important one.​
    • For this specific interest check only Warrior-Aged (9+ Moons) old applicants will be considered.
    • For full transparency that is because this is not an apprentice check, this character will not recieve an apprentice term fully and will be expected to step into the shoes of full medicine cat once a plot line is resolved. Please be aware of this!​
    • Your character will also be expected to keep track of WindClan's herb stock as we use realistic herb gathering & useage for immersion.
      The Herb & Injury guide can be found HERE. WindClan's herb stock is currently in a private spreadsheet you'll get access to.
      I will help you set up and get access to all the herb information in a way you are comfortable managing it!

  • These are the requirements that you as the player should be aware of!
    • You may not apply if you have a character on the Medicine Cat track path already. (Another Medicine cat or any MCA.)​
    • Anyone may apply and this includes new members as well as members of staff.​
    • OOC Activity is just as, if not more, important than IC activity.
    • You must be in the discord to assist in moderating your clans server and you must be available outside of your own personal channel to interact with the clan and engage new and old members alike.​
    • Friendliness and a willingness to engage and communicate are a MUST! :3​
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Character you are applying with:

Character's Age: 25 months

Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan: I dont think he'd make a good medicine cat at all which is the fun part. Snowshadow use to be a fighter and a solider to his home, hes never had to help others so itd make a good growth aspect for the tom! I think he'd make things interesting with his more sotic nature and overly polite way of talking. His diplomacy would also come in handy for any issues Sootstar might have.

What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment:
Snowshadow isnt sure about the state of Windclan. The sickness killed his sibling and many others are sick too now- its a bit chaotic, but he works good under pressure for sure. So he is indifferent i suppose?

What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her: He would definitely support Sootstar in some of her aspect of leading, but also be a voice of reason if she ever so needed it.

Anything else?: nope ;D
Character you are applying with: @Echolight .
Character's Age: 28 moons
Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan: Generally, Echo’s character has a very caring and protective nature. She’s adaptable, intelligent, and compassionate in most cases. She has her flaws as anyone does, but in any case her personality is definitely one that can fit into the medicine cat path.
What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment: Extremely wary. Echolight is not a militant or solider type. She doesn’t agree with the young apprentice or warrior ages implemented, but she does believe Windclan itself can be a great clan. She loves the moors and her clan but wants to see change.
What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her: She does not agree with most of Sootstar’s actions, but she has never called attention to herself by disobeying her. If called to Sootstar’s council, she’ll be able to offer level-headed advice whilst trying to be as unbiased as possible, her general support for the sake of Windclan will be present and shown. Currently, Echolight has seen some good from Sootstar (changing Leechpaw’s name, demoting Weaselclaw, etc.) but she’s still extremely on the fence.
Anything else?: While this would be an interesting challenge, and could add a fun dynamic to the HP council, I’m really just tossing Echo in for fun! Windfam rules <3
Character you are applying with: @Spiderbloom

Character's Age: 36moons

Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan: Spiderbloom won't take anyone's shit and WILL make you take your medicine. She would be a stern medicine cat that would take her job seriously, almost as if to atone for past crimes. She knows how to keep her cool in tense situations, and will go to any length she can to provide for the clan that basically saved her from coyotes. She might be a little snarky and insensitive but at the end of the day she would be determined to make sure her job is done to the best of her ability, even if her patients end up thinking she's crazy.

What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment: She enjoys it! She thinks some cats are weenies, but for the most part, she thinks the environment is good. She thinks it's loads better than being back in her old territory with the rogues, not as tense. Those weenies don't know how good they got it.

What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her: Spiderbloom thinks Sootstar is cute and will do whatever she says. Also because she respects her as a leader, and if Sootstar told her to do something, she would do it regardless of if she thinks she's cute or not. She is also grateful to her for taking the rogues, because if she hadn't, she would have nothing worth fighting for, and also probably dying to coyotes right now.

Anything else?: Not really, I just happened to realize how hilarious it would be if she were chosen. She's the kind of person that if you were pretending to be sick would pull out the big needle and tell you you have a dangerous disease to scare you.
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Character you are applying with: @LEMONPAW

Character's Age: 9 moons.

Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan: The son of WindClan's first medicine cat, Lemon spent a lot of his kithood and early apprenticeship within the confines of the medicine den. It was once a place of comfort of him, being able to watch Honeytwist take care of others and help out where he could. He is protective of his family, a trait that would possibly extend to the rest of the clan, if chosen.

What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment: After his mother's exile, Lemon has often felt like he doesn't quite fit in within the clan's chaos. He worries that any move he makes risks his own exile. He is a little grateful for the new rogue additions, thinking that they will be more in the spotlight than he is. Lemon thinks that, without the chaos of it all, WindClan would be a better place to live, and often wishes for things to be the way they were when he was a kit - a skewed memory of happier times.

What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her: Lemon fears Sootstar. He still harbors anger for his mother's exile, but does nothing, knowing there's nothing he can do that won't risk further damage to his family. The only thing he currently feels he can do is follow her orders and hope for his safety.

Anything else?: Just think this would be an interesting path for Lemon to go down! He'll become a warrior at the January meeting, so hopefully it's okay if I place him here!
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  • Love
Reactions: chuff
screw anxiety, you only live once and its not like the world is gonna go down just because Vult got picked...right? (':

Character you are applying with: @VULTUREMASK
Character's Age: 11 months!
Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan: Rather than 'good' i think Vulturemask would more be interesting to have as a medicine cat in windclan since he wouldn't be this typical 'caring' and 'emotional' driven medicine cat who is doing this because he wholeheartedly cares for his clanmates well being. He is more apathetic and stoic if not even intimating as time goes on. He would rather make decisions from the brain rather than think with the heart, and i think he would fit with windclan's current militia enviroment. He would do his job and what is expected of him but unless he has an attachment to that said indvindual he wont necessery care if his patient survives or not (even if he will do what he can to make sure they do). You can think of him like Dr House!, good at his job but dont like dealing with patients lol.
What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment: Vulturemask has never had any issue with windclans enviroment and that hasnt changed, since he comes from a strict and not so kind grow up he thinks living under strict rules are necessery to make it especially in a group, or in this case clan. There has to be consequences for someones actions to keep everyone in line.
What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her: Vult has always had a complicated relationship with his view on Sootstar, but lately it has started to lean more towards the positive side and he do respect her and understand what she is doing in this clan. After he has brought his young siblings here and she accepts them Vult will fully commit himself to her since he will feel like he owns her that much now for taking his newborn siblings in and not letting them die. This wont mean he will be blindly loyal to her though. Vult knows how to think for himself and he might not always agree with her but as long it dosent concern his own family he will keep his tongue or try to reason with her in a respectful manner. Icly, this can change in the future but i most say Sootstar has to do something very bad for Vult to turn his back on her or if he feels like she is putting his family in danger.
Anything else?: Yeah!, i think we all know Vult is not a fan of starclan. I do have been playing with the idea of IF Vult would become a medic for a while now so have some fun plots and ideas for his character as well with his starclan issue. I would love to share and plot about it if Vult would get picked. One of this ideas revolves Rosepaw! c':
  • Love
Reactions: Noor ♡
why not just try amiright,,, spoilered because it got too long :')

character you are applying with: @nettlepaw.
character's age: 9 months, another baby medic for baby soldier clan
why you think they would make a good medicine cat of windclan:
― he lost both of his sisters early due to illness and infection respectively, as well as his parents from grievous injury. he would seek to prevent that same loss of life from happening to any other family, sparing others of the grief he experienced at a young age.
― recently, he has been hiding in the medicine den after kuiper's attack, which could allow for a baseline starting point of knowledge just by secondhand exposure like a sponge.
― personality-wise, he values knowledge over combat. he would rather rely on reason and evidence over instigating fights or charging blindly into anything. analytical by nature, he has the deductive reasoning needed to diagnose a sick cat and what's needed as a treatment after properly learning. he additionally has a skilled memory.
― he has unfinished warrior training, which is currently at a standstill due to neglect and the attack, which would be a good point in time to switch paths entirely.
― he's incredibly insecure right now, though the role of medicine cat could potentially build his self-confidence as an interesting character growth arc.
― he would have to learn how to manage stress, but at the moment he is already capable of staying levelheaded as well as being more mature than others his age from hardship.
― he deeply cares for his clanmates regardless of everything. the path of medicine could be an alternative way to display that care when at the moment he believes he can't provide much for his clan due to his lack of training. he would also be willing to go to great lengths as needed because of this empathetic nature.
― he needs to find purpose in life again for character development after the attack, since he is currently lost and lacking motivation.
― he might become jaded with age, but would try to keep from snapping under pressure for the sake of his clan.

what is their current opinion on windclan's environment:
― he is anxious about the future for windclan and wishes he could do more to help, but at the same time, he is still just an overgrown apprentice without training for the moment. he tries to help in little ways instead, through chores and other miscellaneous tasks that often go unnoticed. he doesn't mind the harshness of the culture, considering he was raised within it, but tries to remain unbiased due to the recent infighting.

what is their stance on sootstar herself, will they support her:
― his loyalty to sootstar is incredibly malleable, leaning towards supporting her at the moment. he sees her as an authority figure, the final say in everything, but he also understands that she is still just a cat like anyone else and can make the occasional mistake regardless of her lives. he would intend on staying relatively neutral in discussions, wanting to gain perspective from all sides before coming to a rational conclusion.
― he questions the motives behind starclan and their signs, but remains a steadfast believer nonetheless. he merely doesn't want to be blinded by placing their deceased ancestors on a pedestal, though this could change with time.

anything else?: i've been a high demand hp before on other sites, so despite my little hiatus, i'm more than willing to step up to the plate and help out with windclan!!!
Character you are applying with: @bunnywhisker
Character's Age: 10 months
Why you think they would make a good Medicine Cat of WindClan:
With Bunnywhisker being an incredibly new character, her backstory is fresh and, frankly, not entirely fleshed out. I've had a few ideas as to why she couldn't complete her tunneler training, or why her tail is nubbed, but unfortunately beyond that she is a blank slate. However, with how stubborn and pretentious she is, I do believe it to be an at least silly choice from an IC standpoint. I mean, StarClan choosing the local ignorant hardhead to be the next medicine cat, for whatever reason? Especially since potentially up until now she's shown no interest? It could be a good and interesting change of pace, given her general ineptitude with medicine and occasionally crass attitude. I have a soft spot for bad medicine cats, intentionally or otherwise. Bunnywhisker would have it in her, however, to brute force her way through learning as much as she can, as at least it provides her purpose and a place to call her own.
What is their current opinion on WindClan's environment:
With Bunnywhisker potentially being within the Clan and the group prior since around her birth, she has a perhaps too-high opinion of the Clan as a whole. She doesn't have much of an idea of what the outside world holds - how possibly soft or harsh it could be compared to what she has now. Sure, she's not entirely happy with where she's at in the moment - after all, failing her tunneler training is enough to bum anyone out - she mostly blames herself for her own shortcomings, rather than WindClan's choices in the upbringing of their young. She's fiercely loyal, a warrior built to protect even whilst being ill equipped to do so.
What is their stance on Sootstar herself, will they support her:
Again, without having too much else to compare with, Bunnywhisker does not have major ill will towards Sootstar. She sees that her leader's actions are warranted, such as removing sick cats from camp to avoid the illness's spread, or the more recent choice in a new deputy. Perhaps given that Sootstar can also be so crass and blunt, the two of them may butt heads down the line. In the moment, however, Bunnywhisker lives in a willful ignorance of Sootstar's inner workings. Maybe it's for the better for Bunnywhisker to be a mindless drone in the moment, or maybe the distance between them will eventually drive her mad.
Anything else?:
Both I and Bunny are entirely too new to WindClan (and TT as a whole) but I figured it would still be fun to apply nonetheless! I loved paying medicine cats on other sites and I'm so so curious to one day see how in depth the MCs of TT can get. I of course can't exhibit how active or chatty I can be within 24 hours, but I still hope that stating interest counts for something :3 Whatever the case, this was a fun, quick study of Bunny, and I wish everyone luck!!!