Jul 6, 2022


Welcome to WindClan's medicine cat interest check! Yes, you heard right, not medicine cat apprentice but the full medicine cat position. Though we are sad to see him go, Vulturemask will be stepping down as WindClan's medicine cat at the end of June. This opens up WindClan's medicine cat rank. With no apprentice, we've come up with a plot for the chosen character to take on so that they may know just enough herbal information to be able to tackle being WindClan's full medicine cat.

With Sootstar’s approval, in retro Vulturemask has began to casually teach a cat interested in medicine a thing or two. Their interest intensified and though never becoming an official medicine cat apprentice, after a couple moons of training, they have their stuff down pretty well! When Vulturemask steps down, your character steps up to be WindClan’s new medicine cat, whether its out of duty or a genuine calling for the role. NOTE; they will not be forced into this path. They must propose the idea themselves OR accept it when Sootstar asks them to step up to plate.

  • Must be active (we ask our medicine cats to shoot for 25-30 IC posts a month).
  • Must be in the discord and an active participant. When promoted, must keep up with clan events and participate in the HP chat.
  • Character MUST thrive in WindClan’s environment AND get along with most HPs. If this fact changes after your promotion it is IC grounds for a demotion. We understand characters develop and change, but discontent medicine cats is a plot we want to avoid moving forward.
  • All roleplayers of TT, new and old, will be considered for this role equally! Everyone interested is encouraged to apply.
  • New characters made after the interest check MAY apply. I don’t recommend making a character on the pure idea of getting medicine cat though.
  • All ages can apply so long as they have their warrior name.
  • Until you are chosen, please DO NOT make it icly canon your character has received training in healing. You do not have permission to say your character was trained until told.
  • Please do not post spam, hint, suck up, or guilt trip in an attempt to sway your odds of being chosen. HPs don't appreciate this and it doesn't feel very good on our end to feel like niceties are only being exchanged in reward of a rank. Just do you and display what your activity is realistically going to look like 2 months after being chosen for medicine cat.
  • We’d really like a medicine cat whose able to stick around long-term and have an apprentice within the next month or two after being chosen (plus our apprentices/kit roleplayers who’ve been patiently waiting months deserve their opportunity).

— ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: Your character won’t know everything there is, but most wounds should be treatable.
— ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: Proficient in marigold, oak leaves, and honey, can prevent infection well enough.
— ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES AND PAINS: Feverfew is known, but past that your character will start off poor at relieving pain.
— ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: Your character doesn’t know how to mend broken bones.
— ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Your character is able/knows to provide traveling herbs for long trips.
— ☆☆☆☆☆ KITTING: Your character will not know how to aid in kitting, UNLESS they have birthed themselves prior.
— ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: Your character knows to give yarrow to attempt to cure from poison, but doesn’t know how to identify toxic plants well.
— ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: Your character knows how to treat white/green cough with catmint/chickweed. Not likely useful in other illnesses.

Thank you so much for reading! Interested in applying? Please fill out the form below!:
(By applying you agree to all the above rules and understand you may not be chosen for the role. You also understand that if chosen, you may not get to roleplay your character learning this knowledge and will have to assume it was going on in the background/in retrospect.)
[B]TAGS/BIO[/B]: (if none, please provide basic information)
[B]PLOT IDEAS[/B]: (optional)
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MAIN ACCOUNT: @Angelkisses
CHARACTER NAME: @Doverunner.
PLOT IDEAS: Doverunner, if becoming med cat, hopefully will stay as med cat even a bit after Sootstar leaves. She has some other plots, such as having kits, but atm she's a p loose, easy to adapt character. I also want to have her, if chosen, to work with other med cats on perhaps a trade system between them, bringing in that book-like quality that med cats are apart from the clans seeing as they directly are involved with starclan
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Doverunner is very easy to adapt, she's kind, she's compassionate, and she has the potential to really be a very interesting character due to how much she adores her clan. She has a big, bleeding heart, which could lead to interesting developments between clan relations and she's loyal to windclan as a whole. i think having her go from tunneler to med cat could also be interesting as that could bring in more "tunneler pride" icly since both leader atm and med cat would be/were tunnelers. I also really love herbs and, as oocly someone who is extremely interested in herbology, i feel i could bring in alot of interesting dynamics to the medicine cat ranks. I want her to grow and expand her knowledge.
ANYTHING ELSE?: I understand atm i haven't been super active with her, seeing as she's more a casual character atm rather then hound, but i'm willing to move hound down in my activity for her to ensure i meet post requirements and also to work on the med. cat stuff <3
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TAGS/BIO: boop
PLOT IDEAS: (optional) Because Wolfsong enjoyed escorting Vulturemask to the medicine meeting, I think that could be backwritten as part of Wolfsong's training with him! Beyond that, it's likely Wolfsong will test certain herbs on himself (carefully, of course) which may graduate to testing on clanmates (with their permission). He's aware that WindClan has struggled medicinally and dislikes the possibility of the other clans having an advantage in such a crucial area, and would seek avenues of lessening the distance between them. This could even manifest in encouraging camp raids on clans they've recently fought (only if WindClan has won) merely as an attempt to study how the other medicine cats have treated their warriors. This is, of course, dependent on how willing the other medicine cats are to share knowledge.

WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: The idea of a medicine cat with very strong warrior roots is compelling to me because I think that it meshes well with WindClan's current image! WindClan prides themselves on their ferocity and capability, traits that Wolfsong admires/emulates himself. The image of a capable warrior and healer is very fitting for the clan's aesthetic. Further, I think that his fondness for eloquence/prose would make for a very interesting angle as far as interpreting StarClan signs and dreams. He has a mind for puzzles and is, in general, fond of challenges and of learning new information.

This also presents a great opportunity to build a closer relationship between Wolfsong and StarClan. He believes in them, but doesn't think that they would consider him one of theirs— so becoming medicine cat and receiving dreams from them would lead him to feel a stronger connection with StarClan. He would also have a fairly positive bedside manner, as far as comforting younger patients with stories or keeping older patients occupied with conversation. He is unlikely to baby them by being very gentle, but he is willing to give them a distraction.

Currently, he's dealt with dissatisfaction with the way Sunflowerpaw's injury has healed. As a medicine cat, he would be motivated to find treatment that will lead to a stronger recovery and less pain for the injured later on down the line. He understands both the immediate and long-lasting effects wounds can have (given his own).
ANYTHING ELSE?: I think I have a good track record with Wolfsong icly and oocly, so I'd be more than capable of meeting the activity requirements!

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CHARACTER NAME: @cygnetstare
Tags are incomplete so the basic info is: Cygnetstare is an albino chimera tunneler whose skills favor sensory intake and memorization. She's seen as creepy but relatively harmless by much of the clan and, while lacking in some aspects, is very loyal to her clan and tries to be social in their own way. Hinted to have an odd relationship with religion and death.
PLOT IDEAS: I don't have any plots concretely planned should Cygnet become medicine cat but I'm certainly open to making them and willing to be flexible with her. Vaguely speaking, I'd like to explore her relationship with StarClan and faith in general.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Put this in a spoiler box not because of any sensitive content but because I ended up going on a bit of a tangent, sorry (oops).
I think becoming medicine cat could work really well as a natural outgrowth of Cygnetstare's character and allow some interesting concepts and relationships to be explored. It's been very lightly IC hinted that she has a complicated relationship with religion, particularly the idea of life after death, and I think having a tangible connection with a "higher power" in the form of StarClan would allow this to be further explored as a concept; I know Sootstar also has a complex relationship with faith and StarClan and this could mesh pretty well with her conflicts with that as well and allow for some interesting ideas. Cygnetstare also tends to see Sootstar as a kind of mystical figure and instinctively feels guilt around her for currently unknown reasons, having her in this higher position would put them closer to each other in that regard as well. She often tends to feel this way around higher-ranked cats in general, consciously or not.

Cygnetstare is also a pretty strong WindClan loyalist with a latent dislike for other Clans and an active hatred for ShadowClan; they have a very strong personal desire to serve their Clan in any capacity regardless of their rank. However, her loyalty is placed more in WindClan as a whole than in just Sootstar specifically, so I think she could continue as medicine cat after Sootstar's reign with relative ease. She doesn't really harbor any hidden intentions or malcontent/malevolence towards the Clan or in her personal place in it nor does she recognize them in other cats. Cygnetstare is pretty pliable and relatively easy to manipulate which I think could enable some interesting dynamics as a medicine cat under Sootstar. They're also not terribly prone to acts of emotion or anxiety, which is partly personality and partly a skill developed for tunneling, so I think this could help them remain level-headed in times of stress and make her more competent in the role in that regard.

They're rather creepy in their mannerisms and appearance & hold morbid philosophies, but Cygnetstare is surprisingly understanding of other cats, especially of their physical pain, and she does try to reach out and form bonds with Clanmates, especially those undergoing some kind of turmoil. She's social in her own way and tries to get along with everyone, has formed bonds with tunnelers in her tenure as one, and is generally unlikely to intentionally aggravate others or start conflict. She has an intense interest in morbid topics such as death and what comes after it as well as a curiosity about physical injuries; she spends time in the Clan's graveyard tending to it and has a strong respect for what she defines as "the mystery" of death. On the flip side, this could provide an interesting skill for her to struggle with as a medicine cat; she would attempt to tend to patients but her generally disturbing aura would mean she'd often struggle with bedside manner as her social skills are poor at best despite her efforts and she tends to put off most cats.

Skillwise, I think that the healer skillset would be something Cygnetstare could relatively easily adapt her favored skills to the role, and some bumps along the way would serve to add interest to her assumption of the role. She enioys her job as a tunneler but isn't attracted to it specifically; rather, what she enjoys is the sensory skills and memorizational aspects of tunneling, which would also apply to medicine. Cygnetstare has a good handle on the memorized "mental map" skill of tunneling and is good at assessing her environment along with utilizing her five senses, which could be good for identifying and remembering herbs. She's so far been played as very passionate about her work as a tunneler and would assume that passion for any role she took in WindClan, which I think would allow her to hold the position for an extended period of time; I also think she would want to assume an apprentice as soon as she personally felt competent enough to and enjoy teaching them, in her own way.
OOCly, Cygnetstare is my only character in WindClan and I plan to keep it that way for a good amount of time to allow me to focus on her. While I am new to the site, and Cygnet is one of my newer characters, I would call her my personal favorite who I plan to be very active with regardless of what role she ends up holding. She's existed as a character for 18 days or so (since May 20th) with 17 IC posts made in that time, a rate of posting I plan to continue or improve. I try to remain active in the Discord(s), participate in threads, and actively make plots between her and other characters. Regardless of who gets the role, I appreciate the opportunity to apply. Best of luck to everyone applying and congratulations to whoever receives the position!
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Long shot but applying anyways <3

CHARACTER NAME: @Periwinklebreeze.
TAGS/BIO: Tags + Bio
PLOT IDEAS: With periwinkle seemingly useless in battle despite his best efforts, there's really only one path left - medicine. Extremely religious, and already tight-knit with vulturemask, it is not at all surprising that he's begun to learn medicine. Showing more aptitude when it comes to helping than harming, periwinkle doesn't think twice when it comes to offering to step up. As time passes he begins to think whether true or not) that this has always been his purpose - that starclan themselves made him 'softer' than his clanmates, made him 'sickly', in order to draw his attention to medicine. This is his starclan-given purpose, and he will not falter in his path. Perhaps in the process, he'll even discover a 'cure' to his insomnia, one that has slipped the grasp of the three cats who came before him.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: Though the HPs themselves might not all like Peri due to his blood, he himself has little to no interest in being antagonistic to them on his end - in fact, other than being afraid of sootstar and mildly disliking weasleclaw for personal reasons he quite likes most of the hP's. He would (despite windclans opinion on him) go along with their decisions blindly and it would truly not occur to him to act out nor turn traitor - he's already chosen windclan over his family, he'd likely do it again if pushed. Though he has made great progress in conforming to windclans status quo, to the point of killing and even going to battle recently, he will always be a softer touch than his clanmates - showing more interestest in hunting, caring for the kits, and hovering around the current medicine cats. Peri already has icly helped both dandy and vult in the past both in herb collecting and in fetching supplies in emergencies; and I had previously received staff permission for him to know how to identify marigold + goldenrod since it has come up a lot as a plot point (so long as he never attempts to use said knowledge on his own) so it would be extremally easy to simply take this further in that vult took notice of this passing interest and actually began to teach him.
- with the exception of my two hiatuses (which i gave prior notice for) peri has hit every single activity shoutout requirement, and my usual post count with him is between 30-50 a month. I do not see this changing any time soon
- i have played medicine cats && medicine cats apprentices on multiple other sites, including FF, and am familiar with the IC requirements of the roll
- though I am still inexperienced with the ooc responsibilities and herb system I'm more than willing to work hard to do my best and learn
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MAIN ACCOUNT: @rhosmari
TAGS/BIO: He is officially 8 moons old this month and an apprentice of Houndthistle. Born and raised up in Windclan. He is a energetic young tom who does not lack any kind of motivation. Always running around and trying to do whatever he can to please his mentor. Especially when it comes to his own clan because he is deeply loyal to his home and will stand for it through thick and thin.
PLOT IDEAS: My main plot that I have for him is to grow up to he an extreme loyalist to Windclan. All of his efforts will be devoted to his clan and honestly he will see next to nothing wrong with how things are done. I want him to take after a lot of Hound's teachings and as he grows he will be able to control his energy and become more enigmatic, more calm, and a quick witted thinker instead. Very less impulsive.
WHY YOU WANT TO APPLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: I'm applying with this character because I think for this type of position he will thrive in it. Putting himself to the task because he wants to serve Windclan to the best of his abilities and he wants to close to Starclan, especially since his own father is up there and watching hum.
ANYTHING ELSE?: I don't have anything else!