It had been a far more joyous occasion, the last time that he had brought cats to this border. Having been adjusting to his role within the clan at that time, he had been eager to learn– to greet the cats that were their supposed allies. He saw little of the marsh cats since then, or even before then. When he had spoken to any, it was with a tinge of disdain upon their tongues. They did not see WindClan as friends, even when they were as such in the eyes of their leaders. This he can see now. To come here again feels like the end of a chapter of his life. From his time as a clueless stranger, to one of the most trusted of WindClan's warriors; from a friend of ShadowClan's, to one that might soon be considered an enemy. He is watchful as he comes upon the Thunderpath, perhaps wary of those that could spring from the shadows. He gestures Adderpaw closer, and then to a halt.

Crouched low in the pause of their path, he is glad to tell him more of the world around them. "I have yet to take you this far, and for good reason. This is not a place you should come alone, without necessity." Sunstride's voice is low yet firm, without the flexibility of questioning or argument. "The earth may seem steady now, yet at any moment the twoleg monsters may come barreling by. You will hear their roaring, and feel the rumble of the ground as they approach. Stay far from the dark earth when they come." Though he does not touch the path itself to show what he means, he nods carefully to it. "ShadowClan's territory lies beyond. They are wraiths within their forest. They come from the dark as shadows given life. Be wary here."

Straightening up, he glides his pelt along the tall grasses and sparse trees on their side of the border, cheek pressing hard to the rough bark and guiding Adderpaw to do the same. "Mark your scent along here. All should know this is our home."

  • ooc: @Adderpaw @Clambite @Mintshade
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

Wraiths, the tom across the border says and it evokes a small chuckle from the chocolate and lilac tabby. It takes everything in her to not crouch in the bushes and make ghost noises at the passing patrol but she supposes she has a little more maturity than that. Besides, the wind shifts and soon they would catch her scent anyways. Might as well make herself known now. "OoOoOoOo You better watch out a scary wraith is coming to eat you tonight!" okay maybe she wasn't so mature after all but she can't help herself! It was low-dangling prey and she had to take it. She steps out of the bushes, pretending to be confused "Whoa did you guys hear that?" she asks quietly, mismatched eyes glancing around her "I think I just heard Briarstar's ghost!" Her eyes find the Wind Clan patrol again, resting on the kit at the lead warriors side for only a moment before they find Sunstride again.

"Awe I just destinked this spot and now you're back to stink it up again. Not fair!" she sniffs, pretending to be upset. She, of course, knows that the alliance between Wind and Shadow has ended. She thinks Chilledstar a fool usually but this decision was one she could support. ShadowClan didn't need an alliance because they didn't need to be dragged into the other clan's problems. They should be left out of it all, if you ask her. "How's it going over there? Any lightning storms?" she is goading them on now but she doesn't care. Let them hurl themselves over the border, she's itching for a fight. She sits and curls her fluffy white tail over her paws, lifting up a foot to inspect her claws for a moment before running the same paw casually over her ears, a display of how unbothered she is by their presence, though she watches them from the corner of her eye.

Patrolling here was always a bit..... Odd feeling, to her. This was where she was found, where her mother died. She knew the exact spot, looking upon it with a hollow stare.

Sunstride rightfully explains the danger of the thunderpath, but doesn't go into the gruesome details. Adderpaw needs to know, she thought. He needs to know how evil this path was.

"Monsters leave nothing but death in their wake. They flatten anything that gets in their way.... Cats included." She said. There was no harshness in her voice, no venom. All there was was a sincere effort to let the youngest among them know just how terrible this place was so he wouldn't underestimate it.

Her softened gaze hardened as Rainecho appeared with her taunts. She didn't respond to her, but she did give her a dirty look.

Were all shadowclan cats this irritating??

"and look at that. now i don't have to pretend to give a fuck. not that i was doing much of that, anyways."

the leader steps from the shadows, stretching out their body with a yawn, and a lazy blink of their icy blue eyes. they stood beside rainecho, offer a gentle flick of their tail against her flank before turning their attention to the rabbit-breathed fools. they began to groom their fur, giggling slightly at rainecho's words.

"let's hope next time they don't miss. in fact, let's hope they strike twice. one direct hit on that airheaded leader of yours, and another to cause a big enough fire to wipe the rest of you idiots out."

they grumbled, tail twitching slightly. they hoped their words would reach sootstar, too. they wanted nothing more than for soot to realize that she was an absolute fool if she thought for one fucking moment that shadowclan would take lightly to any of this. and it did not matter how much they wanted to retaliate. windclan did not stand a chance in the marsh. that was a fact.
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Reactions: Ravenwatcher.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

To say the least, Ravenwatcher had been glad they had ended their alliance with Windclan, not because of the warriors themselves but due to their leader who seemed to had lost all mentality and threw blame to other cats whillist dragging them into it hoping for their support, an end was an end but by no means did she have any ill will for the other clan, she just hoped their deputy was not as insane as their tyrant leader. Dark blue eyes peeped from the bushes before soon another joiined alongside the taunting Rainecho, her tail swish as to tell another to follow before turing her head towards her own apprentice.

"Thats windclan, you might have heard already but we're no longer allies, so do not feel the need to be nice to them" she spoke towards Brindlepaw before turning to face the lead warrior and the others before lifting her chin slightly. Sure, Rainecho could have done it maturely but, it wasn't in their nature to be nice or play nice unless their leader called for it. "Just make it quick, I'm sure we're both not too pleased to see either or" the warrior expressed smoothly towards the windclan warriors. Make it clear to them that their presence was not welcomed here at all anymore.


Clambite bounced along with the patrol with a smile. She thought the alliance with Shadowclan was silly, anyways. Nothing useful came of it. Besides, they were too weak to be of any use to Windclan. Which makes Chilledstar's words funny to her. Chuckling as she emerged from the grass to join her patrol, she shook her fur and stretched as well, making sure her muscles were on full display. Try something. She dared them. She was itching for the opportunity to fight someone outside the clan.

Then she wouldn't feel bad about any accidental injuries.

"Wowie... You've got a big mouth~" She said, curled tail wiggling against her back. "Though I guess you'd know about the damage fire can do..." She added. She was younger then, but she had heard all about it. The fire that chased Shadowclan AND Thunderclan off their territories. Fire sure was scary, huh. She hoped it didn't happen again....To anyone, really.

  • Haha
Reactions: SUNSTAR
Life doesn't discriminate
Adderpaw strides forward with dark amber eyes fixating upon the hard ebony path laid before them. The unpleasant scent of hot asphalt and burnt rubber assaults his nose, causing the boy to wrinkle the bridge of his nose in silent disdain. Yet he listens carefully to the adamant warning falling from his mentor's lips. Twoleg monsters barrel down these particular paths frequently, yet did not stray from them? Interesting. He briefly wondered if one would cross their path during the patrol. Giving a curt nod of understanding toward Azelapaw he lifts himself to full height after observing the thunderpath. His ears flick as the lead describes the shadow dwelling cats living on the opposite side. "Ah yes...the domain of fools." He murmurs, imitating Sunstride's movements to mark their side of the border.

His cheek presses against another tree while his sides brush against golden strands of towering grass. Lo and behold, a group of shadowclanners make themselves known from across the way. Spouting off insults and goading on about lightning they hope would strike his mother. He knows not what they are going on about, but one thing is for sure. A dangerous tempest surges just beneath the skin the longer they spoke. Turning away from his dutiful marking, Adderpaw squares his shoulders as faces them. Eyes smoldering as he bore holes through their very pelts. Worms, vermin, that's what he considered any clan not connected to windclan and their starclan given grace.

And they would be treated as such. Like the mere dirt meant to be trampled and crushed beneath his paws. "Mind your tongue peasants. You are in no position to speak against windclan." He speaks the words like living venom dripping from his very tongue. Acidic and poisonous in nature. "It's a miracle you have the strength to utter such words. Considering only a few moons ago you were but skin and bone if I recall correctly." He certainly was not born during that time. But he'd heard the stories of severely malnourished cats dwelling in the marsh. "I suppose it only makes sense you would need a source outside of yourselves to do anything for you. You're too weak to accomplish anything yourselves. A shame, really." Lifting his chin higher he gives a dismissive flick of his tail.
Between the sinners and the saints
  • Haha
Reactions: Sheogorath

There was little room for civility after ShadowClan had torn itself away from WindClan like a flea from a sick cat. She did not blame her leader for the harsh words, nor the egging of her clanmates before and after them, but with her apprentice hopefully in tow, there was a responsibility to make sure the scarcely trained little guy wouldn't be caught in a crossfire. Her whiplike tail lashed as she called @Wolfpaw. to her side, a deceptively shy smile upon her muzzle as she stared down the patrol ahead of her. "Patrols will often meet like this and bicker about one thing or another, rarely does it get physical. If we don't like the clan, think of it as a game to get under their skin. Any mistake they make is hilarious, and I guess it helps ShadowClan if they get too distracted to mark borders." She explained quietly, large ears angling forwards. She acknowledged WindClan's rebuttals with an unphased stare, her pupils contracting into slits as her eyelids opened once more. Mention of fire and mention of starvation, though, the tone of which the latter spoke caused her to pay more attention to him - peasants?

She wondered who he was to look down upon the mirelands. Tilting her head sweetly, Ferndance's tone beamed, divided between mocking and authentic. Ferndance wasn't sure how to deal with the situation, not until the words had already fallen out of her mouth. "Considering only a few moons ago you weren't even born, I don't think you truly believe that." Instinctively, her head tilted to Sunstride even when her gaze stayed upon Adderpaw. The truth of WindClan's opinions was laid bare for the world to see, in the lessons they had taught their children long before the alliance had ever ended. No wonder why they didn't have any friends - at least when she lied, she wasn't hurting anyone (well... for the most part). As if offering to lend a paw with a hunting patrol, her expression unwavering, the Lead Warrior offered, "I could beat you up myself, if you would like. Prove it to you nice and good with a good old belly rake. You're ok with losing your guts if I do that, aren't you?" Her eyes widened, offering the impression of a dejected soul should Adderpaw not consent to a fight. In a tell, the corner of her mouths twitched, though the longer she stared down the WindClanners, the more she realised that she wouldn't mind killing them for disrespecting her home. Judas received no forgiveness in her court. "I was gonna steal them from you anyways before your oxen friend could do anything but... I thought it would be polite to ask."


Had you the pluck to ask Smogmaw about it, he'd remark that it wasn't that much an alliance at all. On no occasion did the moor cats seek ShadowClan's assistance in their unrestrained warmongering, and in turn, the swamp-dwellers offered naught but petitions for food. Thus, the ineffectual state of their pact truly begged the question: what, in StarClan's name, was its purpose? Had it been a mere by-product of Pitchstar and Sootstar's shared paranoia? An empty threat towards those who would dare retaliate for WindClan's aggression? Whatever the case, the deputy stood staunch beside Chilledstar's resolve.

Dark-sullied limbs rove through bog reeds, before the vegetation breaks in the thunderpath's proximity. There, he enters the fray, meandering over to the congregation of clanmates until he was a fox-length away from Ferndance. The back-and-forthing has already commenced, with casualties on both sides of the paved passage. His muddy gaze trains on a particular apprentice amongst the enemy mob, one who spoke rather eloquently for a dirt-sniffing brat. "Heheh, look," he cooes, in a tone as caustic as it was absurd. "The little tyke knows how to speak. Hi, little tyke. Miss your mother's womb?" Seriously. That kid looked young enough to be considered a kit.

Perhaps Sootstar was onto something with her child soldiers. Who knows?


"oh yes, right. i am to listen to the cats delusional enough to believe starclan has blessed you after they tried to murder your leader? starclan doesn't care about you, kit. grow up."

chilledstar gently speaks, though the annoyance was clear on their face. anyone that truly believed starclan gave a single fuck about them were as ridiculous and insane as sootstar. delusional. their gaze turned to their clan members, brow raising with a grunt. if there was one thing shadowclan knew how to do, it was bite back. no matter how skinny, and frail, they might have looked, they were smart and they had poison sitting upon their tongues.

"you wouldn't survive one moment by yourself. i dare you to venture off, and see how much starclan blesses your ass."

there is a little taunt in their words, but they didn't actually give a fuck. someone with so much ego was better off away from chilledstar's borders. the kit wouldn't even be able to survive had it not been for the warriors beside him, and yet he still had a sharp enough tongue to call them peasants? how laughable. with a final flick of their tail, they turned away from the border with a lazy stretch.

"im bored. you bore me. ill see you all back at camp."

their voice lowered at the last sentence before they just strolled off. they felt like they needed to clean the wind filth from their fur, and they hadn't even been that close to them.
જ➶ Truly he is not one to make a scene. Hell, he doesn't see the point in making enemies unless a absolutely necessary. But most of his clanmates seem to have short fuses or even worse short on brain cells. Is he one of them? Nah, that couldn't be him. Still he listens with slightly amused dual colored eyes, especially at the small kit that seems to run his mouth like a fish out of water. Yeesh. Casually he simmers on speaking but Chilledstar beats him to it. And well, it kinda stings him to vicariously given the fact that he would hate to be called boring and that he bored someone. The lilac chimera chuckles as he glances out of his good eye at @SUNSTRIDE . Knowing the other probably, maybe, only wanted to just have a normal border patrol and that is it. But it seems Shadowclan never can keep their worfs to themselves. Man, he loves his clan. Shifting his paws closer to the thunderpath he smiles still warmly as he flicks his tail. "Sorry about all the commotion. You know how it goes over here in the bog. But hey, we don't mean no trouble. Well...maybe a little." His eyes are full of mirth before he tips his head up.

Oh he kinda hopes it rains soon. Just a little. Pulling his focus on the others he wonders if they know aboit the whole alliance thing. To him it seems a long time coming and it isn't like Windclan ever called on them to help with anything. They always fought their ill planned battled on their own.

(=🝦 ﻌ 🝦=) Brindlepaw finds his clan-mates commotion-causing schemes to be over the top. Truth be told he was saddened their alliance with the moor cats came to a crashing end… there’d be a lot less entertainment for them now, that was for sure! Still he bobs his head at Ravenwatcher’s words, but if trouble was going to brew the warriors of the clans already set it into motion.

He grins at the young tabby fellow across the border and laughs, enjoying his comebacks and remarks. ”Hey you’re funny! What’s your name? New apprentice I take it? I still smell milk from the nursery on ya!” He mocks but not in a hostile manner, just apprentice to apprentice banter.

// he’s interacting with @Adderpaw
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