Jul 6, 2022


Please see the original plot outline here! If interested read below, as this is a perfect oppertunity to easily backwrite a character into WindClan and avoid dealing with our scarce ic acceptation of joiners!

Gin’s group lived along the outskirts of the clans in a nearby forest, they were rogues, cut-throats, cons. As many rogue groups are they had a system that allowed the strong to flourish and the weak to perish, they got along just enough to help each other survive but at the end of the night they were scuffling over prey, nesting spots, and authority. While this way of life isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it was theirs, and for the most part there was a silent respect amongst the group for the cut-throat culture they lived within. Hell, many don’t know any different from this! Life was tough but so were they, for moons upon moons they’ve lived like this, and there was little sign that would change any time soon.

All was as peaceful as it could get where Gin’s rouges were present until coyotes started to run rampant in their stretch of land. The mutts killed off most of their prey and even some of them. This attracts WindClan into the area, the clan extends an invite for the rogues to join them on the moors under the leadership of Sootstar. Adamantly Gin and his rogues refuse the offer, stubbornly choosing to endure the coyotes and the lessening prey. The moor cats tell the rogue’s they will return in several days in case they change their mind and so they can meet Sootstar herself.

During those few days coyotes make the biggest attack yet, finding the rogue’s hideaway and attacking them right in their home. Many are left grievously injured, the rogues re-discuss WindClan’s offer. The idea of infiltrating their ranks and slowly taking the moors over for themselves sounds intriguing to many, Gin decides that they will gauge their options and decide once and for all when WindClan returns. Undoubtedly though, the rogue king has no intent to give up his authority and band to the likes of the moor group.

As promised WindClan returns, this time Sootstar is at the helm. She reaches out to them with a grand speech and offers for WindClan to save them from their inevitable fates as a meal for coyotes. In return of course, she wants their loyalty and allegiance to her clan. She promises them that the hills are filled with prey, that they’ll be able to stuff their bellies full and grow as strong as her warriors over the course of mere moons. Gin responds by telling her to leave, warning that if she doesn’t he will kill her. Sootstar, displeased, corrects that their allegiance with WindClan is not an ask, but a demand and attacks the rogue leader. The two tussle before Gin slays Sootstar with a slash to the throat, killing her.

To the rogues dismay, Sootstar comes back alive and seizes the opportunity to kill unsuspecting Gin. By doing many of the rogues see immense power within her, she has multiple lives and killed their powerful leader, so she must be worthy of their respect. Sootstar proclaims herself their queen and the rogues pledge their allegiance to her and WindClan.

In present day the rogues live amongst WindClan with proper clan names and ranks.

★ The Rogue plot was done to put WindClan on track for being an anti-clan and ensure that Sootstar’s rule made ic since. It mandatory for these characters to be low on the morality scale, whether they merely fall morally questionable or evil chaotic. They should for the most part fit in with Sootstar’s views and thrive in WindClan’s environment, as they’ve lived through worse under Gin.
— Stragglers to the above are allowed but it should be the minority. Lawful Good cats are at risk of not being accepted but it’s not an immediate no! I’ll hear concepts and plots out.
— Remember there are numerous flavors of morally gray and evil, this requirement does not mean they have to agree with every word Sootstar speaks and it does not mean they have to be the same flavor of bad that can be found currently in WindClan

★ WindClan’s current IC environment frequents many sensitive topics such as but not limited to; xenophobia, abuse, violence, cult-ish behaviors, and ableism (< not too touched on right now but at risk of occurring). If reading these topics put you at risk of experiencing mental harm, though all threads are still appropriately marked as needed, WindClan is not the right environment for you. We’d love to have you, but your health and comfortability is whats most important to us!

★ 99% of forms submitted will be accepted, but they still must be approved. Please be sure to at least give us basic information such as name, age, appearance, rank, and personality.

★ Any and all activity levels welcome!

★ Low risk adopts, inactivity won’t result in slot rehoming or retconning

★ Unlimited slots, open indefinitely until otherwise stated

★ Once approved please request a badge for your character account here. These were at one point in time exclusive to those who partook in the event itself, but we feel like easy identification of these rogues is important ^^ So enjoy the treat!

★ Former rogue characters MAY be a big focus surrounding the plot for one of the warrior codes if it icly works out and seems viable. NOT FOR CERTAIN, but a possibility that is there… Again, this plot concept in mind isn’t for sure a go but it is there

★ Cats can be all ages from 6-120+ moons. Moor Runners in WindClan are warriors at 9 moons while Tunnelers are warriors at 12 Moons.

★ If you have any questions please contact Ava or another WindClan HP!

There are no genetics as these cats are not all kin. However, a small character = a tunneler and an average-large character = moor runner. Please keep this in mind!

If you would like your character to have traits of a WindClanner please take a look at this tidbit taken from the guide;

WindClanners are the smallest cats of all five clans. Their builds are skinny and wiry, and their fur is often short to prevent it from snagging when chasing rabbits.

The pelts of WindClan favor shades of gray and brown as a natural outgrowth of the camouflage those colors provide in the open fields, but other colors exist in the clan as well.

A typical WindClanner is fiercely loyal and tough, with the resilience to endure moons of hardship if needed. However, due to the lack of cover on the moor, these cats also tend to be nervous and will be quicker to flee than fight.

They are devout in their worship of StarClan, believing themselves to have the strongest connection to them. They are known for being the most quick-witted of all the clans. However, other clans take advantage of the fact that they're the easiest clan to offend


Previous Leader;

@Gin (Killed by Sootstar)

Other Rogues Formerly of Gin’s Group;
@Jasperglare (In exile)
@Branchfall. (Deceased, murdered)
(Please reach out if we are missing your character)

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name meaning?
Named for his spotted tortiseshell pelt.
previous names? Brandy
age? 16 moons
position in clan? Warrior (Tunneler) of WindClan | Ex-Rogue of Gin's Group
gender/sexuality? Trans Male | (He/Him) | Bisexual
relationship status? Single

A sleek and small tortie tom with white spotting on his face, he's slender and while not Sootstar levels of tiny he can easily be mistaken for a younger apprentice at times; a fact he doesn't seem too bothered by. His tortie spots are more prominent on his face where they are small and resemble the spotted patterning on a turtle's shell, while the spots on the rest of his body are much larger and are large patches of color with the occasional flecks of white. Turtlenose's eyes are his most prominent feature, bright green like the moorlands in newleaf and appear much larger than they are due to the white coloring around them giving him a wide-eyed stare.
Census Appearance: A very spotty tortiseshell tom with bright green eyes.
  • N/A.
Turtlenose despite his rogue background, is not a particularly violent or meanspirited cat, but he is rather callous and disinterested in developing any real connection with cats due to an upbringing of them dying around him constantly. His interests are more in the world around him, holding an almost childish fascination with things in a new environment where he is less likely to die to starvation of coyotes. He can be seen lost in his thoughts often, preferring tedious tasks like tunneling so he can let his mind drift of to other things and daydream while he works; the dark and cold burrows are a source of comfort to him as he prefers his solitude but is not openly anti-social. Turtlenose presents friendly enough but has a penchant for being a bit blunt since he never really grasped the idea of being subtle or nuanced with the rogue group. As such he has a tendency to just say whatever comes to mind at times.

➸ average to form platonic relationships
➸ average to form romantic relationships
mate of? crushing on? N/A
parent to? N/A
child of? @Gin & Tonic
sibling to? ---To be added.
➸ apprentice to? N/A

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BUZZARD; FOXBITE.  named for his red pelt and large, protruding fangs to give a vicious bite.
──── 100+ moons or 8 years, a moor runner of windclan. refuses the very idea of retirement.
──── age has made him less agile than others,  but foxbite is still a skilled and deadly fighter.

Foxbite is large for a WindClan cat but rather small himself, with a scraggly tabby pelt of red and orange hues. His fur is dense and wiry, with a rather coarse feel to it. Many scars are hidden beneath it, some of which still ache when it threatens to rain. Being as old as he is, the tomcat frequently complains of pain and extreme exertion, but his copper eyes are still bright with vigor and obvious cunning. He is not someone to be underestimated.
──── would have likely been scarred by the coyote attack, but has healed rather well by now.
──── could likely fit in the larger tunnels, but most certainly could not fit in the smaller ones.

As equal parts wily and vicious as his name might suggest, Foxbite is not one of the kinder souls in WindClan. Though generally unobtrusive and perhaps even withdrawn, socializing with him does not lead to warm fuzzy feelings. He is grumpy and difficult to befriend, and seems to constantly be scheming. It's not unreasonable to doubt that anything he does, he does with an ulterior motive. Though he is not excessively intelligent, it would seem that he is playing a game of chess with the world– and he's always at least a few steps ahead.

Despite all of this, he is somewhat loyal to Sootstar. It is not to say that he wouldn't betray her should the moment arise, but he knows quite well that a moment such as that will likely never come to pass. He trusts her strength if nothing else, and follows her orders without much grousing. (However, that is not to say there won't be some.)
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SCARABWING: scarab for the glossy sheen of his pelt; wing for his flight-like speed. 37 moons, tunneler. He/him/his.

a rather small feline whose size is either laughable or endearing, depending on whether he's trying to fight you or fit himself into a ridiculously tiny spot. he's quite heavily scarred, missing noticeable strips of fur to heal in jagged swathes. his eyes are a dark, metallic amber. he's an incredibly adept hunter but lacks the training to be a fearsome fighter.

despite his gruff and rough appearance, scarab is surprisingly friendly (especially for a former rogue). he's goofu and often falls into stupid antics for the sake of earning a laugh, but he's not to be taken for a soft-hearted fool. he has survived this long by doing what needs doing, however cruel, and he's stayed in windclan out of respect for sootstar's abilities. (he's also slightly superstitious and her return to life both fascinates and terrifies him.)
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HEATH HEATHCLAW: he / him; cisgender male, bisexual – large (for windclan) chocolate ticked tabby tom with half a tail. Smattered with smaller scars, the most obvious being a sharp cut across his lower jaw and eye, that of which is half-blind. Sharp-jawed with an intense hazeled stare; lost most of his tail due to an incident when he was younger.
— 42 moons: NPC xx NPC; brother to two unknown siblings; born a loner, formerly a kittypet for a short amount of time ( medical care ), former member of Gin's group. current moor-runner of windclan.

✦ self-serving, self-aware, independent but cooperative: A tom who's already seen much of what the world has to offer at his age. Heath was born and in loner lands near what would later be windclan, and has traveled all over the vast majority of the clan territories, not having had a proper home. The majority of his life was lived like this – a nomadic lifestyle in which he was raised on a survival of the fittest mentality. He is no fool, he acknowledges strength in numbers, and has flitted between his own fair sure of short stays and alliances for the sake of this, but they've all come to an end eventually for one reason or another.

At some point, (perhaps late 20s) he suffered from tail trauma by a predator and was taken in by twolegs for medical care. While he holds some modicum of appreciation for this, he stands by the lifestyle not being for him, nor should it be for any cat. He considers it a coward's lifestyle, and slipped back into the forest the moment he was well-recovered enough to do so. Fearful of being taken in again, he traveled far to get away from them, and ended up around WindClan territory, joining Gin's group thereafter.

He himself much prefers his time alone ( want something done, get it done yourself ), but he is willing to curb his introverted tendencies if he considers it for the better. Though he may work with others, at the end of the day it will be for the betterment of his own self and any family he may have one day. If it is in his best interest to work for another, he will be a loyal guard, if it is in his best interest to turn with the tides, then he may do so. Through this, he can be easy to control, but he acknowledges his straightfoward nature and is sound in his beliefs. He is quick to compromise with like-minded cats. As for those he disagrees with, he will remain much the same outwardly. Inwardly, he is not one to hate, but he will assess the differences between them, and simply accept that they will never know each other.

— keeps himself distant from others, not quite intentionally, but not unintentionally either
— selfish creature; he is for the most part disinterested in any greater issues or politics. he does as he's told so he gets fed at the end of the day
— somewhat traditional, his idea life would be to settle down with a family, though it is difficult for him to let anyone into his life to begin with.
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DOLLIE DOETOOTH: named for her deer-like colors and former home near the forest. likes the gentleness of the prefix, thinks it's funny.
── she / her, cis female, heterosexual
── former member of gin's group, current windclan tunneler
── 22 moons

Doetooth is a stocky cat, small and compact with thick legs and a tiny frame. It cast her as weak among Gin's group, and she had to fight hard to prove otherwise. Her torn-off tail is a memento of this, a gift from a sibling long-gone. Her fur is a patchwork of pale colors, fawn and white dappled across her pelt, with eyes of sky-blue. Her final treasure from her rogue days is the heavy scarring that tears across her face, exposing teeth on her mouth and forcing her eye into a squint. She wears the scratches with pride, eager to tell any who'll listen of her battle with a fearsome coyote.
── SH fawn tortoiseshell with low white, blue eyes

Doetooth is a spitfire at heart, quick to laugh and quick to start fights. Scrappy and outspoken, she fears none and takes no slights. There is an insecurity to her, a fragility to her ego hastily plastered over with boasts and spars. She holds a casual callousness towards bloodshed and cruelty, laughing off the pain of both herself and others. Her words are often intentionally provoking, the molly ever in the mood to start a fight, to make things a bit more interesting. She's easily bored by other cats, and rarely makes more than surface-level connections with them.
── adaptable, enthusiastic, outspoken. violent, callous, stubborn.
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wip while I'm at work hiiii

REDTAIL, she/her
-- 22 moons
-- windclan moor-runner, former rogue member of gin's group under the name "red-tail" or "red".

a sh blue spotted tabby / cinnamon-silver tabby chimera w/ low white.
-- loosely based in concept on an african grey parrot.
-- about average windclanner height.
-- scars to be determined, she's a bit scrappy. definitely retained something from the coyote attack.
-- grey (blue) eyes. slightly photosensitive.

-- calculating, smug, abrasive, saccharine. food motivated. quite curious about clan politics, likely to ask questions of more senior windclanners. "ma'am/sir" but in a derogatory way. can be quite cruel, unbothered by bloodshed and violence as that's what she grew up knowing.
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MANGE SHAGGYDOG answers to both names : it / its; agender, unlabeled sexuality – medium with a pelt of shades of dark brown. it has a bobbed tail, and it is missing hair. it has a decent number of scars, the largest being the ones on its hind leg

─ 46 moons: NPC xx NPC; has one littermate and two younger siblings: formerly of gin's group, currently of windclan

✦ blunt, grumpy, solitary, shaggydog is a product of its environment. living on its own since a young age has meant it never developed very good social skills, instead treating others as it feels they deserve based on actions. it doesn't care much for pleasantries or hierarchies, but it plays along to a degree since it's the easier thing to do. it prefers to keep to itself when possible, though it will insert itself into things when it feels like it in order to know what's going on with everyone around it. it prefers to stay informed. it doesn't care to spare feelings and as such will speak bluntly of what it thinks of others.
─ history (will add later)
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✧ Howl | Whitehowl
— "White" for his mostly snowy white fur; Determination and Skill | "Howl" for his wolf-like appearance; previous name from his family and did not want to rid himself of it
— Cisgender Male \ He/Him \ Demisexual Biromantic
— 40 moons \ Ages the 20th of every month
— Previously in Gin's Group
— Warrior of WindClan


✧ Strike X Moon
— Fang; Ash
✧ MATE TO...?
— mother/father/parent to...?
— previously mentored ?
— mentored by ? Strike

✧ A muscular blue smoke tom with high white and fiery orange eyes
— Not a typical looking WindClan cat, Howl is slightly taller than average, standing at 11 inches at the withers. Under whispy feathered fur is a male with well-packed muscle but with a lean physique around his waistline. He has wide shoulders and a broad chest, with a thick neck. He sports a feathered coat that is not thick nor thin, white as snow tattered with smokey blue patches and flecks along his body. His plumed tail is colored, along with his ears and most of his face. His head is more oval shaped with a sharp angular maw, and high cheekbones. Eyes are typical almond shaped that always seem to narrow naturally into a scowl. His irises are a flaming orange, like summer sunsets with hues of gold and auburn mingled within, a stark contrast against his light colored face.
— Carries himself well; confidence evident within his gait. Whitehowl often looks about with a natural scowl, as if he is always deep in thought. He typically has an intimidating aura about him

— Scars:
• Within his inner right eye to his forehead
• Two smaller nicked scars on the brow of his left eye and one under the same eye
• Under the left side of his chin
• Tattered right ear
• Large scar on the brunt of his chest
— None


✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: Perceptive | Loyal | Honest
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: Stoic | Dry | Independent
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: Uncertain | Self-Doubtful | Distant

— Mannerisms:
• Often replies with grunts and hums; a man of few words
• Expresses himself through ear movement or his tail; his mouth twitches in smirks or frowns
— ISTP, Chaotic Neutral
✧ suffers from any mental illnesses? None.


✧ talents, experience? what are they good at?
✧ what are they poor at, or dislike doing?
✧ peaceful powerplay? Yes healing powerplay? Yes
✧ smells like ? Sandalwood and windswept rain
✧ sounds like ? Geralt of Rivia

Speech in #586F7C
— penned by CASERDILLA

this is also a WIP but wanted to place him here!