Dec 30, 2022

Howdy ya'll! There's not much backstory for these adopts however I figured I'd adopt out some siblings for my character, Snailpaw! Too young to know life before WindClan, the kiddos were raised to believe that WindClan was the only home they could ever have. Their parents kept them sheltered away all the same, refusing to let medicine cats look at them unless absolutely necessary and trying their best to instill their own values in their children - values that consist of keeping one's head down, not being a nuisance to others and most of all, do whatever is necessary to survive in WindClan's tumultuous political climate. However, at 3 moons old, the lessons suddenly stopped, as did the affection, and suddenly, three little cats are expected to navigate the weird world of clan life by themselves. Were they able to find support from their mentor? Other apprentices? Each other? Their stories are up to you!


- these guys will be 9 moons old (aging up on the 20th of each month) so they will be expected to be windclan warriors by now! of course, they can be held back for whatever reason, or if they're tunnelers they will still have an apprentice name.

- their parent's are npcs and their names are shellswirl (mother) and whirlfang (father)! they're both still alive and are very, very private individuals to don't talk to anyone in windclan other than themselves. they didn't neglect their children whilst they were in the nursery but nowadays they're pretty distant from them emotionally. they likely stick around in windclan because their children are there and there's a level of care below the surface that they don't show, but they still want nothing to do with who they're growing up to be.

- again since their parents are very very withdrawn, it's always possible that a health issue could've formed as a kitten that didn't get resolved/still isn't resolved! for example, snailpaw themselves suffer from narcolepsy and would suddenly fall asleep a lot during playtime and struggles to ask for support with that because of those family values.

- other than that, any plots/injuries/etc, backwritten or otherwise, are fair game! snailpaw would try to be very close to them but dynamics can be worked out more deeply in the windclan server! for information on windclan's history whilst they were growing up, feel free to check out these sparknotes!

- whilst there's no naming theme, i would love it if there were some other mollusk-themed names in the litter to fit with the family! things like: slug, mussel, clam, shell, swirl etc.


SIRE: LH blue with low white
DAM: SH brown classic tabby with low white (carrying dilute, solid, longhair)

kits can be black, blue, brown tabby, or blue tabby
- kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
- kits can have no white, low white, or high white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- tabby kits will be classic tabbies
- shorthair kits will carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid


As I said, this is first come first serve so feel free to drop a form with as much or as little information as you'd like (preferably with at least name/appearance/personality to make it easier to back write some sibling relations) and it'll be accepted by me as soon as I see it!

SLOTS (2/2):
— clambite, played by blobl
— slugpaw, played by ixora

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Name: Clambite

Appearance: A strong blue molly with white splotches on her pelt. She has amber eyes, one of which has a white splotch on it.

Personality: Clambite is ready for anything. You wanna fight? Square up. She is here to throwdown and you are her target.

Her bite is strong, she was named for it. When she clamps down, she does not let go!

She is proud, confident, and thinks she is absolutely gorgeous. She has a strong sense of justice, and will always stand up for those weaker than her.

It gets her in trouble, but she never regrets it. She is here to be chaotic and good and you are stuck with it.

She also has a cheesy sense of humor. She loves shitty jokes. Beware.
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name;; slugpaw - slugbounce
rank: tunneler apprentice
gender;; cis male (he/him)
appearance;; shorthair brown tabby with low white and yellow eyes
personality;; slugpaw is a laid-back, fun-loving character who is very lax on rules. while never explicitly going out of his way to break rules, he isn't too fond of cats who are "too strict". he believes in personal freedom, doing what you believe is right. slugpaw is a very social cat, making friends wherever he goes (including other clans) and being mostly unbothered by cats who don't reciprocate his interest. he's a bit of a party animal, enjoying playtime more than training. being a tunneler, he doesn't take the dangers of his job very seriously, which may or may not impact him in the future 👀.
due to their parents sheltering them from such a young age, slugpaw lacks the ability to understand social cues and norms around him. it may take him longer than most to understand when someone is mad at him, for example. slugpaw is purposely very distant from his parents and pursues a strong social presence to make up for the socialization lost when he was a kit.

plot ideas:
- lots of friends, and lots of cats he thinks are his friends but really they just tolerate him
- tunneling accident at some point? this will slightly change his perspective on safety rules
- doesn't really conform to social norms, stands out from the crowd
- he does believe in starclan, but he also believes in the freedom to not believe. he finds the cult-like behavior of his clan ridiculous, though, which may cause some issues later
- very prone to speaking out against cats he thinks is bossy!! this also includes authority figures 👀
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