WindClan Warriors Rehome


You know, like, NYA ❤︎
Aug 9, 2022


  • Juniperfrost was a former loyalist to Sootstar, a previous member of the Marsh Colony and dutiful WindClanner who could be described as being too strict and unforgiving at times and ruthless in his defense of his clan.
    Spiderbloom was a former rogue who joined after Sootstar killed their leader and promised them a better life, a coy and impish molly who took to teasing the stoic tom constantly much to his chagrin.

    Juniperfrost and Spiderbloom were not a traditional couple by any means, they had kits born of a duty to help grow their clan and nothing more than that. They had a begrudging respect for one another, which was enough to make the decision as far as they were concerned. Unfortunately he was killed by Hyacinthbreath, WindClan's former lead warrior and traitor, before he even knew the kits were coming leaving Spiderbloom to raise them alone in a way she thought would honor him best.

    These cats are now 9 moons and were raised with the mindset to be dutiful to WindClan and obey its leader, but who is to say how they feel now...

    This will close in a week 12/27/23, maybe be extended due to holidays pending interest.

  • @Juniperfrost (Sire): LH blue ticked tabby w/ high white (carrying point, solid)
    @Spiderbloom (Dam): SH seal point (carrying dilute, longhaired)
    Littermates: TBA

    Notable Family: @Coyotecrest (Older half-brother), @wolfkit @BLAZINGKIT @Hawkkit (Nieces/Nephews, Coyotecrest's kits with @Howlfire )
    They are cousins with @GRAVELSNAP & @slatetooth .
    @applebite (Aunt) & @LYNXTOOTH. (Uncle/Deceased)

    Kits can be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, seal point, lynx point, blue point, or blue lynx point
    - kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    - kits will have low white
    - points will have blue eyes; non-pointed kits may have any realistic eye color
    - tabby kits will display the ticked pattern
    - non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid; non-pointed kits will carry colorpoint; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired

    Spiderbloom's Naming List:
    Juniper, Cypress, Frigid, Cold - After their father
    Rip, Shred, Tear, Maim, Crush, Blood, Bone, Marrow, Splinter, Fracture - VIOLENCE NAMES
    Slither, Hornet, Mantis, - Snakes, Bugs...
    Hemlock, Foxglove, Nightshade - Poisons
    Night, Shade, Gloom, Fog, Mist, Dark, Black, Murk, - Spooky, Dark Names
    Flax, Tansy, Pansy, Asphodel, Allium, Tormentil, Furze, Gorse, Wild, Buttercup, Lily, Saxifrage, Vetch, Broom - Wildflower names
    Breeze, Gust, Hare, Field, Straw, Grass - Windclan names

    No-No Names: Any name currently on a clan census, any names after prominent figures in other clans (leaders, medicine cats, etc...), any names in reference to WindClan 'traitors' (Dandelion, Hyacinth, Ember, Gale, Yew, etc...)

    • Not FCFS / Free-For-All Apps!
    • Please follow the genetics and naming guidelines!
    • By all means give them every mental illness you like, but remember to be respectful in their portrayals!
    • Disabilities are also allowed as long as they are played realistically!
    • These cats will be 9 moons
      • Warrior aged in WindClan if they are Moor Runners, but still apprentices if they are Tunnelers who graduate at 18 Moons.
    • The only activity requirement is what it takes to remain on the census, one post every three weeks (and of course getting on the census to begin with first and foremost.)

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Frothing at the mouth

Alt names:

Frigid, Flax, Murk, Tormentil, Vetch,

Tormentilfrost/bite potential ideas
Very large young man, either will give him a broken jaw or he’ll be born with a protruding lower jaw so he has very large bottom teeth
Born partially deaf / hard of hearing that he tries very hard to hide
Because of his partial deafness he doesn’t realize how loud he speaks like the caps lock is permanently on, though he tries not to speak at all

Truthfully though he is a MASSIVE sweetheart. Secretly a huge gentle giant who has to fight back tears every time he kills a butterfly. he tries his best to snuff out that part of himself though and hold up his father’s legacy as best he can, but especially during the Wind/Dusk war he struggles greatly with what’s right and what’ll make his mother happy

High white black ticked tabby with yellow eyes
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Oh my god I forgot about this, you can have one @Antiigone !!! If you're still interested <3 Sorry about that!