
Jun 6, 2022

Please do not post here! This thread is simply a place to track WindClan's official NPCs, as well as the impact they have had on WindClan's environment. You can find a small biography for each of them detailing their appearance, personality, and any family members or relationships they may have! There will also be a small section detailing what they are currently up to with our played characters, from loyalties to mentorship, or even their notable friends or enemies! This will be updated with major changes, and these characters will age real time on the first of every month.

I. Bramblebelly, a young brown tabby with a white locket and bright green eyes. She is boisterous and jovial but easily pushed towards an argument or fight.
II. Birchflight, a pale brown tabby moor runner with white toes and green eyes. Since Thrushpaw's death, he has grown serious and reclusive.
III. Crookedhowl, a patchwork chocolate mink with aqua eyes and a spattering of white. He is funny and jovial, but cautious and crass due to his rogue past.

I. Owlface, a serious dark brown tabby with a white throat and pale yellow eyes. He is surprisingly kind, but has difficulties emoting or talking about himself. Mate to Moonwhisker, and father of Ploverpaw and Rampaw.
II. Mothshade, a pale blue cat with sage green eyes. She is rounder than one might expect of a tunneler, with a soft appearance and personality both.
III. Webthorn, a small lilac tunneler with high white and pale blue eyes. They are haughty and difficult to talk to yet a hard worker nonetheless.

I. Ploverpaw, a very young blue tortoiseshell with white mittens. She seems very sleepy and rather lazy, but not malicious in any way. Sister to Rampaw.
II. Rampaw, a very young pale cream tabby with a white chest and belly. He is similarly as calm as his sister, yet much more keen to explore. Brother to Ploverpaw.

I. Moonwhisker, a young blue tortoiseshell molly with dainty white mittens and soft blue eyes. She is an inexperienced mother yet loving and eager to learn. Mate to Owlface, expecting their second litter.
II. Cloudcatcher, a long-limbed brown spotted tabby with a white throat and belly, and leafy green eyes. She seems eager to be a mother and loves to come up with new games for the kits. Expecting her first litter.

I. Lionthroat, a frail yet large red tabby with thick fur and glazed amber eyes. He enjoys telling stories, but is known for getting snappy with poorly performing apprentices. Marigoldlight's brother.
II. Marigoldlight, a small tortoiseshell with thick fur and wise yellow eyes. She is calmer than Lionthroat and much more forgiving of apprentices. Lionthroat's sister.

RETIRED NPCS. deceased, or have left the clan
I. Dustflight, a middle-aged grey tabby with white socks and yellow eyes. He is flighty, serious, and very paranoid of outside influences on WindClan. Died in the rebellion on Sunstar's side.
II. Littletooth, a senior cream tabby with grizzled fur and a large scar across her face, blinding one amber eye. They are quiet and thoughtful, but seem slightly awkward around others. Remained in the barn as a loner.
III. Smallwhisker, a dark chocolate tunneler with piercing copper eyes. They are ambitious but caring of WindClan, and are an outspoken Sootstar loyalist. Died in the rebellion on Sootstar's side.
IV. Thrushpaw, a darker brown tabby moor runner with a white belly and yellow eyes. He is reclusive and a troublemaker, often covering for Birchpaw's slacking. Died in the rebellion, protecting Birchpaw.
RETIRED NPCs2 ♂  |  2 ⚥  |  0 ♀  |  TOTAL: 4
though they are no longer in use due to their death, departure, or some other strange circumstance, these cats and their deeds may still be referenced in posts!

Dustflight. Moor Runner of WindClan. Public NPC.
——— 40 Moons ╱ AMAB He - Him - His.
——— A grey tabby with white socks and bright yellow eyes. Tall and lanky, but not of an impressive height outside of WindClan. He has few noteworthy scars, and is often caked with a thin layer of dust from his constant patrolling nature.

Flighty, serious, and paranoid of outside influences on WindClan. A separationist at heart, Dustflight does not trust cats outside WindClan. He seems to rarely engage with other clans on border patrols, and intentionally avoids going to the Gathering. Cats with known heritage outside the clan are treated with utmost caution at best.

NPC x NPC. No mate or children.
——— Previous Mentor: Unknown
——— Previous Apprentices: None

Littletooth. Moor Runner of WindClan. Public NPC.
——— 75 Moons ╱ AFAB She - Her or They - Them
——— A grizzled cream tabby with a scarred face and amber eyes. Despite their scars and lithe, powerful build, there is something so awkward about Littletooth that makes it hard to take her seriously. She rarely makes eye contact and ducks her head low, perhaps trying to hide the long, ragged claw marks marring her face.

Quiet, thoughtful, and very awkward. Despite a very kind heart, Littletooth rarely seems to say what they intend to. At least not without several attempts and subsequent failures. Prefers to remain on her own, or with quiet patrols. She has a peculiar fondness for frogs, and can frequently be seen soaking her paws in the sun-warmed pool as she watches them.

NPC x NPC. Mate to Name. Children.
——— Previous Mentor: None
——— Previous Apprentices: None

Smallwhisker. Tunneler of WindClan. Public NPC.
——— 40 Moons ╱ AMAB They - Them - Their.
——— A dark chocolate smoke with piercing copper eyes. Typically shrouded in the dark of WindClan's tunnels and without any signal their presence in whatever meager light remains, what cats see of Smallwhisker is often limited to glowing copper eyes. They are quite small and remarkably stealthy.

Ambitious and outspoken, with a deep loyalty to Sootstar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque accumsan felis a quam tempus accumsan quis ultricies neque. Praesent luctus aliquam enim et luctus. Nunc sollicitudin erat ligula, in auctor neque accumsan et. Donec feugiat rhoncus elit, nec pretium augue placerat vitae. Morbi lacinia condimentum tellus at rutrum. Nunc auctor vulputate risus in faucibus. Maecenas sed tristique odio.

NPC x NPC, littermate to Owlface. Mate to Name. Children.
——— Previous Mentor: None
——— Previous Apprentices: None

Trushpaw. Moor Runner Apprentice of WindClan. Public NPC.
——— 07 Moons ╱ AMAB He - Him - His.
——— A broad dark brown tabby with a white belly and yellow eyes. Any additional traits they may have, anything noteworthy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque accumsan felis a quam tempus accumsan quis ultricies neque. Praesent luctus aliquam enim et luctus.

A reclusive prankster and known (competent) liar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque accumsan felis a quam tempus accumsan quis ultricies neque. Praesent luctus aliquam enim et luctus. Nunc sollicitudin erat ligula, in auctor neque accumsan et. Donec feugiat rhoncus elit, nec pretium augue placerat vitae. Morbi lacinia condimentum tellus at rutrum. Nunc auctor vulputate risus in faucibus. Maecenas sed tristique odio.

NPC x NPC. Littermate to Birchpaw.
——— Previous Mentor: None
——— Previous Apprentices: None
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