
Jul 20, 2022


THE TIME HAS COME. For months now we've been talking about taking Windclan down that dark, militaristic path and finally that time is upon us! Sootstar looks to fill her ranks with loyal, battle-hardened cats that will support her during her time as Leader, and she seeks to find them in the Loner Lands.

This plot will be broken into three phases, all of which will be outlined below to give you an idea of what to expect and to keep things from getting derailed. Any rogue from the group who joins Windclan at the end of the plot will be able to claim a lovely badge to commemorate the occasion, as well as any rogues who are backwritten into the group after the plot ends (with a grace period of 2-3 weeks before badges will no longer be available).

PHASE ONE, Windclans Offer- Its been a month since the Rogues have come together, a month since the coyotes had taken everything their land has to offer from them. They are united by a leader, but just how strong are their ties to them? Then, from out of nowhere a patrol of cats appear. These are the Lead Warriors and Deputy of Windclan. They speak of rolling hills, fat rabbits, and great leader, telling them that any cat who wishes to join them should gather here in seven days time to meet her. ((the rogues and windclan HPs meet for the first time! )) -

PHASE TWO, The Rogues- After the Windclan cats leave, word spreads like wildfire among the rogues living in the group. Tensions run high as the current leader refuses to let their two groups merge despite an overwehlming vote to do so. ((this is a transitional period of sorts where you guys can actually roleplay your characters freely in the loner lands. get to know each other, establish bonds and rivalries that you can take to Windclan, and generally get a feel for your character and how they're feeling about all of this. as a special note, please don't take the 'one week til return' as IRL time. it may be sooner, it may be a little longer- it all depends on the pace of things))

PHASE THREE, Sootstars Arrival
- as promised, the Windclan cats return with their Leader to collect the rogues that wish to join them- but what's this? The current Rogue Leader doesn't seem to like that too much... (sootstar arrives to collect her new cats, demonstrating the power of a 'truly worthy leader' in the process. after this, you guys are officially Windclan and can post around the board, starting with the 'return to camp' thread, where Soot will formally introduce the new horde to her current one)

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