Sunlight filters in through the rocky opening of her den, a cool breeze accompanying it. With just a few glances outside she can tell it's a beautiful day today. Clear blue skies can be seen through the pine trees, birds are calling to one another as they flit about above the camp. Its new-leaf, of course, and thus may creatures were either getting nests ready or caring for the young that had already been born. She stares wistfully out of her living space before turning back to her work. Nests needed to be ready for patients, stars forbid she ever have more than one at a time, and thus moss needed to be dragged out then dragged in, stray leaves needed to be swept out, herbs needed to be looked through to ensure nothing was rotting and yet she cannot help but continue to stare wistfully in the direction of her dens entrance. Her paws are itching to take her out of camp, not hunting of course, she had learned not long ago that taking a life- any life- on purpose was not something she was well-suited for, but she could always search for herbs.

Maybe later, if there was still daylight after she had finished all her chores. Maybe even Granitepelt would accompany her... She lets out a breathy sigh and gets back to work, that is, until a shadow obstructs the light at her den's entrance.

// @S A B L E T U F T

can we leave it behind? The sunlight that greeted his Clanmates seemed to thaw the bitterness that hung from the stress of leafbare. More commonly he heard laughter in the corners of camp, his peers had been more chatty than usual, and of course there was the expectant burst of kittens to appear in the nursery. The seasons may change but Sabletuft lived through enough each time to recognize the patterns each brought. This would change again after the high of greenleaf, but he would enjoy the lack of bickering and squabbles.

With camp scarce of any warriors and their apprentices, and relieving Loampaw to fill his time with whatever it was he enjoyed to do, Sabletuft took the moment to approach something he had been avoiding lately. He hadn't spent much time with Starlingheart. Admittedly, he wasn't sure how to speak with her. She was a child when taking on the role of a full medicine cat, abandoned by the fool before her. Their worlds were entirely different in more ways than one.

The tuxedo rose to stand in the entryway of her den, a mere silhouette against the sunlight. "Starlingheart." He greeted neutrally. His eyes blink as he got adjusted to how dark the den was inside. "I noticed you haven't left the den in some time. I'd like to help you, if that's alright. Might be better prepared for an injury if there's less to do?"— tags

The black and white she cat jumps slightly at the sound of her name coming from the entrance of the den. For a moment, she is prepared to grab her emergency herbs and rush out of the den, fully expecting it to be some sort of emergency that had brought Sabletuft to her. Usually that was the case when a clanmate came to her den. It was rare for her to be needed for much else. It was rarer still for someone to offer her help. She visibly straightens, a soft smile gracing her features. "Th-that's very kind of you" she says, touched. Sabletuft was a good clanmate, a good friend. "I would l-love some- love an extra paw" She gestures to the herbs next to her "If you want to help me with- with these that wou-would be- that would be great" pawing through the herbs and peering at them carefully then putting them back where they belonged was perhaps one of the most time consuming things on her agenda, besides actually going out and searching for herbs that is. "Jus-just put aside any that look- uh dead or not- not good" she intructs.

can we leave it behind? She accepted his offer to help, which came with slight relief. For a moment he was concerned she would turn him away, maybe direct him back to the work more associated with those of his rank. He never had the need to see Starlingheart for any injuries, he was smart at keeping himself healthy. Not doing anything dumb like his younger Clanmates to earn him a trip to her den. He was curious though, what really made a medicine cat? Being left so young, was she really as knowledgable as the rest?

Sabletuft entered the den fully to stand beside her, glancing over her stocks and nodding in understanding. "Quite the challenge, I'll make sure to be careful." His teasing is light, all in good spirits. With a single swipe of his paw he spread out one of the piles, not quite sure what he was touching. It was bitter smelling, that's all he could take notice of. "Do you really have to chew these most the time? Do you ever feel dizzy from how strong the tastes are?" He could only imagine it felt worse on his tongue than in his nose.— tags