camp Winds of change || o. Intro

Mar 20, 2023


Shardkit had saw it coming, watching as their mother pulled their other siblings in for a bath, her tongue flattening down their furs and soon they knew it would reach their turn but before Shardkit's mother could pull them in they scrambled onto their tiny paws and made way towards the entrance of the camp, scrambling to push through the enterace before bursting forth into the clearing of the camp, moss, leaves, feathers tangled in the dilute tortoiseshell's long fur as the mother called out to Shardkit, "Hey! Get back here!" Which made the young kit whirl around to stick their tongue out and fluff up their fur slightly. "No!" they said.

Crystal blue eyes began to scan the camp for a hiding spot as the sound of much bigger paw steps made its way out of the nursery making Shardkit make a run for it, clumsy paws scampering across the earth floor as their mother shouted after them attempting to regroup her runaway kit. Shardkit would look back and that would be their downfall as the bumped into another cat much larger than them and making a soft 'oof' sound before stumbling backwards and falling onto their back, blinking up at whomever they had just ran into. "Uhh...sorry..." they said sheepishly with a little apologetic smile on their face.
"Careful." Orangeblossom warns as a kitten careens into her leg. It's not quite enough to make her stumble, but she steadies herself with a small grunt of effort and looks down to spy Shardkit on the ground, ears flattened sheepishly and an expression of apology written clear on youthful features.

"What are you running from?" The deputy casts her gaze around the camp, finding no apparent threat - only the kitten's mother, staunching across the camp with a furious expression on her maw and a few strands of kitten-fur clinging to her face. Orangeblossom's whiskers twitch in amusement. Oh, she knows what's happened here.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

He heard a scrabble of paws- an apology- but thankfully it didn't sound like any sort of fight. Quillstrike of all cats had ingrained in his memory what a real disaster in camp looked like, all blood and waiting and yowling, and- well, this was no such happening. The kitten- Shardkit, their name was- had a much calmer reaction than he might have done in the past. Crashing headlong into the deputy while making what looked like a frenzied escape from the nursery was something he might have smashed his own head against a rock for... though, it was probably a good thing when someone's first instinct wasn't to panic.

Ever-incredulous, his gaze fixed upon the kitten, flickering between them and their stormy-faced parent. "Uh- you need help hiding...?" Something of a smile trembled on his features, the corner of a single lip curving up. Maybe it wasn't responsible, but... well, it might be a little bit entertaining.
penned by pin ✧


Oops, they had ran into the deputy head on but, it would seem Orangeblossom was slightly amused, probably already figuring out why the kit was running, bath time, something almost all kits despised it would seem. Shardkit quickly scrambled onto their paws ready to dart off again when another would joined them. Twitchbolt, one of the newer warriors and their crystal blue eyes looking up at the tom before nodding quickly.

"Know any good spots?" they asked with a slight mischievous grin on their maw. Their mother wouldn't be please in the slightest that Shardkit had gained an accompanist to theid to escape from the rasping of a mother's tongue against their fur, but Shardkit knows for sure that they'll probably be getting a huge lecture once caught about running off.
She hides her wickedness past a facade of caring, this one. She concerns herself with what the child runs from, rather than her running to begin with. Had it been him, he would've turned the little thing over on her stomach to gut her open. Small now, sure– but, left uncorrected, she may crash into something she shouldn't have. She'd rue the day, certainly. Perhaps thats why she ran, even now. Found herself tumbling into the legs of a beast invisible to the naked eye– now compelled only by the urge to run, but kittishly ignorant to the dust jaws that loom ever closer.

Her smile is too bashful for something like that, though. Dawnglare watches his foolish little smile with one of his own. He is in his right to do so, compared to her. He could not be devoured whole, quite so easily.

"I'm sure he does," vaguely, the tom muses, eyes creasing into blue moons as his gaze slides to the one in question. Cursed as he was, he was experienced in running from imaginary beasts, wasn't he? He shudders in fear, even if he knows not what it is for. The body often knows more than a mind might. Fight or flight, in its most carnal form. The thing strains a smile, but this one knows the truth.