camp WINDSWEPT [𓆝] barking

In the night many new sounds could be heard. The hooting of an owl, the chirping of crickets, the yipping of coyotes. Yet the sound in the far distance was deeper than any of those, far more thunderous and intimidating. She gazes off into the distance as if she'd ever spot the source past the tall reeds. Twinklekit glances around the camp trying to spot the reactions of warriors, were they scared? If they weren't she had no reason to be, they'd protect her if the booming shouting posed a threat. If they were scared... that'd be a different story.

Walking up to the first cat she saw, fellow kit or warrior, she nudges them with a forepaw. "What is that?" Twinklekit meows as another series of barking erupts. "What makes that noise?"
  • >> bullhead. dog barking in the distance. not positive if the twolegs retreated yet so if they did this just takes place retro wherever it wouldve made the most sense. i needed the bingo B)
  • Β» Twinklekit
    Β» RiverClan Kit
    Β» She/her . AFAB
    Β» A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    Β» ”Speech”  thoughts β€€ attack
  • Β» A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    Β» Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    Β» Fights defensively to survive.
    Β» May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Valepaw doesn't try to interact with the Witch's brood too much, if only because he's already gotten into enough petty battles with Eveningkit about her wicked mother. Sometimes, though, he finds his aura of quiet and calm to be more like a magnet to the RiverClan youth and it seems Twinklekit has deemed him a source of knowledge tonight. Perking his ears to listen, the chimera is none too pleased by the noise she points out... it is a familiar sound alright, one that makes him shudder with a pain-hazed memory.

As if made sore by the recollection, he rolls his shoulder nervously before flicking a sun-warmed gaze at the pale-eyed girl, "It's a dog," he says with incredible distaste, lips peeled back in a disgusted grimace to even name the beast at all. "Violent, horrible things..."

He is more than aware he's not the only one with that experience... an anxious glance towards the medicine cat's den shows a fearful worry for Robinheart. If he could've wished his leg into a worse shape at the cost of sparing her that pain, he would've swallowed it down gladly. Hopefully... the practice with his own injury would be valuable.

"Wouldn't recommend trying to fight one... if you see it...."

Dogs. Foul smelling nasty little bastards, the best part about them was how pathetically subordinate they were to their twoleg masters and the loud yelps they made when ones claws dug into their dopey noses. The bark rings out loud over the horizon, it may be far out but even that wasn't far enough. He tail swishes and her gaze hardens. They'd have plenty of warning if it came any closer, dogs lacked any semblance of stealth their steps were loud even if they kept their ugly maws shut. She takes a breath, even knowing that she doesn't think she'll be able to rest easy. One had already snuck in. And left blood in it's wake, Robinheart was badly hurt and she wishes she'd been there when that monstrous hound had reared it's ugly head. If she'd been there could she have made a difference? Her claws unsheathe digging into the soil unconsciously.

She snaps too suddenly making her fur lay flat when her ears pick up the mewling sound of Twinklekit's innocent question, she looks down at her paws and promptly sheathes her claws before padding up to the kit and the apprentice she'd decided to bother. She flashes a smile as if she hadn't been worrying "Don't worry about them, they're dumb and clumsy and they don't have Starclan on their side like we do. You got nothing to worry about with big tough warriors like me looking after you" liar, she was here now and she would fight with all her might if another dog threatened her clan again. There was no need for Twinklekit or Valepaw to worry though, they deserved to worry about nothing more then the next game they'd play or what training they had scheduled for tomorrow.