camp Windy Hill || Open

Garlickit had never seen such a force of nature before. Not only was it so windy she could barely exist outside the nursery, but the sky was darkened by heavy clouds. Why? Why couldn't it be clear like it always was? Why were the clouds so dark? Why was it so windy? The small scruffy molly took a few steps out of the nursery only to be battered by the wind, her fur even more ruffled than it already had been.

Why did Starclan want it to be windy!

"IT IS ENTIRELY TOO WINDY!!!" She shouted to the world.

She could even see the fresh kill pile being moved, the various prey moving ever so slightly, rattled by the wind. But it wasn't prey that assaulted her this day. No, it was a pinecone. She didn't even see it coming. It flew right into her side and tangled itself in her fur.

"HEY!!" She shouted at the pinecone. Such DISRESPECT.

What does she do to punish this strange object?

Bite it, of course.

She fell to her side and bit and chewed on the pinecone all while making RRRRRRARARARRRGH sounds.​

they're not a fan of this. this weather. the wind was entirely too much. a cool breeze never bothered them too much, gently sweeping their fur and kissing against it gently. but this... this was more like a rough hug from a cat that no one liked. instead of it being soft against them, it's rough and it's hard to damned see anything with everything blowing in their face. they can't stand this weather. as they grunted, they squinted their eyes to try and check upon their clan. likely, they were having the same dilemma about this as they were. too much damned wind. their tufted ears only momentarily perk up at the sound of garlickit yelling, and they only can agree with a gentle laugh. entirely too windy was right. you've got that right for sure, little one. they nod internally, before making their way to the kit, hoping to block at least some of the wind from her, as she seemed to attack a pinecone that assaulted her, though not of its own devices. the wind surely had to help with that.

"that's right, little one. show that pine cone who is boss. no one attacks the mighty garlicstar and gets away with it."



The short-furred molly didn’t mind the heavy wind, in late new-leaf the cool breeze was a welcome refreshment to break the stagnant heat. Plus on top of it all, she didn’t have long fur getting tossed and whipped around into her eyes, thank the stars for that! Seems some of their more fluffy members, particularly thick-coated kits, were getting their pelts into quite the mess with items blown in. Watching Garlickit bite and wrestle with the pine one attached to her blue and cream fur she lets out a chuckle. ”Silly furball.” Playfully she aims to whack the pinecone out of Garlickit’s grasp, her way of joining play.
Garlickit probably says the smartest thing she's said in moons (And that's very bad, considering they are only two moons old). Applekit can feel the ruffle of her thick fur from within the nursery, and stepping outside felt like she was entering a battlefield. Was this what the great battle had been like? Being jostled from all sides? At least then, you could anticipate it. But the wind was an invisible bully. She did not like to be pushed around.

An extra tiny kit like Valeriankit could probably be lost entirely in this wind. Applekit is questioning if Garlickit is even supposed to be out here! Maybe she had only come for a peak, but as soon as a pinecone hits her side, she loses the plot completely.

The warriors encourage her even, if Applekit huffs discontentedly. How were they so unbothered by the wind? Stumpyspots whacks the pinecone away, and its probably going to blow right out of camp with Garlickit following suit. Start calling her Garlicstar and she'll think she can do anything. If any kit were to be leader, it definitely wouldn't be Garlickit, either.

" Garlickit, come back inside! " Applekit mewls, feeling barely audible against the wind. A skittish pout is aimed at the actual clan leader before she turns back to the nursery. " Halfshade! Garlickit's gonna get blown away! "

( ooc: >:0! Calling for @Halfshade !! )
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The black smoke sits with her shoulders hunched and eyes narrowed as her curly fur whips about erratically. The pounding gusts of wind were starting to get on her nerves as it blew just about everything it could pick up around camp. Even poor Garlickit managed to get pelted by a wayward pine cone wizzing across the ground. She watches the irritated kit for a moment before calling out over the whipping wind. "When will the wind stop? It's already been several days." Applekit then calls out to her brother, worrying for his safety and honestly she doesn't blame the little one.
When I let it bother me, that's my problem