camp WINE & SCONE // snowflake catching

[ doubling as a short post thread!! dw abt quantity, just a little thing to have fun :) ]

"Aaaand she pounces...!" Snowykit commentates herself, bouncing up out of a fluffy snowbank and into another one, needle sharp claws reaching upwards and scoring the air as they do. She lands unceremoniously, twisting her body further into the freshly fallen snow on accident. Black fur is dusted white as she stands quickly, and she surveys the contents of one of her paw pads, "Did I catch it? Did- Did you see me? I caught it! I did I did!" She turns to the closest cat for validation.​

he’d never say he had a soft spot for kits, but did not harbor the same revulsion to them as chilledstar had had growing up. blood orange eyes peek open, molten slits where they crack the darkness of his face when snowykit pauses in her play nearby and turns to him to cheer. ferndance’s kit, boisterous and beaming ; he simply watches her for a beat, amusement brightening the haze over his eyes, the sleep that had had his chin resting light on unsheathed paws. his tail comes to tap at the snow dusting her back before rumbling a playful, ” you caught it, yes. or perhaps it caught you. at least she had a warm nursery to curl up in, and a home - ridden queen to warm her fur when she returned to her nest.

  • i.

    skeletal black tom with ghost rosettes and blood orange eyes. a disgusting, enchanting thing. born the color of old, clotted blood ; feathered black kissed russet by the sun, oil - slick and sheening. forged like the writhing insects that permeate his homelands, long and bony ; gaunt, near exoskeletal where bones push against the thinner parts of his coat. splintering fur cast in spikes along a slim, vertebrae - bumped neck towards the dark of his face. strangely soft featured and androgynous, framed by heavy lashes and a smoldering orange gaze. compact yet slim ; broad at the shoulders and forearms from a life of crouching in the undergrowth. serpentspine makes for an alluring, revolting figure, filth - ridden black rose sprouting from the wetlands.


"Nothing can catch Snowykit, she catches everything. She even catches fleas!" The cinnamon tabby boasted proudly of her sister, irony lacking from her protective tone as she stuck her tongue out towards Serpentspinet. A toothy smile gripped her muzzle as she moved towards Snowkit, ogling at the 'catch' through large copper eyes. "Jolly good job, Snowball!" The auburn kitten praised - even hunting snowflakes was boring to her, she preferred to maim and murder them, although, she would not harm her family's catch without permission. "What's it gonna do?" Or, rather, 'what are you doing to do with it?'.

Willowburn wouldn't lie that he envied the joy and blissful ignorance of kits. Now that he was a warrior there was so much more to focus on, so much to scramble towards, many darker thoughts. Oh to just bounce and pounce, and laugh the day away. "A good catch indeed! Such swift paws, my dear Snowykit." He cooed playfully as he padded over to watch the fun. "Do you think you can catch more?"
- ⋆ -
It was her time to lounge and Thornpaw felt restless. Their paws absently moved back and forth rhythmically against the ground as she laid at the entrance of the Apprentice den. Bi-colored gaze watching amusedly as Snowykit excitedly proclaimed her catch. Her clanmates joined in on the fun soon after and she itched to join in. For now she quietly observed on wondering if the youth would catch another.
Shadekit was never far from his littermates. Snowykit and Bloodkit started up their excited squeaking, and it only took a turn and a burst of speed for Shadekit to reach them, looking around for whatever Snowykit had caught. He was thinking, a rock or a stick, or maybe, if Snowykit was lucky, a bug, but pausing to actually look at Snowykit revealed her victim: the snow. Although, like Serpentspine alluded to, the snow peppering her night-black fur made it seem like a rather equal fight. His ears twitched at Willowburn's words. "Yeah, y' gotta catch more! Otherwise the clan's gonna get flooded by snow!" He chirped to Snowykit, batting at the falling flakes. Not true, but he thought it was a dramatically fun idea, so he would run with it. Maybe, this way, they could also see Snowykit's hunting prowess that they had missed moments prior.​
"Guess it's up to Snowykit to save us all," drawls the new warrior, watching the events unfold safely from beneath the shadow of a tree. Here, they can lay down without being too heavily surrounded by snow, the needles of the tree having protected the ground somewhat from being blanketed as other parts of the camp had been. "Unless you two--" their words are interrupted by the chirps that insist on spilling from their throat, but they continue on easily afterwards, "--think you're capable hunters too. Maybe together you can all protect us from the snow."