wings of a dragonfly | bug catching


bye bye baby blue
Dec 11, 2023

Surprisingly it was a rather dry day among ShadowClan's camp. Typically heavy mud clung off his toes and made walking around rather tedious, but without the puddles and mud he was light and airy. Laurelpaw wasn't one to openly wear his emotions, unless they were too large for concealment, most often it was anger that was too much to hide. Today it was happiness, a pleasant change.

He meandered around looking one place to the other, searching for nothing in particular, but searching all the same. His wandering eye was swiftly stolen away though as something shiny shot past him in the air. Quickly his eyes locked onto the movement. There sitting on a waving leaf sat a dragonfly. It was huge, Laurelpaw would say the same size as his face. Which would be stretching the truth, but only by a little. The blue tom slowly approached the insect, taking note of it's vibrant blue colouring. He couldn't recall another time he had seen such a bright colour, especially on a living creature. He could believe if somewhere in the medicine den there was a bright blue flower. But, that was flowers thing, to be bright and colourful. Most of the time animals wanted to be as unnoticeable as possible, therefore this was truly quite the sight.

His eyes were still glued to the dragonfly as it started to beat its wings. Then as the blue body started to lift off the leaf, the apprentice's tail started to swish and his pupils grew wide. He struck at it. A single white paw slammed into the ground, but as it's lifted no shining body is found. Upon the discovery his amber eyes turn to the sky, searching for where his friend went. It takes a second but he hones in on the sparkling prize. Soon enough he is galivanting among camp, swatting at the air and twisting like a kitten.


Rain had been falling heavily for the past few days over ShadowClan's camp, leaving the ground muddy and wet, and allowing Gigglekit the new leisure activity of rolling around in the mud, an activity that benefited Needledrift in no way unless the queen liked the taste of mud on her tongue that she got after cleaning the young girl up. Today though, the rain had halted enough for the ground to dry, and Gigglekit was out stomping around, trying to find a puddle amidst solid ground.

Just when she'd been about to give up, movement caught her eye, and Gigglekit glanced over to see Laurelpaw frolicking around the camp, obviously entranced by something. Curious, Gigglekit trotted over to the apprentice, and her eyes lit up when she caught sight of the dragonfly that was being chased.

"Wha's that?" Gigglekit questioned as she padded after Laurelpaw, delighting with the apprentice in the little joys of bug-chasing.
  • !
  • GIGGLEKIT kit of shadowclan, one moon
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


Opossumpaw liked consistency when it came to the weather, a warm dry day meant his fur was more frizzy and held more static then usual. He honestly preferred the spring showers, both because he liked the coolness in the air and also critters the rain brought out prey as well as intriguing bugs. Also well he likes rolling in the mud like Gigglekit, it felt good for Starclans sake! It’d rain soon enough, it was almost a guarantee and there’d be plenty of mud to galavant in and splash at his peers. Still he drinks in its pleasures of this warm day in excess, happily lounging in a sunspot eyes lazily watching his clanmates - searching for anything interesting. Indeed he does find just that, a flash of wings and bright colors whizzes through the air followed by the appearance of Laurelpaw who was determined to grasp the strange creature.

Opossumpaw stands, eyes narrowed quizzically he begins to approach a smirk already on his face. He can’t get a close look at the thing but it’s an insect but it’s real quick "Ain’t no way you’re gonna catch that my buddy" he remarks towards Laurelpaw - his eyes shine with mischief.

"Cause I’m gettin’ that buggy first!" he challenges, one of his own paws swiping up and of course missing. "Try and trip him up Gigglekit! I’ll share it with you when I catch it"

𖠰𖠰 The kit likes to chase beetles and grasshoppers, but the bug that Laurelpaw chases after is one that he’s never even seen before. Amber eyes squint as he draws closer, attempting to make out what it is, but it flies away before he can really see it. Branchkit wants to catch it, too! He wants to see how shiny it is! Gigglekit joins in on the chasing, and it spurs him into action, following after the two with wide eyes. "A bug!"

Opossumpaw speaks up, saying that Laurelpaw won’t catch it, because he’s going to catch it, and Branchkit gasps. "Lemme help, Laur'paw!" He chirps out, his pale paws slamming heavily against the ground as he takes off after Laurelpaw and his sister. Gigglekit and Opossumpaw are gonna work together against the older tom, so of course Branchkit has to help him! Theyre on a… a team, or something like that. He just doesn’t know how much he can help the apprentice when he’s so small. He can’t really jump up very far, and the bug is moving so fast! The little tabby attempts to jump at the bug, but his paws don’t even come close.
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Though she wasn't as hyper-focused on her training as some apprentices were, it was honestly sort of rare to see Onyxpaw just relaxing around camp. With how anxious she often grew about her own performance and future, it wasn't uncommon to see her constantly out on patrols, or acting as a miniature shadow to Scorchfrost. Today, however, she had decided to allow herself a break. She wanted to take advantage of one of the few dry days they had had in a while, a reality emphasized by the croaking of frogs still filling the surroundings of camp even now. The newly firmed-up ground of camp was perfect for sunbathing, which Opossumpaw seemed to be in agreement with. She had been relaxing not far from the other apprentice, eyes half-lidded, when Laurelpaw came tumbling along, his attention clearly totally captured by the thing buzzing through the air.

She didn't leap up as eagerly as Opossumpaw, content in just staying where she was as she eyed the dragonfly that was quickly darting around. It was difficult for her to actually spot the full shape of it, but its movements did make it easy enough for her to identify. "It's a dragonfly, Gigglekit. There's lots of them out over the marshes sometimes. I remember when I first saw one as a kit, it scared me so badly..." Their wings had made them seem so huge compared to every other bug that she had seen, and even her mother telling her what it was hadn't assuaged her fears at the time. Though she did have to wonder how they had gotten their name - the fly part she got, considering the huge wings, but what even was a dragon? Onyxpaw chose not to dwell on it, instead slipping her paws underneath her as everyone else seemed to begin eagerly splitting into teams. "I'll act as a judge. You know, if both of you somehow manage to catch a piece of it." It was a poor excuse for her to keep laying down, but she didn't really want to move out of her claimed spot of sun at the moment.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    7 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed