camp Winter bones | sick

[Tw: Minor emetophobia mention near the end.]

He tucked his lone front paw in, plume of a tail curling around himself as he stared out of the den into the camp clearing where the collective of kits were all playing and roaming about, leaving him to sit in the silent darkness for a moment longer. Sunfreckle blinked, dots floating before his eyes and the strange edge of exhaustion that had been filling his head for days was emphasized with a churning wave of dizziness. The red tabby closed his eyes and he stopped, but the sensation of having a head full of clouds didn't fade. Both green eyes moved from staring outside, the bright light was starting to hurt his eyes so he fixated his gaze on bits of mouse bone fragments in the corner that a warrior would come to clean for them later; the mouse he'd given to Little Wolf saying he'd eaten already that day. The tiny lie wasn't a big deal, but he still felt bad for it; lying didn't come easy to him and he didn't like doing it but how else would he explain that he couldn't eat. There was a hollowness inside him that felt more and more giant by the day, prey would just be swallowed up in it; it'd be wasted on him. When prey was brought he often hid it in his nest, carried it back to the freshkill pile later that night when the camp slumbered. Sunfreckle wondered if anyone had noticed, how strictly was it counted and guarded. He didn't want to waste food though...

The sound of kitten's laughing made his ears twitch and he looked up again with a tight smile, watching them barrel over one another and rolling about. Sometimes he wished he'd gotten to have a kithood here; being able to grow alongside friends in a warm and safe place. It didn't seem like a lot but it was comforting all the same. Having lifted his head back up sent another ripple of pain through his head that coursed down his throat into the pit of his stomach and he felt it biting into him too sharply. Sunfreckle rose with a stiff-legged wobble, briskly padded out of the den to step around the side, but didn't quite make it into the bushes before he heaved; back arching and fur bristling in a wretch but nothing came. He had nothing to lose, nothing to give, all that escaped him was a sickly yellow bile so minimal it all but vanished into the ground.


Rabbitnose had been in the clearing when he saw Sunfreckle leave the nursery. He happily began to hop over, but his joyful step stopped and his expression turned to worry when he saw him heave. His ears flattened and he hurried over to Sunfreckle. It was getting colder out...And with the cold came sickness.

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, gently grooming Sunfreckle's head.

He had been about to go hunting, but he couldn't leave now...Not when Sunfreckle was sick.

He hoped Starclan wasn't going to take him away too. He couldnt bare to lose him.

"Do you need me to get Berryheart?" He asked again. He was so, so worried.
She loves Berryheart! Love love love love's him, he's her favorite uncle, even! But even so, she can acknowledge that Berryheart doesn't know JACK SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she was NOT going to make him PUBLICALLY EMBARRASS HIMSELF. "WE DON'T NEED BERRYHEART!" she loudly announces. (Impressively, she refrains from gagging at the sight of PDA.) And maybe a little too late, she realizes that that sounded a LITTLE aggressive and maybe weird. "I mean we DO... NEED HIM..." more than Cinderfrost, that's for damn sure. "BUT UH... HE... LIKE, HE'S... He's terribly busy right now, I propose, I conclude..." She's so eloquent with her words, the sure sign of a trustworthy woman. What's she supposed to say, he's too stupid to help (WHICH HE ISN'T SHE DOESN'T THINK THAT) BUT LIKE... !!!

Um... Berryheart was Starclan's chosen, or whatever, so she probably had some healer blood in her too, or something! She would simply assess Sunfreckle herself, easy peasy! Vomit (Ew) why do cats (ew) vomit??? She was pretty sure she's seen Rabbitnose do that before (ew) because, no offense, she's pretty sure he's stupid??? He like, ate deathberries. If SHE heard of something called deathberries she would OBVIOUSLY not eat it. If they were called yumberries or something, she could've excused it. "Was it... That— that plant she who must not be named force fed to your dumbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamazing mmmate?"
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Jaypaw is just returning to camp after a failed hunt after some mice when he hears the starling sound of retching. The apprentice jolts and follows the sound to a trio of cats, all of which he recognizes to a varying degree. Sunfreckle and Rabbitnose have been kind to him so he's immediately concerned when he realizes that Sunfreckle was the one that made that sound. He had heard about Dovekit but he didn't know how to talk to someone about something like that, sorry sounds too soft for something so bad. He can see the concern etched on Rabbitnose's face and he frowns deep. As for Wolfpaw, he's just not sure what to make of her. He's not thin-skinned enough to be hurt by throw away comment to him or at least, that's what he tells himself. There's no way she could know that is mom just died (no one here knew) so at the time he'd just kept his mouth shut to not ruin the mood at the time. Once the salt passes, he finds that she just perplexes him and right now is no exception.

Jay catches some of what Wolfpaw says and puffs his chest up a little at first in defense of Berryheart but then he realizes that she's not particularly dissing him so then he's just confused about what she means. His ear tilts to the side to reflect that and he blinks. "Er, isn't this Berryheart's job though? To help his clanmates..." He's sure that's what medicine cat means, right. That he's supposed to heal clanmates because some dead cats told him so? Some things around here are really weird. "What berries?" Apparently, the 'must not be named' part just flies over his head but he just wants to make sure he never accidentally eats any.

Jaypaw's attention shifts back to the worried couple then and he leans forward to look up at Rabbit and Sun. "What's wrong, Sunfreckle? Did you eat some bad prey? I'll get Berry if you guys want." He's sure that Rabbitnose would rather not leave Sunfreckle's side right now and they have to still keep an eye on the kits he thinks.

"Oh, I'm...I'm fine. Maybe something I ate?" A lie, outright, and he felt his ears burning for it because that implied he had eaten anything at all to even cause this. He'd been skimping on prey so often he just didn't think to explain how he felt about it; it was weird. He was probably just weird. His green gaze closes at Wolfwind's loud voice, her piercing tone almost painful and his ears flattened at how the sound reverberated inside them; suddenly sensitive.

"OH, the....yarrow I think it was called? No, I haven't eaten any plants."
He sat down, suddenly very tired, the mention of Cinderfrost made his fur prickle and he wondered where she was now, if she even regretted anything or if she was an unremorseful as Howling Wind seemed to believe she was. She had helped him and he almost missed her now, because while he liked Berryheart fine the poor fellow was severely out of his element and learning on his own. He felt bad for him, wished he could offer help rather than more inconvienence.
"I'll be okay, I just...need a moment." Sunfreckle didn't want to be a bother, his head felt strangely fuzzy like the inside of it was filled with dandelion fluff. Maybe he just needed to go back to sleep but even that felt like a waste of time. A smile was offered to Jaypaw regardless for his offer to help, what a good kid. He hoped he'd get an apprentice one day just as wonderful.


Watching Sunfreckle get sick made her want to get sick, she begins to sympathetically gag but luckily she doesn't actually vomit up her previous meal. Tears from the coughing and gagging swell in her eyes, she shudders and blinks them away as she shakes herself of the unpleasant feeling.

Ragwortkit is weary of approaching the tom-cat, but eventually does so after some time. She's incredibly cautious not to eye the yellow bile he had hacked up or it just might throw her into a fit again. "Maybe you ate a sick bird!" She suggests, or squirrel, or mouse, or vole, or shrew... if cats got sick during this time of year surely their prey did too? It'd make sense! "Maybe we should tell Berryheart to put some herbs on the fresh-kill, so any that are sick don't hurt us." Ragwortkit doesn't understand why that wouldn't work.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· RAGWORTKIT, female — she / her
╰ ‣ named for her health & strength at birth .
╰ ‣ 4 moons . ages on the ??
╰ ‣ thunderclan kit . loner born . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, oak and maple trees , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue furred . long-hared . a very furry head, chest, and tail

· ESTJ-A ❝​
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Hufflepuff, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Kind-hearted . Honest . Loud .Justice-seeking . People-pleaser . Gullible . Empty-headed . Humorous
╰ ‣ Though she is all brawn and no brain, Ragwort tries her best and carries a bleeding heart to all whom surround her. She takes the role of "big sister" with her siblings and friends, never failing to have their backs, take care of them, and defend them when needed (sometimes even jumping the gun). While she doesn't offer the best emotional support (not due to a lack of trying) she gives the best hugs and is great at giving cats distractions with her shenanigans.
╰ ‣ finds minimal difficulty relating to others . wears a bleeding heart

· GRIME x CINDERFROST, sister to toadkit, prowlingkit, hollykit
╰ ‣ unknown sexuality.
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.