camp WINTER CHILLS || a lil sick


Ever since that rainstorm earlier in the day, where he had rushed back to camp alongside Aspenhaze's hunting patrol, Nettlepaw had been unable to warm himself. He shivered in his nest, desperately seeking some sort of heat, nose pressed into dried moss and claws kneading the floor of the apprentice's den. Others had noticed that Nettlepaw was hardly acknowledging their presence. He didn't get up to share tongues or to eat as the sun finally began to set behind the furious clouds of a stormy sky. It was unusual, because the apprentice was a voracious eater. If the prey was available, and the queens and elders had been fed, Nettlepaw was almost always at the fresh-kill pile, devouring his dinner.

Not this afternoon, though. He shivers in his nest, and doesn't bother to get up for food. All he could think about was how cold he felt.

(Nettlepaw has chills because he got too cold... )

lilacbird may be shy of people, but she had an understanding of what she could see from a distance. and the oddest thing yet was some not eating. it could be sparing of prey for others- could be they were busy. she understood that much.

but the lilac furred warrior was smarter in some aspects and had not even seen a specific apprentice press out of the apprentice den. it was not her place, he was not her apprentice. but, she couldn't help but make sure nettlepaw was okay, worry lacing her expression as she moved to pick up a piece of prey and shove her form into the apprentice den.

it wasn't easy, she felt the reeds pull at her thick coat, and was thankful that otherwise she was a smaller cat. "nettlepaw...? i b-brought this for you," she greeted, setting the fish before the cream apprentice. his body trembled against the green thickness of the bedding. "are you okay, d-do you need more moss?"

⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Valepaw couldn't help but feel a little vindicated by the shivering form of Nettlepaw in the apprentices' den. He deserved to feel a little chilly... it matched his sour attitude he brandished at his den-mates on a near daily basis. But... Lilacbird chimes in with such a soft, concerning voice that it makes him feel immediately guilty for his cruel thinking. It made him a hypocrite.. didn't it? Even if he wasn't saying such horrible things out loud.

Frowning between the skittish warrior and the subdued tom, he let out a small sigh, walking stiffly towards the sandy cat and taking a seat nearby him, almost flinching at the iciness of his skin. He was gifted enough with long, curl locks of fur to keep him warm... he could offer that comfort at the very least. "Don't... be weird... Just warming..... you up."

He looks away despite knowing those pale eyes could not see him, embarrassed to be huddled so close to someone that wasn't his mother.​
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Not that they would admit it out loud, but Aspenhaze has been worried for Nettlepaw since the patrol. They had got plenty soaked enough for themself from the heavy rain, but they could handle it for the most part. A blind cat, and an apprentice no less? They could easily see his system handling the freezing temperatures poorly. And it seems like their worries were warranted, as he apparently lay curled up in his nest, making his reasoning for not being as active quite clear.

Aspenhaze peeks their head in the apprentice den to see for themselves, a deep sigh emanating from their entire body at the pitiful sight. “The downpour got to you, huh,” they say to Nettlepaw, hushed in tone to not make him any more uncomfortable. “Can one of you lick him to help keep him warm also? I’ll go get herbs.” They trek over to the medicine den next, looking for @RAVENSONG or @Moonpaw , whoever is readily available.​

lilacbird gave a dip of her lilac helm in a greeting to the apprentice, biting the inside of her cheek. before she could say she would retrieve ravensong, before aspenhaze came in with a soothing tone.

nettlepaw may have a bit of an attitude streak, however the poor boy was sick, and even others sympathized. and it even soothed her to know that no matter what- riverclan had each other's backs like rivers had water. but it was never a doubt in her mind of her clans capabilities.

"I... can," she responded softly to aspenhaze. a bit uncomfortable nonetheless, but when wasn't she? shed scoot a bit closer to the apprentice, on the opposite side of valepaw. "would.. um.. you c-care to help? if um... nettlepaw d-doesn't mind..."



He doesn't lift his head for Lilacbird, though he scents the fish through his twitching nose. He doesn't really have the energy to thank her, or the appetite to tear into the meal. He really just wants to sleep, and regain some warmth, of course. It seemed that even Valepaw was taking pity on the normally feisty young tom. The fact that Nettlepaw doesn't respond in hostility is a sign enough that he's not doing too well. Luckily, Aspenhaze seems to understand the problem, though as they leave to fetch the medicine cats, Nettlepaw can't help but wonder what good that will do.

"I just... I'm just... cold." The boy manages shakily. They didn't need to waste any precious herbs on him. Lilacbird settles on the other side, and Nettlepaw doesn't protest for now. The extra warmth feels nice against his chilled skin.
There is something off about Nettlepaw. He is not his usual self, Ravensong notices almost as soon as he comes over at the call of Aspenhaze. The warrior recieves a nod of gratitude and then Ravensong sets to examining Nettlepaw silently. His ears twitch. Cold? Usually that is a sign of something greater at work beneath the scenes, but Ravensong cannot think of any herb that can heal cold. The weather it seems, has not been very kind to them. Soon the water will reach freezing, if it has not already.

He blinks thoughtfully. "I think it would be best for you to stay in the medicine den for a day or two to make sure this is not the sign of a cough or something else." Ravensong remarks. "Moonpaw, can you prepare a nest? Be extra with the feathers and moss. It should be as warm as possible."

  • IMG_0250.png
    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them" openly suffers from chronic migraines single, but "it's complicated"
Upon Aspenhaze searching for the duo, Moonpaw found herself following after Ravensong, ears pricked and ready to see what was going on. Upon learning that Nettlepaw was cold she didn't understand at first - of course he was cold, everyone was cold - but when she reached the den, peering inside to see that the younger cat was shivering and wasn't acting like himself she understood.


She listens as Ravensong mentions he should stay in the medicine den, that it could be a sign of a cough and she stored that away for later. Upon being asked to prepare a nest she nods her head, soft hum following in time before she turned to Nettlepaw before leaving. "I'll make sure it's a little further away from the herbs for you, since I know they can be really strong sometimes." A slight twinge of amusement laced her voice, a small thing to say to try to make him feel better before he started getting healed in whatever way Ravensong knew how.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling