private winter weather \\ beepaw

Apr 21, 2023
New apprentices seem to do little more than clutter up the den with their body and belongings. At least, that's how Brookpaw saw it, with the few new ones that've been made since her own promotion. The amount of loose or broken nursery shells that've been scattered on the ground... well, let's just say that it's worth it to try and fix the problem before it arises again.

Brookpaw spent some of her free time gathering shells - nice ones, without chips and nicks - as well as some sturdy reeds before returning to the apprentice den. There were three possible faces to find upon her return. Of them all, she's glad she finds Beepaw first. Cicadapaw and Starlightpaw are... interesting each in their own right, however the black and white molly is the most personable of the three. As if they weren't all a few wounds short of losing themselves. The illness is a maddening one, she's long since decided.

"Beepaw," she addresses the other, voice muffled by her meager gifts. She leans down to rest the two shells delicately on the ground, the reeds tidied right next to them. "Hey, I wanted to try and help you out. With your nest, I mean -" Brookpaw doesn't speak in a shy or murmured tone. It's still clipped, warmth sucked into the corner of each syllable only to be found by careful and intuitive ears. "I remember having to start from scratch when I left the nursery... I wished someone had helped me with starting out then, too." And she waits, tail twitching, for the other to either accept or deny her help.

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Beepaw was excited and nervous about moving out of the safety and privacy that the willow den provided but the thought of joining her fellow apprentices was enough to make her paws drum happily against the ground. She would be in the den with Ratpaw, Sablepaw, Chicorypaw, and a few others that she had seen around while she had been a kitten that ran about camp without much of a care. The bicolored molly had a few possessions of hers that she would take from her former den to the apprentices, that being the buttercups, zinnias, flowers, and mallard feather given to her by her friends. Which frankly wasn't a lot but that was fine with Beepaw considering that she didn't want to end up cluttering the den that had been a lot easier with the willow den that was shared with her littermates and fathers but this was a whole new, unknown field to her.

She snaps out of her train of thought when Brookpaw says her name and large bat-like ears that are much too large on her curly head perk forward. It isn't long until her eyes focus on the shells and the reeds that now lay side by side though her gaze flicks up back to Brookpaw whose kind enough to help her move in and adjust to her new surroundings which is rather kind of the gray molly that stood before her. A part of her wants to excitedly thank her but Brookpaw doesn't seem like the type to accept those displays of gratitude so Beepaw offers a toothy grin instead and speaks with a nod of her head "I'd appreciate that a lot actually." Maybe in return, the younger molly would offer her assistance to the older apprentice if she needed it. It was the least she could do.

"Thank you really... If you ever need anything in return, I'd be more than happy to help." Her voice genuine and truthful, a promise that she would keep if Brookpaw were to ever turn to her for anything she may need. Beepaw would be someone to keep true to her word just as she was with her littermates and those that she had alrrady befriended. She can't help but touch one of the shells briefly with a snowy paw then withdraw it asking Brookpaw with a small smile "How do you feel knowing you'll be a warrior in a few moons?" Something to keep the conversation going as they fixed her nest up, Beepaw nudging her small collection of flowers and tucking her mallard feather into her bottlebrush tail. Maybe after Brookpaw helped her, she could go run off to help her brother set up his nest next to hers.

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus