winter wonderland [☼] foxpaw

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Within the snowy depths of the forest, Roeflame led Foxpaw from camp. Carefully, she picks her way through the snow. "Always be aware of where your putting your paws in this stuff." The warrior breaks the silence, strengthening her point by sticking a deliberate forepaw through the snow, revealing a hidden crevice in their up-hill climb out of the ravine that would be sure to send a full-grown cat straight to Berryhearts den.
"While we won’t be able to see the entire territory today, I’m thinking we head to the Sandy Hollow first, it’s where we’ll be spending most of your early training." Roeflame explains steadily, stopping at the lip of the ravine and beckoning for Foxpaw to heave herself up first, with the lead warrior right behind.
Once they had made their safe ascent out of the dip, the silver-kissed tabby would walk alongside Foxpaw once more. "Did you know that snow muffles sound? Thats why the forest is almost silent during the cold seasons."


Foxpaw treads heavily upon the snow, her tail strung high in the air and a grin unfolded on her face. Roeflame’s warning comes slightly too late, the clumsy apprentice finds that the snow crumbles beneath her weight. A startled yelp sounds from her, but she’s far from hurt and has merely sunk to her chin and snow. Lucky for both mentor and apprentice, it had not been a crevice she had plummeted into.

Clambering out of the hole she shakes her pelt off and releases a nervous giggle, ”…Whoops.”

She follows Roeflame more carefully now, mimicking everything from her posture to her pace. The warrior reveals they’ll be going to the Sandy Hollow and like that Foxpaw forgets her tumble, ”Oh, yeah! You should show me some battle moves while we’re there!” Her fur puffs up eagerly, confident if given the chance she could impress her mentor right from out of the nursery!

Foxpaw has barely noticed the quiet, her ears perk up now that it’s been pointed out. It feels almost… uncomfortable, nothing like the bustling of camp. ”So it’s not always this quiet out here? It’s loud in green-leaf?” The girl inquires with a tilt of her head.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

As Foxpaw eagerly chatters away, already asking to be shown battle moves, Roeflame cannot contain the amused quirk of her maw.
"Battle moves? Hmm.." the older cat muses, directing Foxpaw onto the correct route with subtle flicks with her freckled tail, nudging overzealous pawstep’s in the right direction.
"Battle is more than flashy moves, to be a formidable opponent you need to take control of your senses first." Roeflame finally begins to hum after a moment, keeping her tone steady in the hope of her words sticking between ever-buzzing ears.
"Sight, smell, touch… they all decide how quickly you can react, how the odds tilt in your favor."
At the youths inquiry, Roeflame nods with pleasant recollection.
"Oh, absolutely. The creeks, the birds, the mice and squirrels… they make a racket."
Finally, the two are approaching the outskirts of the Sandy Hollow- the disturbed snow blanketing the clearing fails to represent the landmarks true glory, Roeflame beckons Foxpaw forward, giving her approval to explore the area.
