They wouldn't stray so far from camp, no. For the snow and frostbitten grown was eager to tear at that pads. The distance would not be far, but the distance had to be there. Lesser noise, lesser distraction... Today, he would not be bothered with the ire of these whelps, ever ungrateful. His methods are all his own, that being– the correct ones, but of course, never, oh never would they acknowledge this. Too stuck in the chasms of their own minds, empty as they were. So long as their bones didnt crack and their flesh remains sewn, it was not his problem. No, it was not.

There was a sweet relief that came with his newfound apprentice. Willing peon, his eyes were bright with innocence. Too much of it, but enough to easily shape, and easily wear. He could accept no inference, would leave no room for it. Moments alone would no longer be so precious, indeed. Now in his shadow, Firefly tags along. Already, they're so far along in their quest for purity, and Dawnglare acknowledges this with giddy glee; a smile wrought forth with the very thought. No shame, no mystery... but of course, Blaise's little ones would be the ones with potential, still. For fun, for the prospect, an outing bonding he's lacked; Howlpaw too, has been invited. With a shadow, what's one more?

A prime suspect here, winding pine, it's branches thick and nettles pitiful, burdened with the weight of fresh snow. This would do nicely... Wordlessly, he scales the trunk with ease, claws gripping at frigid bark only to lift him further upward. On a lower branch he settles; and he's careful, preferring that the snow stays put rather than not. But it would never be absolute, he knew. His weight sends quiverings, and subsequently, showers of snow down below him. The thought does not cross his mind that he may have pelted an unwilling victim, no. His eyes flutter shut, and laments the loss. He'd never known what they'd lacked until he'd stepped into the oak forest. Their branches had been bare, magnificent, stripped of any greenery, meanwhile the pines were beligerent, keeping their sickness year round. At least now, they were week enough not to cause sickness.

Presumably, as the ants crawl behind him, (he hadn't thought to assess their climbing abilities first, not really. Why would he?) he grips onto flaking bark, eyes narrow slits as he looks to the sky. "Now..." His voice endlessly drawls. Never to be rushed, that freedom is as potent as ever. "This is to serve as your first lesson, dear." And, a glance to Howlpaw. "For you... an exercise."

He stands straighter then, and another cascade of snow follows the sudden shift. Though restrained, his tail lashes conviction. One eye shut, the other looks watchful to the little ones. "Leaf-bare is the season of purging, yes... But for us–" Well... Briefly, he regards Howlpaw with pursed lips. Was she daughter to any other, he would not dare to include her, but allowances could be made... "For us, it is the season of rejuvination."

With an exhale of breath, he inches off the edge, allowing himself to hang limply off the edge. "You–" The blood rushes, so, so soon. It was hardly his first attempt at this sort of endeavor. Perhaps his mind had been cloudier than first thought... He needed this, yes, to clear the dense fog. His tail twitches and skips, off-beat to an unhearable rhythm. Reeling, reeling. Eyelids flutter in a series of glassy-eyed blinks. "Mm– opens your mind... good." The weight of the world... it washes over him. That's what it was, the piercing. "Not– not too long. You'll die, h-haha!" These things... came with risks. Firefly should hardly fear death by now. Nevermind the other one.

[ please wait for either @Fireflypaw or @Howlpaw :) ]

Howlpaw is not sure why she is here in truth. She feels like an outsider of sorts, intruding on some private lesson between the two. Several times she looks to Dawnglare as if to question her place here, but the cinnamon and white tom never shoos her away - even if some of the looks he gives her leave her feeling a little nervous - so she must be wanted here.

They come to a stop in front of a tall pine and without a word, Dawnglare starts to climb up it. Like most SkyClanners he made the act look effortlessly easy. Howlpaw casts her brother a worrisome look as if to silently ask whether they were expected to climb or not, before wordlessly joining the medicine cat. Although she could not speak for her brother, Howlpaw had at least attempted to climb a few times and sought out some pointers from the more experienced climbers in the clan. It took her a while but she eventually hauled herself onto the branch but kept close to the trunk of the tree, too nervous to dare to venture out further.

Now on the branch, she waits to see what Dawnglare has planned, watching curiously as he inches closer and closer to the edge of the branch and hangs there limply. Howlpaw doesn't know whether to be impressed or concerned at him just hanging there. "I would prefer not to die," Howlpaw says curtly in response to his comment. He probably doesn't mean it in a terrible way - at least she hopes that is the case - but she is also never quite sure how to take the medicine cat and his cryptic words sometimes. "Do you do this sort of thing often? Has dad ever tried this?"
Charcoal paws carry the growing apprentice through the forest, the touch of his mentor's tail like a savior to him as he's guided through. He doesn't need sight when She speaks to vividly to his mentor, guiding him along the winding paths of the forest until the smell of pine is faint against his nose. Dawnglare's scent moves upwards, and his shut-eyed gaze follows suit. Howlpaw is close to him, his tail flicking against her side to comfort her. She should be using this time to learn how to be the best Warrior possible, he wished he could give her that himself if he could. She deserved to be given an easy life, away from struggles and pain and injury- mom would want that for her, wouldn't she? It came with being a Warrior, but at least he could try and shelter her. It was his job, after all- he was the older brother, and it was his job to protect his baby sister. To nurture her, teach her it's okay to live a simple life.

Dawnglare reminds him of their place in leaf-bare, of their purpose. To others, those blessed by Her were put with more hard-work. While true, Dawnglare preaches that this time was perfect for renewing oneself, for cleansing. It's almost instinctive, the need to shelter Howlpaw from this. Climbing trees were dangerous, weren't they? She looks towards him, worried- he doesn't see her expression, but he knows her. She must think Dawn was insane, wanting to do something like this. Howlpaw attempts to scrabble up the side of the pine, up the trunk- makes it upwards and Fireflypaw lets his eyes open just slightly to take a look at the trunk he was working with. He remembers his first lesson on tree-climbing, of Thistleback and Snowpaw and Lionsnarl reminding him to keep his back legs strong, to use them to propel himself while his front paws are used for guidance. Noting this, Firefly bunches his limbs and jumps, latching onto the sturdy wood with sharp claws. They tear and shred at bark, but Firefly musters up his courage and pushes himself up, tail balancing himself from behind. It takes a lot of work, but he manages to yank himself up onto the same branch as the high priest and his sister, narrowed eyes squinting down just in time to see Dawnglare fall, hanging from the side of the branch like a madman.

The look on his face isn't discomfort, it's euphoria. Adrenaline pumps through the apprentice as he hears his sister comment. I would prefer not to die, "Trust yourself and your body, Howie." I can do this. I can't die. It's not like I haven't seen Dawnglare do odd things like this. Why wouldn't this benefit me in some way? She asks him if he does this often, and Firefly shrugs his shoulders. He trudges down the branch, taking a deep breath- and falls, claws scrabbling at bark almost instantly. Heavy weight and long limbs, Firefly lets his legs hand and body streeetch. Joints crack, a low purr of appreciation in his chest. He's struggling, feels the bark slip beneath his grip; sinks his claws in deeper and lifts himself up just enough for his claws to wrap over the side a bit more. Not– not too long. You'll die, h-haha! Fireflypaw relaxes, inhaling a shaky breath. Not too long. "One, two, three, four.." He counts softly to himself, feeling his claws slip just in time for him to pull himself up onto his elbows. He lets his body hang, inhales a sharp breath. Clears his mind, he said. He waits for Dawnglare's word to get back up to safety, his muscles pulled taught and tight. Aching. How odd, the high priest was..
She's about to go off on a hunt with just herself, stepping forth quietly as she listens to the sounds of the forest. Not so distant chatter, sing-song voice of Dawnglare, her lips press in to a thin line. Her friend, odd, yes, but did she have the patience for it today? She was proud of him, but she has to admit even she cannot decipher half of the words that come out of his mouth. More and more does she find herself beyond stressed out, a headache to rival the suns brightness, but then she hears Howlpaw's voice alongside Firefly's and immediately a sigh tumbles from her mouth. She sets off with her tail lashing back and forth behind her.

And the sight that she sees when she arrives has her wishing she had not come in the first place. "W- What?" disbelief spoken, so apparent in her voice, are they bats? Is Dawnglare making them play pretend bats? It builds, and it builds, the stress causes her stomach to ache. If one of them fell off she was sure to hear a sickening crunch of a bone, of perhaps the stilling of breath, a final wish.

"Why?" are you doing this? She'd finish it if not for her headache sparking like wildfire, she was supposed to be protecting the youth of the clan from the harm, from the wounds that Windclan had cut deep- relax, but how could she ever relax when they're doing something so dangerous? Dawnglare, when he had announced Firefly's apprenticeship, had nearly slipped off the branch. She laughed at it then, yet despite how they were low to the ground, her worries still fuel the ice in her bones. "You're going to fall if you keep that up any longer." a forced smile. She trusts Dawn in his own way, but she fears that if Blaze loses one more kid he'll go off the deep-end and she doesn't blame him. "Please be careful."
When Thistleback thought the man batty, he hadn’t intended to be proved so literal.

Brows knit together in skull white confusion, crystal greys watch the hanging bodies. Paw pads hanging, dawdling in the air. Thistleback signals a stop to his apprentices with a flick of his tail tip,

" that’s our medicine cat. Pine is missing a few cones isn’t it? and I’m not talking about the tree. " Thistleback comments toward Sheepcurl through a studious stare upwards. The small dust-like debris of bark and snow showering with the weight of three felines. " bless him " he adds with a humored chuckle.

" well, perhaps if he lands just right, it might situate the rat’s nest in his brain. " he continues with a posh flick of his chin upward.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Though Sheepcurl had intended to hunt alone today, her apprentice still appears at the site, not too long after the lead warrior does.

It seems as though stepping backward at the sight of the High Priest has become instinct, now, as orange and white paws keep their distance. As if any step closer would ruin the ritual before him, bring Fireflypaw falling from where he hangs.

And still, he tilts his head in curiosity as he watches. Though he doesn't understand what's going on, what the purpose of this is... It does look kind of fun. The ginger tom looks to Sheepcurl, eyes bright with the idea that arises.

"Do you think I can do that?" he asks. Half the time, he still had to pull himself up onto tree branches anyway - perhaps just hanging there would be easy for him?
( ) "well, ah'll be darned. this might be the first time ah've ever seen cats growin' from a tree!"

laughter shakes at the broad, smoky shoulders of huckleberry who appears on the scene slowing his gait to a halt besides thistleback and sheepcurl whilst flicking his gaze towards the lowest branches of the pine where dawnglare and fireflypaw are doing a strange excersise with howlpaw looking on nearby. "this some kinda new skyclan secret technique ah haven't heard about yet or are we just witnessin' anotha one of dawnglare's interestin' acts?" his southern accented tongue holds geniune curiousity of this whole ordeal, no one really ever knows what goes on inside that willowy sepia's brain. maybe it's like a beehive that continuously rattles and buzzes?
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )

Unsurprisingly it doesn't take long to draw a crowd. She sees Sheepcurl, Thistleback, Huckleberry, and Greenpaw. Their reactions are more amused if anything, though Howlpaw notes that Sheepcurl urges them to be careful. Yes, careful was definitely what they needed to be, but considering exactly what it was they were doing it only seemed like a matter of time before something went wrong.

Howlpaw has to admit, she is surprised when Fireflypaw mimics his mentor so easily. He urges Howlpaw to trust in herself and her body but she still has her doubts. She's not a practiced climber and her grip definitely needed some work still. However, seeing her brother do it so easily, Howlpaw feels inspired to give it a try herself. It can't be so bad if Fireflypaw and Dawnglare can do it with ease. Howlpaw matches her brothers slow walk down the branch, a little unsteady but otherwise fine for the moment. But when she tries to mimic the fall, her claws struggle to find purchase in the bark, and in her panic her already weak grip loosens and she falls.

It feels like she's falling forever though in reality it only takes a few fleeting moments. You'll die, h-haha! Dawnglare's voice chirps in her head, almost mockingly. It's a mercy they're not too high up else she likely would have caused serious damage. A twist in mid-air spares her from landing on her back, but even though she lands on all four paws, she can tell something doesn't feel right when she stands, and a mild twinge of pain flares in her leg. "I think I did it wrong," She attempts to laugh, wincing slightly when the rumble of laughter irritates her currently unknown sprain.

// she done sprained herself
From here, the world is blissfully still; even if he could make out little faces in the corners of bleary vision. Howlpaw is skeptical, too skeptical. Not listening, she doesn't listen. A trait from her mother, he assumes. The ground is moving, funnily so. His ear flickers with the slow register of words "Naturally, 'course," he replies, and then, with the mention of her father, he jolts. "Wh– Hardl-y, he's a fool amidst the branches. Cann barely walk a fence," he tells her with a wheezy laugh. Surely, she's soon? Or, ojj, too humiliated to show that side of him to his little ones. Yes, well...

Firefly, of course, follows him quickly. They do not bother with the same pointless questions, (And why would he? Dawnglare knew better than to choose a soul so wary. Counting again, like he so often did. So long as he did as told, it was no problem. No, no.

Visitors, he's certainly heard correctly. Fawn bounding through the forest, she's so suddenly here. Gawking, garish. Lucky that Dawnglare cannot find it in himself to scowl. Her transgressions were not so unforgiveable. She knew her place. Look and listen, do not demand. Why? Oh why? He should claw that look off of her face. But still, he smiles, eyes half-open. "Shhh." She'd be the only one scaring them, with the fuss she's making. And the two-toned muse is here, too. Mumbling soomething to her. He cannot hear it all, and he does not necessarily care to. He is fine. All his fine. "Bless me," he repeats. A velvety tail curls delicate around the branch.

Of course, where the fawn goes, the wretched follows. Dawnglare stares at him, strangely, but not so hostile as he may on another given day. He lies, and he ponders. Eventually, he narrows his eyes. Well. "...Ugh. Hm-m-may do you some good..."

And– stupid. They were always stupid. All of them. And particularly this one. His words are both unwise and unkind. The look that crosses his face can only be described as one of great offense. Shocked, rather than angry, though he certainly was. "Whelp. D-don't you dare compare to the– the–"

A thump, as something hits the floor. And– he nearly jumps out of his own skin.

"Howl! Howlhowlhowl–" Unceremoniously, he slips from the branch. He nearly seems the subject of a break himself, but, agile, he twists and he turns. His weight hits the ground with less of a splinter. At once, all at once, the worst flashes through his mind. Beaten and bloody, whiped and torn, pleading at his feet, begging not to die. But she can speak, she speaks. Did that not mean something? Oh surely, it was not so fatal. She stands. She winces, but she stands. "Please, oh please. You don't see the light, do you? No stars in your eyes?" Here to take her so soon? They couldn't be. They couldn't.
The world warbles on around him, half-blind eyes shut tight against the world as he focuses on his exercise. Cats talk below them, Greenpaw's voice ringing out familiarly. He can't help but to look down at him, grinning down at his friend- though the swift tumble of something hitting the ground catches his attention soon after.

His gaze sweeps over the ground, eyes opened wide despite the agonizing pain that pierces through his head. "Howie!" He calls out to his baby sister, turning to Dawnglare in time to see him drop to the ground, twisting and turning and landing on his paws all so elegantly. Fireflypaw pulls himself up onto the branch once more, sticking to the easier method- one where he wouldn't break or sprain anything. His heavy body scrabbles down the side of the tree, eyes shutting once more as he rushes over to Howlpaw.

"Howie- how many toes am I holding up?" Fireflypaw asks worriedly, awkwardly sticking up his paws to spread his toes and stick them all upwards for her to see. It wasn't the most helpful, but Firefly wanted to at least distract her from the pain. Dawnglare talks about seeing the light, and panic ignites his gaze as he glances between the two. As if graced with all the worry of a pecking hen, Fireflypaw turns to Dawnglare once more. "She isn't gonna die, is she? Not gonna lose her leg? It doesn't look broken."