pafp Winterspring || being a space heater for starlingheart

The night was cold and even with all his fluff, Frostbite could still feel the chill of the wind passing through his fur. He could see his breath with every exhale, and his paws felt numb after not even being in the snow for a few minutes. The marsh would freeze tonight, making the ground even colder to walk on than it was before. Frostbite hated and loved leafbare, and this was one of the reasons he hated it. Cold wet paws were no fun for anyone.

He had come out of the warriors den with an intention however, and that was to pay Starlingheart a visit. He hadn't gotten the chance to speak to her after being attacked, and he knows the emotional distress she's been in ever since Granitepelt showed his true colors. She sleeps alone in the medicine den now, and with wounds like hers, Frostbite figures she could use a little warmth. He worried about her more than he showed, often battling between the idea of letting her have space to grieve and offering her more support. Did she want space, or did she want someone to cry to? Regardless, he was heading over to let her know that he was here for her. Stepping softly into the medicine den, he greets her.


Seeing her in the state she's in breaks his heart. She doesn't deserve this. He shuffles to settle beside her. " I hope you don't mind... You seemed cold and I have an abundance of fur." He says with a faint smile.​