[wip] divorced dad core | lynxfall


New member
Sep 18, 2024
warrior of ___clan. formerly rogue


64 MOONS | MAY 2019

cinnamon tabby / chocolate chimera

design notes
  • torn right ear
  • snaggletooth
  • bobtail
  • tall rounded ears
  • long legs

lynxfall has a long line of mixed breeds within him, one such being the bengal cat. the result is a long-legged tom with a short bobtail and long, tall ears. his fur is riddled with thick stripes, and speckled with freckles on his face. he's got a tired look, that of someone who's been through hell twice and refuses to let it define him - but also one who holds himself with a low posture, not invoking a dominant presence but rather one that invites to neutrality. a torn right ear, scars across his nose bridge and left leg tell the tale of a seasoned warrior - and the few forget-me-nots in his pelt reveals that there may be a longer story behind this warrior than one may think.

  • I the local divorced dad who hopes to settle down somewhere new...

    mate, father, senior warrior - lynxfall has seen the rise and fall of many, whether it be his own family or dear friends. it's something that takes its toll on you, dealing with heartbreak and grief - it doesn't matter your age. lynxfall is far from perfect, and has failed at the expectations placed upon him more times than he can count. letting down his family when his mate left - lost in the night without a word, falling deep within himself and neglecting those who needed him. it's a regret he has to live with still, and one he will never be able to directly make up for.

    today, it makes it mark in his protectiveness over those he is closest to - and though he hasn't yet made his formal introductions within the clan, them not knowing it all is a blessing in disguise. he gets to mark a new beginning and make up for his wrongs, without the worry of the past catching up with him. he takes great interest in the kits and apprentices of the clan, hoping to one day make up for his own parenting failures.

    with all said and done, lynxfall is not afraid to dive into danger or arguments, if it's for the betterment of others. he's been selfish in the past, and though his way may not be perfect, it's one he's always willing to fight for. at the same time, he's cautious not to be too open about his past - it's painful, and he'd rather be judged for his actions today than those of the past.

  • tw; toxic family dynamics, grief, child loss, depression
    • Born to Adder and Hawk, an unlikely romance between cats of different rogue groups. No structure, the groups were more like a mix-match of families residing around the same territories. Had two littermates; Sun and Blossom.
    • Once old enough, Lynx was brought to Adder's colony while his siblings stayed in their mother's
    • Adder's group accepted the fishy explanations of finding the young kit abandoned, and Lynx was then raised alongside his father leaving little to no recollection or familiarity of his siblings and mother except for vague memories.
    • Growing up he gets close with another cat around his age, Honey.
    • Has a few encounters with cats from the other group, and through this is reunited with both his siblings and his mother. Makes sure to visit often.
    • In the time from young kit to adult, however, Lynx' father gets killed in a skirmish with a member of the other rogue group. Soon after, he learns of his mother's death as well, a drowning accident as far as he's told.
    • All the while, Lynx has Honey by his side and the two grow nearly inseparable - although not without incidents. Lynx saves Honey from a fox trap, and she, in turn, helps him heal from the loss of his parents. They argue, too, especially about the other rogue group - she is afraid that Lynx is going to leave her in favour of his siblings.
    • Instead, the opposite is the case: Lynx develops a distrust for outsiders, blaming them for the loss of his parents - the thought of joining them, even for family, leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
    • The argument marks a short break between the two, in which Lynx develops a closer bond with another tom; Pale.
    • Through it all, both the bad and the good, it's no surprise when the two eventually become mates after all.
    • It would again be no surprise, when the two expected kits down the line, a litter of four; Night, Rabbit, Fawn and Moss. Their joy is shortlived, however, as Moss is stillborn, something Honey blames herself for.
    • The grief takes its toll on the family, and in the midst of the chaos of dealing with it, Night disappears too. Whether it's from grief or otherwise, Lynx never got to know. Nor did he have much time to comprehend it, before Honey, too, left.
    • The losses mark a new wave of grief for him, becoming depressed in the wake of it all. Amidst the chaos, Fawn is attacked by an outsider and his brother, Sun, suddenly appears and joins the group.
    • It is no secret that Lynx heavily neglected his family during this time, a fact he is still coping with to this day. The argument with Fawn is especially one that marks a change for him, one that left the two as groupmates rather than family, both denouncing each other - blindsided by their own grief and loss.
    • Not long after, Lynx and Rabbit is attacked by a member of the group, one that deems his presence to be a bother for the rest - his disappearance would be better.
    • In the shock of those events, Lynx leaves the group behind rather than going back home to confront his attacker. He brings Rabbit with him - she was affected by the attack, and though her relationship with her father was strained, deemed it safer to go with him than go back home.
    • The two wander, Rabbit eventually leaves to find her own path and heal from her own hurts, and Lynx is once again alone.
    • In this time, he spends it making heads and tails of his past. All that has happened, his own flaws and mistakes - not owning up to them when there was time. Mourning what could have been, but keeping his head high and making a promise to own up to it all in the future, however he may be able to do so.
    • It's not long after, that he comes near the territory of a much larger crowd of cats - a fact that at first makes him uneasy. Keeping his distance for a while, trying to make sense of their dynamic, before eventually taking the step to ask to join.

  • parents
    • mother; hawk — dead
    • father; adder — dead

    • sister; blossom — unknown
    • brother; sun — unknown

    • son; moss — dead
    • son; night — unknown
    • daughter; fawn — unknown
    • daughter; rabbit — presumed alive

    mentor / apprentices
    • mentor; tiger — prior to the clans
    • apprentice; amber, rabbit — prior to the clans

  • PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here

    PLOT TITLE: Insert fun plot here


  • if you want to read more of his original backstory, if can be found here! — it's a 2 year ic story from birth to him leaving the clans. same tw as in the revamped one, so beware!!

    • forget-me-nots are a hint to his past, but also serve as a bittersweet reminder.
    • originally 1/4th serval through his dad in his original setting, rewritten to be part bengal instead!
    • officially like.... 10 years old as of 2024, but we'll reimagine him a bit younger </3
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