Wisdom, wisdom ✧ Sorrelsong

Feb 20, 2024

Life being a daylight warrior was different to what Flora expected, it wasn’t that she didn’t expect it to have its trials or anything like that. What blindsided her was that there were just so many rules and things to do! On her first day, when she returned to her twolegs she felt so tired from trying to grasp too many concepts at once that she barely even said hello to Ditto before immediately falling asleep. Her endurance has built up since then but the confusion she had still caused her some fatigue. Of course, things felt a little easier now that she had someone she could consistently ask questions to.

It was almost a daily occurrence for her to find Sorrelsong and ask a different question, it ranged from something actually important to clan life like what the purpose of a medicine cat was to something trivial about Sorrelsong herself, yesterday she had asked her what her favourite flower was.

Today was no different of course, she spotted the familiar form of the warrior that she’s supposed to be shadowing and she saunters over to meow pleasantries. “Hi Sorrelsong, fancy seeing you here!” she was practically purring by the time she stopped in front of the molly, her fluffy tail refusing to sit still as she grinned. The maine coon had spent the night mulling over what questions she wanted to ask today, there were so many options to pick from! Yesterday was something personal so maybe today should be something professional?

There was always room for both, she hadn’t tried asking one of each yet. “So, I couldn’t decide what to ask today, so I have two questions for you.” She laughed, thinking about what to ask first. Asking something personal would be the better ice breaker before segwaying to being serious today. “First of all, what do you like to do for fun when you’re not doing your… Warrior stuff?” She wasn’t too sure what warrior stuff entailed yet, she had started to understand what patrols were and what purpose they fulfilled. She had also started to grasp that there were chores that skyclanners carried out around camp. That was the extent of it though, if she was asked about specifics she would flounder and not know what to say.

“Now for my second question, do you have any tips for what I should be doing while shadowing you?” Usually, Flora was more than happy to just sit back and listen to advice or answers to questions that she had. Lately she grew concerned that she should be trying to do more, maybe she should be more outgoing when on their outings together? Had what she had been doing so far the wrong thing the whole time? The thought troubled her but she had faith that Sorrelsong would be able to direct her to the right path if she what had been doing so far was wrong.


𓆝 . ° ✦ Since gaining her true name, Sorrelsong had been overwhelmed with excitement, and nothing made her more excited than teaching her 'apprentice', or really having a daylight warrior shadow her. Though some of her peers might detest the notion, Sorrelsong was more than happy to have the other molly follow her. The only thing she had been worried about was the whole talking part. Sorrelsong had never once claimed to be a wordsmith. Those days were behind her, and now she could hardly get a joke out without feeling like a kit. Thankfully, the brown and white Maine coon had the gift of gab, something Sorrelsong didn't and something she was honestly thankful for - though she would never mention it aloud. Or could she? Could one be friends with the cats they are supposed to lead? She thought of Orangestar and Blazestar, and though both were friendly they had a distinct air of stoicism about them. Well, save for when it came to Slate and Bobbie, but she wasn't sure she wanted that kind of relationship with any cat just yet...
"Hello Flora," She mews raising her tail in greeting like she wasn't just overthinking how to interact with the other molly. "I, uh, you too." No that's not funny or stoic!
Her nerves seem to dissolve as Flora continued. The younger's tone was always so energetic, it made Sorrelsong feel a bit more at ease the more they chatted.
"So, I couldn't decide what to ask today, so I have two questions for you."
"Ask away - also remind me later. We may be able to find some poppies in the territory so you can see what I was talking about the other day."
"First of all, what do you like to do for fun when you're not doing your… Warrior stuff?"
"Hmmm, I thought we agreed to do hard questions later in the day,"
Sorrelsong teased, a laugh finding its way into her voice. "I..." her head shifts back and forth as she thinks, 'It's not much of a secret how much my warrior name meant to me - I used to be a daylight warrior like yourself, but I didn't - I didn't really have house folk to return to. So I just studied. I'm not sure what to do now.' That would be... honest but not very... leader-ly. Would that honesty lead or to see me as a friend or as a bad mentor?
"I enjoy playing with the kits and talking with the elders. Kind of, well, I supposed less exciting things to do around camp but where else could you become a badger or learn the names of a few stars in Silver Pelt." There, is an answer perfectly in the middle of honest and acceptable.
Sorrelsong opens her maw to ask Flora what she is looking forward to but pauses as soon as she sees the other molly's maw move.
"Now for my second question, do you have any tips for what I should be doing while shadowing you?"
At this, Sorrelsong let out a hum. Her mind went back to their recent training sessions. So far they had gone on patrols and gone over some hunting things, nothing about fighting yet - though if Sorrelsong was going to be completely honest the longer she could put that off, the better. She'd tried to use different techniques some elders had mentioned. She'd had Flora watch her hunt and then try to hunt with her. She'd tested Flora's knowledge of the territory by asking the daylight warrior to lead her to different places. She'd asked Flora to hunt a mouse for her. Sorrelsong thought each lesson went decently well, and that they both learned in those exercises. She was proud of Flora no matter the outcome of each exercise and was happy to answer her questions.
"Thats a tricky question, and not one... I feel I have a very straightforward answer to, I'm afraid. I feel that all cats learn differently - I really needed to hear the steps of something before I did it but my mentor was more of a 'do it and figure it out' kind of cat. It leads to a few... discrepancies between us." She sighed, thinking of Tigerscar. Blazestar really did put together two of the most polarized cats, didn't he? "Of all of the methods I've done so far, I feel that you might be similar to him, though I could be wrong. What style do you feel works best for you?"
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  • ooc:
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png
    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

It was very early on in their time together that Flora had decided she enjoyed Sorrelsongs company. While she did enjoy her time with more talkative cats there was a comfort that came when speaking with the older molly. She was of the opinion that Sorrelsong was a great listener, which worked well since the maine coon just adored talking. In Flora's personal experience she found that when the warrior spoke she had a presence about it, calm but informative. Maybe it was just because she was so eager to listen when she spoke. She grinned at the mention of poppies, giving an overly enthusiastic nod to her mentor and taking a moment to commit that to memory before she got too swept up in thinking about her questions.

Her grin never falters, if anything it grew wider at her mentor's teasing tone. She pressed a paw delicately against her maw as she tried to recall what Sorrelsong said about hard questions being asked later in the day. “Well yeah, but you could technically classify this as later in the day, besides can’t I keep you on your paws if you’re going to keep me on mine?” if she was embarrassed at all about being teased for asking a difficult question in advance then she didn’t show it, breezily scooting around the fact that this was indeed not later in the day.

She nods as she listens to the answer of her first question. While there were probably more exciting things to do around here this answer seemed reasonable to her, it was something she could honestly relate to. “That sounds like fun! You'll have to teach me the names of those stars sometime” She hummed in thought, the idea of stargazing sounded delightful.

What method did work best for her? She could understand that all cats learn differently, there were so many different kinds of cats here that it made sense that not everyone learnt the same way. While she did enjoy the method that Sorrelsong learns best from she could also make the argument for the more hands on approach. Flora closed her eyes and sighed, trying to think about this, her face scrunching in thought. “Hm.. Is it okay to say I think that both styles work? Maybe a mix between the two works? I know for things like hunting it wouldn’t be exactly easy for you to explain the steps while I'm doing them.” She had learnt the hard way that being quiet was her biggest struggle with hunting.

The method of listening and being hands on wouldn’t work the best there, maybe… “maybe we could switch it up every so often? Like one time we do it the hands on way and the next time we try it so you could point out where I could improve and show me how to improve with those steps?” She smiled in satisfaction, hoping it was a good answer
“besides, if you don’t like one method then where is the fun for you to teach me? This should be something we both find satisfying right?”
𓆝 . ° ✦ She's quick on her feet. Good. Sorrelsong notices, and not for the first time.
She snorts at Flora's cheecky response to her teasing, a warm smile spreading across her face. That smile falters a second as Flora mentions the stars. Right. That would mean a diffrent thing for her, wouldn't it? Her eyes darted upwards towards the hidden stars, towards her brothers and Blazestar and the other warriors of the clans. Perhaps that could be a fun assessment too,
"Of course it's alright - nothing is set in stone, not even our names. But yes, I don't think we have mice that are that patient around here. That would be nice, however." She finds herself smiling at the thought. Could they bribe a mouse to sit still enough for something like that? That have to eat, right? So what, a warrior would gather a bunch of seeds and other mouse-food and then whisper the best ways to kill it to on lookers? The idea seemed somewhat plausable until the mental image turned into a fox doing the same thing to a cat, explaining to it's young how to kill the felines. Sorrelsong turned to other matters.
"besides, if you don't like one method then where is the fun for you to teach me? This should be something we both find satisfying right?"
If you ask the elders, this is supposed to be more enjoyable for me then you. The molly inwardly rolled her eyes at the older cats' claims. There were times where she was in awe of them, and other times where she understood why they weren't invited to the gatherings anymore.
"Right." Sorrelsong confirmed, nodding. Some part of her wanted to praise Flora, tell her how proud Sorrelsong was to be her mentor. She decided instead to keep the other molly 'on her paws' as Flora had put it and stand up.
"Today's looking fine for some hunting - what do you say I teach you a new move?" The chocolate point molly padded towards the camp entrace, smiling back at her apprentice. She opened her maw to tease Flora, but nothing she could think of sounded like teasing more like mockary so she just closed it again and lightly touched her tail to Flora's shoulder in encouragement. "Where would you like to go?"
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  • ooc: — moblie so a shorter post. I can make the hunting thread! I love their interactions and cant wait to see them both grow!!
  • 79245029_MSMKLjq9iPKiqiH.png

    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang

It was relieving to hear that her suggestion wasn't a bad one. While she carried around confidence and acted like she didn't care about too much she had come to find that she's actually very insecure about this whole shadowing thing. Flora assumed that it was because she was so far out of her field of comfort, she held faith that in time things like hunting would become second nature to her.

Truthfully, this is the most time she's ever spent in the forest. It was never really something that interested her before she found out what Skyclan even was. A part of her, one buried far inside, burned in shame that even the kits of this clan knew more about the way of things than she did. The maine coon tensed as she suggested her ideas, the doubt had subconsciously changed her posture. Flora then visibly relaxed when Sorrelsong said that would be nice. Right, she wasn’t awful at this anyways, surely she would of been run out by now if she was.

“A new move? You're spoiling me!” She gasped at the suggestion, perking back up to her usual chipper tone. She watched the chocolate point molly start her journey to leave for the camp entrance for a moment before deciding to move so she could be beside her. Flora wondered what this new move could be, it sounded exciting, she had been learning how to be quieter around the mice too so she was eager to show off the fact that she won't just scare them away anymore.

“Hm” she hummed in thought, still not used to the entirety of SkyClan's territory. She couldn't really name any of the places to go due to this, as far as she's concerned anywhere in the forest was good. “Anywhere where we can find patient mice” she teased with a giggle. Once the giggling subsided she cleared her throat “I uh… I'm still getting used to this area so anywhere you think is good for hunting is fine with me.”

// ooc: A hunting thread would be fun! Thank you for the offer to make it, these two have my whole heart I really enjoy their dynamic!