wish you the best - skyclan dawn patrol

It had been some time since Howlfire had been a part of a patrol to RiverClan. She held no great fondness for the river, but she had a healthy amount of respect for the RiverClan cats, recalling the time they had aided SkyClan in its hour of need. As they walked, Howlfire took the lead, walking a little ahead of her patrolmates but keeping within distance to check up on them and idly chatter. When the scent of RiverClan grew stronger, she gestured for them to spread out and begin marking the border. "If we see any RiverClan cats, please be civil," Howlfire mewed, looking between the three cats. Hazelbeam and Tatteredlight would be fine, but she knew Edenpaw had their moments on occasion, so hoped Hazelbeam would keep them in check.

@TATTEREDLIGHT @Hazelbeam @edenpaw ?!
I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — In all honesty, Swiftfire didn't really know much about Skyclan beyond what had been taught to her when she first joined. She had to assume the information she had been given was biased, considering the various grimacing faces when they had told her about the clan full of kittypets. The mere idea of it had seemed impossible - how would a bunch of kittypets even begin to operate in the same way as a clan? Or even in the same way that her former colony had? In the end she had figured that they had to be pulling on her leg, having a bit of fun with one of the new warriors.

Now it seemed that she would have the opportunity to find out, head jerking up as a new scent reached her. Stronger than usual, and clearly not just the border line that she had become accustomed to. Breaking away from the rest of her patrol, she found herself brimming with curiosity as she approached their eastern border. "Hello!" There was no animosity in her voice as she addressed the group of Skyclanners, split tail held high behind her. "How are you all doing?" Her gaze scanned quickly over the patrol as she spoke to them, looking for any signs of the kittypet nature that she'd been told about. Aside from a couple of accessories around their necks, though, she found that there was nothing obviously screaming pampered.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    39 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰If you'd asked, Edenpaw would've told you that their relationship with Twitchbolt was relatively positive. They enjoyed the shaky tom's company, loved to annoy him (they assumed) by brushing up against him to steal some of his thick-furred warmth in the winter, to pester him with questions. He had always been the kindest of the lead warriors, in the bi-colored apprentice's opinion but when he'd announced patrols for his first moon cycle as deputy, that image had fractured.

RiverClan?! They'd thought, with such a look of betrayal they were sure the whole clan might've been made aware of their grievances (if not for the fact that the sole owners of the truth of the matter were a dead tom and a malicious little roach opposite the river).

And so here they were, left to mope behind Hazelbeam (again) but without the sunray-golden shield that had protected them the last time from venom-tongued onslaught. "You think he's mad at me because I shouted about the squirrel," they ask in hissing frustration to their mentor, knowing she lacks the context to really understand why Edenpaw hates this border so much. "I promised I wouldn't do it again... sending me to RiverClan again doesn't really seem like a fair punishment."

Howlfire must hear their complaining, for she turns to plea for civility. Their face screws up in offense- They need to be civil? What in Silverpelt's name had gotten lodged between her ears that made her think Edenpaw was the savage, murderous little devil of the situation? What antagonizing had they ever done? "Yeah because I'm just some regular battlemonger," they snipe, voice clipped with frustration. The arrival of someone across the way only encourages them in their yearning for haste, to have this over with.

Their strides grow longer, swifter, ignoring the friendly, harmless question from Swiftfire entirely if only to be rid of Howlfire's bossy mouth that much sooner.​

Howlfire's plea for civility had been meant as a general suggestion for all of the patrol. It wasn't because she knew Edenpaw had prior issues on a RiverClan patrol - it was just common decency to be polite. So when she hears Edenpaw's clipped response, she blinks in surprise. "I meant for us all to be civil," Howlfire corrected sharply. "Do not take it as a personal order for you alone." Although with that attitude maybe you should, she thinks silently.

Luckily, before any arguments can break out, they are greeted by a cheerful voice. Her amber gaze lifts to see a blue and red chimera cat standing on the opposite border. "Hello!" Howlfire returns the greeting with a pleasant smile. "SkyClan is faring well. How is RiverClan faring currently? Have your issues with rogues eased?" She recalls having heard from her clanmates who had attended the gathering that some RiverClan cats had been killed in clashes with rogues.

I HEARD, I HEARD ACROSS THE MOONLIT SEA — Beepaw isn't far behind when her attention flickers over to their neighbors recalling how they had been kind enough to allow them shelter when the rogues had attacked them and had ran out most of the clans from their territory, the thought itself making her pelt prickle. Swiftfire seemed more eager to greet the Skyclanners while the bicolored molly didn't necessarily feel inclined to as her feathery tail brushed over a few reeds to remark the border, river blue and fiery eyes turn to the sound of Edenpaw beginning to cause a fuss on the other side. Bee can remember them from the last patrol when Blazestar had replied rather sharply to Otterpaw considering that the older apprentice was being unpleasant though what else was new about the tom. He only ever stirred trouble and Beepaw found him to be pretty intolerable, she wonders if the Skyclan apprentice thought the same as her but didn't bother parting her jaws seeing a chocolate torbie correct the pale molly.

When Howlfire asks how Riverclan's faring and if their rogue problems had eased, the river princess had to hold in a soft huff knowing that the rogues were relentless and the troubles had not ceased. Her mismatched gaze turning to her father unsure of how she should answer this and she has to bite down her tongue to refrain from telling the Skyclanner that it wasn't any of her business, a soft breath leaves her as mist clouds around her jaws. Words finally will themselves out of her throat deciding to be diplomatic and pleasant to her kittypet neighbors instead of being a nuisance like Otterpaw, "We could be doing a lot better or worse." That seemed like a fair answer to her.

/ mentor tag @SMOKESTAR


  • bKn8fx1.png
    shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. all her opinions are IC only.
    8 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    sexuality unknown; currently interested in no one
    currently being mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadapaw and cricketpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Minnowpaw's open grimace in reply to the SkyClanner's question reveals what Beepaw's huff does not: their issues with the rogues have definitely not ceased. It's gotten worse, really, since the last time they'd seen their neighbours across the slushy river. But Beepaw has answered, and Smokestar is nearby should be want to elaborate, so the smoky she-cat tries to turn the patrols' attention to kinder things. Like how SkyClan is going, and not how RiverClan is.

"How's SkyClan?" She rasps brightly, her tail lifting in a friendly and definitely not self-conscious manner as eyes turn her way. "Looking forward to newleaf?"

She's heard good things about this season. Minnowpaw had been born in leaf-fall, raised among the scare of yellowcough and almost falling victim herself, and ever since as it had gotten colder in the forest the warriors had at times whispered newleaf like a prayer. Maybe SkyClan was the same, weird bird-cats that they are.