camp wishing on airplanes | eating extra




She was given a new name she didn't like a forced to learn how to hunt and fight and neither of which she enjoyed. ThunderClan had been a sanctuary briefly, at first, she was treated nicely and left to her own devices but eventually there were expectations placed upon her that she did not know if she could keep up with. Palelily felt her stomach grumble, expression twisting into a distraught frown as she eyed the freshkill pile where she sat. She had eaten today already before going out on a hunting patrol that ended in her being scolded for her clumsiness and returning with nothing to show for their struggles, but she was still hungry. Pink eyes watched the others cats around her, some had eaten even less and seemed to just keep going undaunted while she was miserable with the faintest of belly complaints. With her old two-leg her bowl was never empty, she could pick and choose when to have herself a bite to eat and she could fill herself up without worry of ever running out. She missed him, she hoped he was in a better place. Maybe that StarClan thing the cats talked about had her two-leg there waiting for her. He would pick her up and stroke her head and she would purr encouragingly until he told her to stop 'revving her motor'-whatever that meant.
The blue and albino chimera heaved a dejected sigh as she looked up from her thoughts, honing in on a mouse on the freshkill pile that was alarmingly round for how little food there was around here for them to eat. She couldn't focus when she was so hungry, maybe she would have a better chance hunting if it was one less thing to worry about. The molly nodded to herself, convincing her own anxiety addled brain that surely it wouldn't hurt and it was just one mouse and she'd try to make up for it next time she went out; on stiff steps she darted over to pick the rodent up and try to trot off to find herself a less obvious place to chew on her meal.


Despite some of his clanmates taunting him for having ‘kittypet blood’ Burnpaw had never once had the pleasure to experience the pampering that came with the title. He would be lying if he said he didn’t sometimes think about what it would’ve been like if his mother had given birth to him in a twoleg’s den, especially now in the hungry moons as he had begun to call them. He was hungry all the time, what little he was allowed to eat never felt like enough and he finds himself pining for a time when his belly was full. Despite the hardships that came with it though, he would not trade being a forest cat for anything.

He is settling down after a long day of hunting and training, content to just laze about in the sun before it started to set and he was expected to go on another patrol when he sees her. Palelily. He does not know much about the gray furred Molly outside of the ‘kittypet’ jeers some of his clanmates threw her way every now and again but it is not the unfamiliarity that makes him pause and study her. It’s the way she looks shifty eyed around the clearing as she takes a piece of prey from the pile. It’s the way she retreats to a dark corner of the camp where she thinks no one can see her. It reminds him of something he would do if he was being bad and he knew it so he gets up and he follows.

"Whatre you doing?" he asks her when he draws closer, more curiosity in his voice than judgement. "if you’re doing something bad you’re not doing a good job at hiding it" he whispers conspiratorially before settling back on his shadowy haunches and peering at her with his piercing yellow eyes, waiting for her to defend herself.
Viperstrike ain’t never been the type to put down house cats—he was one, himself, for the longest time. That was back when it was just him an’ Stone, livin’ in that big ol’ house ‘til they was old and graying. But nobody needed to know that; it’s been several years anyway, since he last set foot in a twoleg home. He may not be one no more, but he don’t hold any grudge against those with similar starts to him.

Well, unless they’re shifty and actin’ all suspicious, at least. Palelily’s odd behavior draws the old man’s attention and he huffs out a sigh, draggin’ himself to his paws to waddle his way over to the secluded place she’s settled into. Burnpaw also seems to have joined her, and the old tom’s eyes narrow at the apprentice, not hearing whatever the shadowy young’un’s saying.

They’re up to something.

And sure, Viperstrike ain’t exactly the paragon of authority in the clan. He don’t care whether the she-cat’s actually doin’ nothing wrong, so long as he ain’t gettin’ dragged into it. But if these twerps are doin’ this sorta creepin’ they can’t be up to no good. And he wants to know what it is that’s got ‘em sittin’ around like condors pickin’ over a fresh carcass. "What’re y’fools up to?" He finally drawls, voice gruff and crackling.
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
A tongue rasps over the silken mane of his chest, the mud was horrendous, laying everywhere and sticking to everything. It was more than just a minor annoyance to the ticked tabby tom and he hoped warmer weather would come soon enough to dry up the ground. His grooming is disrupted by a swift flicker of movement, a hasty approach to the pile and back. The gathering of cats now huddling together in the corner pulls his attention further. Lifting his head he picks out two of the three, Burnpaw and Palelily. He has yet to meet the elder. Regardless, Silverlightning casually makes his way over. His towering height making it easy to see over the shoulders of others to witness a mouse clutched in the molly's paws. The questioning tone of the toms meet his ears, speculation on their tongue. Silver's gaze trails from the mouse to Palelily's face. Was she sneaking another meal?

Leafbare was harsh this year and he was not ignorant of the chimera's ongoing adjustment to clan life. He was still learning himself and so he held empathy for her. With a soft clearing of his throat to draw attention to himself he glanced to both Burnpaw and Viperstrike in turn. "Now gentlemen, the lady is simply enjoying her meal. Is there truly a right or wrong way to eat one's food?" To each their own right? Although Silver was no fool, he knew something was up with the way she swiftly made off with the mouse. But this was his way of attempting to diffuse the situation and hopefully the others would gift Palelily grace and mercy.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

The apprentice accosting her had her looking up in wide-eyed alarm, paws neatly tucked over the mouse as if to hide it impulsively and she looked from side to side to avoid eye contact before finally hunching herself down into a crouch; even if Burnpaw was smaller than her, his face and his demeanor were a lot all at once and the older form of Viperstrike joining the conversation made her all the more anxious. Palelily's mouth opened and closed, floundered for a response only to have nothing significant to say. The truth would get her in trouble, but she didn't know how to lie and even if she did it was dishonest and terrible to do but she was so afraid of the judgement cast her way. It was only Silverlightning's more polite and confident approach and comment that made her pull herself together slowly. The albino she-cat gave a quiet nod in gratitude, trying not to tear up as she pushed the mouse forward away from herself.
"I...oh..I'm sorry, I forgot....I ate today already. You uh-you can have it." A little white lie, a tiny white lie, it was fine right? She gave it back. She'd not do it again. The cats here were so observant and she was already watched like a hawk due to her kittypet background and failing to acclimate.
Mousepaw doesn't know what it's like to have lived in a Twoleg's nest, being touched by their pink paws all the time. Yuck! Were they slimy? She thinks they must be, right? Like the frogs that ShadowClanners eat! Like the slugs she saw the kits playing with the other day! She can understand why Palelily had chosen to join ThunderClan.

She sees Burnpaw's thick, long black pelt moving towards her like some lurking shadow, and Mousepaw is intrigued. She scampers close, ears cocked. "If you're doing something bad, you're not doing a good job at hiding it," he says. He's not even reprimanding her! Mousepaw clears her throat as she approaches. "What are you doing wrong, huh? I'll never tell," she fake-whispers.

Immediately, though, other cats begin to notice. Old Viperstrike is just being his nosy self, but Silverlightning's surely noticed what's going on? Yet, her mentor says nothing, allowing this kittypet all the grace in the world. She looks at the ticked tabby, dumbfounded. And she'd been prepared to tattle! What a waste of time that'd been.

She shrugs at Palelily as she offers the mouse. "I'll take it," she declares, swiping her tongue around her lips and leaning forward to take the mouse into her jaws.