border wishing well — joiner


rather die on my feet than live on my knees
Jun 5, 2024
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
An awkward shimmy through the rotted fence that his upwalkers never bothered fixin’ and that was fine by him, especially since it made a great escape when he pissed off the mangy mutts next door, barkin’ like the fools they were. It never quelled the unquenchable thirst for more after moons of runnin’ and fightin’ to survive only to end up as a pampered kittypet. Sure as fudge ain’t gonna complain. He breathed, scarred lips twitchin’ subtly, molten honey hues crinklin’ in fluttered amusement. “Ain’t that somethin’?” He mused. A hefty tom that barely looked like a kittypet flaunterin’ about when he came to the neighborhood itchin’ for an adventure or precisely, lookin’ for the last of his kin and despite what those fools think, Killian knew they weren’t dead. They were a strong bunch — Youkai especially, never quite lettin’ him take the reins, but it was subtle, barely there if ya weren’t lookin’ for it. He tipped an imaginary hat, lips curling wider in a feral grin. Youkai never could fool him. His mind wasn’t always filled with rocks. He was perspective, terrifyingly so and never did stop him from callin’ a fool’s game. Dang right.

With a huff, Killian pulled himself free, givin’ himself a quick shake, riddin’ himself of rotten wood and whatever bug thinkin’ it could catch a ride of him. He scoffed. Ain’t got the time for ya. Grinnin’ cheekily, fangs peekin’ beneath dark lips, Killian set off in search of these mysterious folk he’d been hearin’ a great deal about. Livin’ out in the forest? Huntin’? If he hadn’t known any better, the ex-loner might have a chance at findin’ the poor fudger he called a littermate. It’d be nice to find ‘em after all this time. To have a family for once instead of the mess he had back home. If he could call it that. It ain’t nothin’ but a hole-in-the-wall lot that cared about themselves and who they gotta betray to find their next meal. Nothin’ but a bunch of snollygosters.

Rollin’ broad shoulders, Outlaw ( the name his upwalkers called him’ sounded a lot nicer, but it ain’t about to get confusin’ introducin’ himself with both so the ex-loner ended up callin’ himself Outlaw to strange folks ), swiped a wooly tail and embarked on another daily journey to the woods testin’ the border of — what the fudge were they called again — leapin’ frogs or had that been a miscommunication? Nah. Killian hadn’t seen a frog since comin’ here, but Pine Folks had a nice ring to it. Must’ve been a doozy. The kittypet wasn’t much of a climber, but he respected it. His burly build ain’t much use weavin’ through branches, but he sure as fork had the muscle to barrel through some unfortunate stranger.

Rumblin’, Outlaw carried on, settlin’ just a tail length from the pungent border till someone came wanderin’ in. A managed ear perked at the sound of shuffling paws, lips curled in a charismatic grin, helm tippin’ forward in greetin’. “Hey now, reckon I could speak with ya pine folk before ya skedaddle?” Southern draw heavy on a his tongue, Outlaw cocked a brow in question. “Lookin’ for someone named Youkai — handsome fudger who looks a great deal like myself.” Certainly not strokin’ his ego. The two of ‘em were identical, but nothin’ could be said about their mannerism. If he wasn’t here, then well — Outlaw would just have to join ‘em and see for himself. Always play yer cards right is the sayin’ or had it been somethin’ else? He chuffed. Too late now, ain’t it?

“Pardon my rudeness, darlings, seems I forgot to introduce myself. Names Outlaw. Mind tellin’ me yers?” He inquired, lips still settled in an eased grin, brows crinkled, pulling at scar tissue.
thought speech

If Outlaw was hoping to find an ideal Skyclan specimen when he wandered up to the border, Eggshellbloom was sure to disappoint. Even though the stranger was out in the open and making no attempt to hide himself, the sound of a voice calling to the coward still served as a surprise. Egg-battered fur briefly puffed up, dinnerplate eyes searching wildly for the source for a half-moment before spotting the southerner.

Eggshell’s first instinct - as it was with most things - was to run away. Still, the skittish Scottish Fold knew he had responsibilities, and so stayed in sight (however reluctantly). Shaking legs shuffled towards the border, the boy trying to think of how to act. Silently Eggshell admitted that Slate, for all his rudeness, was far better at this than he.

The last thing the whelp wanted was to give away any vital clan information, but the boy was also a walking doormat. Toppling like a house of cards in a hurricane filled with dumbbells, Eggshell spoke. “Um, I - I don’t know anyone by that name, so…” Was he supposed to? An anxious mind was quickly searched for faces to connect with it, coming up blank. “S-Sorry. I’m not t-too good at this stuff. Others might know, though… I wish I could be m-more help.” Before Eggshell could offer to clean Outlaw’s pelt or get him some prey as an apology, the other gave introductions. “O-Oh! I’m Eggshellbloom. It’s - y’know - it’s nice to meet you.”

Figfeather had not been far away from Eggshellbloom. When she hears the rumble of a strangers voice she approaches with @Daisypaw at her tail. She is surprised to see a feline who looks strikingly familiar to one of her clan-mates. She’s not familiar with Duskpool’s former name but their similarities in appearance and notation that they look alike is enough for her to put two and two together. That is who the stranger was looking for and judging by their pelts, they were kin.

As usual she takes a more firm and distant approach than that of Eggshellbloom. Outlaw- which was quite a name- asks for them to extend their names. Eggshellbloom courteously obliges but Figfeather remains silent, this cat can get her name if he proves to be a welcomed face.

”I know the cat your looking for,” She meows, deciding to leave out he goes by a different name for now. ”What do you want with him?
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
for all that wild charisma and wanderlust , you sure are vengeful
“Well, shucks.” He tutted, curlin’ a wooly plume around hefty paws in muddled disappointment not so openly displayed, rather the easy-goin’ smile still plastered across scarred lips. “Shouldn’t worry yer pretty little head, darlin’. I know it’s scary talkin’ to strange folk.” He remarked, tipping his imaginary hat in simple-minded sympathy. “Just takes time is all.” It was natural as breathin’, talkin’ to strange folk without battin’ an eyelash. What Youkai lacked, Outlaw made up for in smooth charisma and low, rumblin’ voice that sprouted odd words, but he made it flow like a steady stream on a good day.

He had his breeders to thank, tossin’ them away like yesterday's trash — wherever paid the most and his skin burned in vengeance. Merely rightin’ a wrong. Nothin’ more.

At the shuddered apology, Outlaw grinned cheekily, molten honey hues crinklin’ to reveal pearly whites. Ain’t that sweet. Apologizin’ to a stranger when he was on their territory, but reckon the kid was a youngster, nothin’ more than a baby bird takin’ first flight. “Nice meetin’ ya Eggshellbloom.” He greeted — timbre friendly despite the low, guttural rasp. Outlaw didn’t mention the oddity the name possessed, heck, his name sprouted some raised eyebrows.

Shredded ears perked up at Figfeather’s approachin’ frame, shoulders hiking up in subtle relief. Looks like I’ve finally found ya, fudger. “That so?” He inquired, stretchin’ a forelimb till he rose with a languid shake. “Got no ill intentions to ya pine folk. Nothin’ more than wantin’ to find my brother.” He reassured, grin steady, molten honey optics swirlin’ with somethin’ other than forced relaxation, but happiness.

“Haven’t seen hide of him since we were youngsters.” He shrugged — bull-headed fudgers. No. He ain’t talkin’ about the folk standin’ before him, but the persnickety upwalkers that birthed ‘em like livestock — forcin’ ‘em apart like rotten meat, never hearin’ tail or hide of ‘em till now.

It brought some peace of mind to the kittypet, knowin’ one of ‘em survived.

“Reckon I’d have to join to see him.” He mused, thinkin’ out loud. He had already decided before the ex-loner stepped outside his upwalker’s house.

“Say — Mind tellin’ me how I join ya pine folk.” Anythin’ to see his kin.
thought speech

Next along was the spotted tabby who halted at Eggshell's side like a beacon of silent support for the one who likely shouldn't be anywhere near the borders by himself. Tufted ears pointed attentively towards the sun as he listened to the other speak, his expression otherwise stoic. Outlaw's scent was undeniably of the Twolegplace, of a Twoleg, bringing a tension to his limbs that was aimed more towards Outlaw's former home than it was to the husky tom. He mentioned joining and Silversmoke finally spoke up, getting straight to the point. "We could just bring him to you for a chat, but SkyClan won't turn down capable cats." 'Even if I don't like cats joining for selfish motives.' He didn't know if Outlaw would stay if he didn't like what 'Youkai' had become, and thinking of all that wasted training and investment left his stomach twisting in disgust. There was also the question of whether the older tom would even be a good fit, his smiles too easy for the sterner Lead Warrior, his slang towards Eggshellbloom sparking a level of protectiveness that he was certain would get him into an argument with the other if it continued.

Thankfully for Outlaw, the final verdict did not fall upon the stubborn maine coon mix. "We'll take you to our leader to confirm your place here, then, you'll be trained in SkyClan's ways. You'll spend two moons learning to hunt, fight, and act like us, shadowing a full warrior as you do so. At the end of the two moons, you will have an assessment to determine whether you can become a SkyClanner. If you pass, you will have the privilege of getting a warrior name and all the freedoms and responsibilities of a warrior. Fail, and you'll be kicked out of our territory." He rose to his full height, his feathery tail swaying behind him as he tried to look Outlaw in the eye, ignoring the writhing spark in his spine that told him to look away. "Do you still want to join, knowing this?"