camp WITCH &. building nests


"ow! shit!"

the raspy voice of the leader hissed, as they pressed down sticks, ears twitching back and forth again. okay. once more. they began to slowly weave the sticks together in and out trying build more proper nests for the queens, kits, and elders. sure, it might have been an apprentice job but it would have gotten done a lot faster if everyone pitched in. even them. so they did... how long had it been since they tried to make a nest for another? too long, as yet another stick breaks, snapping against their paw making them hiss and stand up with a lash of their tail.

"frog-brained nest! this is stupid! this is–"

they take in a deep breath, though their attitude doesn't change. they're still pissed off, and their tail lashed at the very thought.

"necessary. it's necessary. again, chilledstar.... how is your nest coming along?"

they speak up to the cat nearest to them, nose twitching back and forth. they couldn't tell if they were having worse luck or better... either way, chilledstar was getting very frustrated with this.

"Oh, my nest is absolutely amazing." She beamed with faux pride, her voice exaggerating each syllable as if it were her job. Ferndance wasn't entirely sure how she had gotten roped into building nests with Chilledstar, one moment she'd been walking to the medicine den to get her fleas checked and the next, the two-toned leader had wanted as many paws as possible to make nests - and who was she to refuse such a request? By the Lead Warrior's paws was her so-called amazing creation, broken sticks and wily leaves jutting out from every possible angle. The base was poorly fortified too, with moss scarcely scattered and the fur of some poor longhaired warrior stuck within its strands. Suspiciously, it looked like Fern's own nest, poorly maintained and stuffed away in a corner to ensure that others wouldn't step on her many, many trinkets. This nest was barren of such things though - contrary to her clan status, she was not too keen on sharing more than she had to. "It's just got so much personality." Her smile crept upwards in its regular tell, perhaps believing that if she hyped herself up enough then Chilledstar would see its charm too. "Do you think Betonyfrost will like it?"
geckoscreech is no stranger to the task of nest-making. in fact, it is a skill that's been honed over the last few seasons and it especially shined during the beginning of leaf-bare when she pain-stakingly cleaned out every nest in the dens to replace them with much fresher bedding and warmer materials. some clanmates were appreciative of the gestures while others expressed otherwise even when it was clearly necessary.

alabaster paws weaved twigs together with practiced ease and occasionally paused to incorperate some clumps of moss into structure to give it more cushioning. in no time at all did geckoscreech deem this nest complete and decided to take a moment to peer at how her companions were doing and well, she can't say what she saw was surprising. chilledstar's nest was not the worse but it was clear the charcoal feline grew frustrated with the task everytime a stick snaps under too much pressure. ferndance was another story, her nest was absolutely abysmal. broken sticks and twigs are jutting out every which way and leaves shoved unceremoniously into holes leaving it all lumpy and disfigured, there's other things stuck to the frame that geckoscreech refuses to guess what they might be. "it's frightening how much finesse you two lack in those paws of yours." she mews, a slight frown tugging at her features as her fellow lead warrior chirps out good graces for the thing she had created. "ferndance, your nest looks like it's begging to be put out of its misery. why have you shoved everything together so willy-nilly?"

Smogmaw's snout, scarred and imperious, aims at the sky as he meanders over to the group of labourers. He surveys his clanmates toiling away in the dirt, those who work grime and crud into their digits and fur. Chilledstar struggles especially. Their paws wrestle with the material in the same manner as a bear trying to catch a slippery fish, with frustration and failure. How unfortunate for them. Perhaps, it'd be a sound investment for them to find a mate who can handle the task instead. Such was the deputy's strategy, though that's not to imply he demanded so from Halfshade. She can hardly tolerate how he takes care of his own pelt, thus he can only imagine how she'd react to his handiwork.

"Having fun?" prods the tom, looming a fox-length away from his leader. The appeasement in his voice betrays his lifeless expression. Their hardships simply satisfy him. "Could always use last season's model, that's how I usually go about it." A fact which was obvious at face-value. Bedraggled and unkempt, Smogmaw's own bedding stands out as an eyesore in a den full of awfully-maintained nests. Ferndance's creation, as monstrous as it is, surpasses his own in this regard. "I dunno, Geckoscreech," he maintains, pivoting to glimpse the two lead warriors. The beginnings of a smile infect his maw. "Hers, at least, has personality. A certain zest that your nest lacks, I'm afraid."


Where one slept didn't matter so long as it brought comfort. Sleep was enjoyable, he would make it a proper hobby were not for his new apprentice duties and he sometimes still longer for the days in the nursery where he could gloss over time and burrow into a soft nest to turn the moon faster across the sky time and time again. Magpiepaw found himself wanting a nap now, but his thoughts were too bothersome and restless to allow it right now so he wandered, wandered over to the gathered group mocking Chilledstar's attempts at weaving, remarking upon Ferndance's own failings. His own nest was littered in bits and baubles he collected, beetle shells to flower blooms, pieces of bones picked clean from prey around the outside edges so they did not poke him. He had just started grabbing feathers on his outings too, most of them black with a sheen of blue and a few ruddy brown here and there. One day he would like to find a pristine white feather to add to his nesting but for now he was happy with it as it was. He slept comfortable enough around things he liked, close to Wolfpaw's nest as well so his adopted brother was not far. Magpiepaw didn't see the need to make them look particularly good as long as the purpose was served and he said as much, "Ones appearance does not dictate their value. A good nest is a nest that works."
If he is aware the doublemeaning to his statement the apprentice does not show as much, his tail giving a dismissive flick in silence.
maggotpaw | 05 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Nests were a waste of time in Maggotpaws mind. She was more often found lounging about while perched upon a pile of rocks or an raised root than within the apprentice den - and her own nest was hardly more than a scraped out divot in the marshland dirt and filled with all manner of trinkets. She'd never really valued comfort, nor would she - she's the kind of girl who could sleep standing up if need be, so she's uncertain why all the adults in the clan bother fussing around with scraps of sticks and moss and feathers as though they are prissy kittypets who cannot sleep if there is so much as a pebble below them. She supposes she sees the value in proving plush comfort to the nursery, if only so the bumbling fools don't poke an eye out of get concussed by the flailing she's seen from those younger than her, but the rest? Tch.

Following along after magpiepaw if only out of sheer boredom, cold turquoise gaze stares at the pile in distaste, nose wrinkling, though with chilledstar present she minds her mouth. She'd rather not be put on tick duty - starclan knows most of shadowclan seems to be mange-ridden these days, or at least the adults. Her own pristine pelt should not have to suffer a similar fate. "Are you going to try, magpiepaw?" she questions, her voice even and emotionally detached. At least whatever the boy would come up with would be interesting.

an expression of mild offense is painted onto mink features when smogmaw so graciously inserts himself into the conversation only to address her work with a dubious tone, claiming the nest she had created lacked a certain gusto that ferndance seemed to capture. "oh, my sincerest apologies. maybe next time i'll make a nest using only rocks, sludge and thorns and gift it to you personally! i'm sure it'll be zesty enough then." the words drip from geckoscreech's maw with mock sweetness, a smile of irritance curling at the corners of her lips as she spoke.

the lead warrior cannot understand why so many are compliant on sleeping in ruined and unkempt nests that are barely being kept together. magpiepaw's comment on the matter certainly doesn't help either. a banded tail would whip behind her once like a whip, returning her focus back onto making another nest. "a good nest is one that is well-made and has structure and durability but if you want to sleep in something ragged and disgusting that'll last you no more than a moon then be my guest." she responds cooly, maybe she should just make nests for those who deserve it and leave the rest to struggle.

"finesse? in these claws? yeah... just not for something like building nests."

they lifted their paws, flexing their claws and flashing geckoscreech a smile. they turned back to their nest, ears twitching back and forth as they listened to the others who were doing the same... other than a few who were just watching them struggle and fail. they only drew their tongue over their muzzle, weaving another stick, with a grunt.

"you think betonyfrost will be alright with this? figured she'd want a new nest. I guess."

they muttered under their breath, asking no one in particular. magpiepaw was right. a working nest was a good nest, no matter how it looked.

//rushed fkensk i can't see v well rn im doing my best