witching hour — hunting


never give up 09/18/23
Feb 21, 2023
you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .
He nosed along the bushes, tail flickering to ignore the prickling fear that oozed as Honeywish watched with a gentle crinkle of his lime-colored optics. He sighed, feeling silly when he turned to stare at his mentor with a nervous, borderline sheepish expression. “S, Sorry.” He muttered, ears drawn back. He knew. He knew it wouldn’t happen again, not when he was so close to camp, but the unease didn’t reside, only increased tenfold. “I—” He paused, unsure. Stupid.

Dovepaw shuffled, singular optic scanning his surroundings before padding toward his mentor. “C, Can you s, show me that h, hunting crouch again?” He paused, unsure when Honeywissh shook his helm, gesturing towards the looming foliage. Oh. He winced. Hunting, right.

The freckled feline shuffled forward, Honeywish a few tail lengths away providing some comfort as he peered into the vast darkness, heart palpitating until he sucked in weak, shaky breaths until the familiar scent of lemon washed over him, soothing his panic before it even began. Right. He could do this. Hopefully.

With a nervous chitter, Dovepaw slithered forward, maw parted, taking in the familiar scent of pine until the squeak of a mouse invaded his senses, helm tilting to stare at his mentor who flashed an encouraging smile, ushering the scarred tom forward until Dovepaw darted forward, startling the mouse with a terrified shriek. His body locked up, optic wide in terror when he crashed, chest heaving with a terrified whine. No. No. No. He was fine. He shouldn’t—!

The freckled feline cursed, lunging forward, paws grappling with the ground until they sunk into warm flesh, cutting off its cries with a sharp nip to its neck.

He shuddered, turning to stare at Honeywish with a nervous jitter, paws bouncing, unsure. “I—” He frowned, wincing. “S, Sorry.” He mumbled, glancing down at the prone form when Honeywish merely laughed, bumping his shoulder good-naturally as if to say it was it’s okay.

Dovepaw laughed, hoarse, but still soft. “I, I finally c, caught something.”

/ @HONEYWISH mentor tag !
thought speech
Wolfwind joins Dovepaw and his mentor on a hunting patrol. The poor thing was like a bird himself– nervous and jittery as all hell, and Wolfwind couldn't blame him for it. Poor thing was done in by a beast out of nowhere, while ThunderClan was already tussling with an entirely different problem. Wolfwind woulda thought the mess the boars were makin' all across the forest would've deterred any other beasts as well. S'almost like everythin' bad war working against the clans in some kinda pact... Bears on ShadowClan's side too, yeesh.

It seems that the guy finds comfort in their mentor though– as they should. Wolfwind would glance over more than a few times, but wouldn't but in on any of their business, not till the apprentices snags somethin'. And who would ever say no to a lil' more support? " Nice one Dovepaw! " She'd briefly glance to his mentor, bright - eyed. " Yer doin' just fine, see? "
( ) Hailstorm had also decides to join the trio on a hunting patrol, he liked keeping himself busy and enjoyed hunting if it meant that his clanmates back in camp would have full bellies. His dark orange gaze mostly focused on his surroundings though he'd watch Dovepaw from the corner of his eye noticing how jittery the apprentice seemed to be and how hed ask help from his mentor, Hailstorm simply offering a small smile. Once the shrill cries of a mouse was cut off by the apprentice, the large warrior turned his gaze over and nodded in approval to Dovepaw "Hey, nice catch!" He would pipe out encouragingly.
“Whoa! Nice work, Dovepaw!”
Bouncepaw beamed at the younger apprentice. She could remember how excited she had been when she caught her first prey. The apprentice had been so happy and filled with ambition. Now, she caught prey just like any other warrior. Bouncepaw would probably be made a warrior soon. Unlike Dovepaw, who still had moons of training ahead of them.
you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .

Surprised at the praise, Dovepaw blinked, peering up at the others with a wobbly smile, gaze uncertain, but appreciative. Honeywish had padded up to the other, nudging his shoulder with a gentle trill, muscle uncoiling with a relieved sigh, bobbing his head. Right. He did good! He caught something!

It wasn’t a secret Dovepaw was … bad at a lot of things. He tried, but no matter how hard he trained Dove always came up short. Nothing worth mentioning but the bruises and cuts he received, working until his bones quivered, muscles spasming until he passed out in his nest, oblivious to the world around him until the nightmares started ( it wasn’t like his normal nightmares of dogs, but the pungent smell of badger finishing the job ).

Shaking his helm, Dovepaw hummed, grin more certain as he glanced down at his official catch, skin buzzing. “T, Thank you.” He trilled, offering a genuine, closed-eye smile to the group.
thought speech