witching hour | storm


pocket the sunshine ´ˎ˗
Dec 15, 2022

Storm was a good guy, Cove thought. She didn't know much about him besides the encounter near the river but she trusts blindly, hopes hes a better guy than Trufflepelt (especially because she had trusted him, he had complimented her shells}. Regardless, she lays in silence, lost in thought.

The blizzard wages war outside the warriors den, the sticks woven together groaning. Cove knows it won't go out, hopes it wont go out and collapse atop of the warriors inside. She squints her eyes as a particularly cold gust of wind blows through the cracks and she rises to sit up rather than lay in her nest, idly thumping a paw as she thinks. It's way too bad to go outside in the weather, which meant no shells or no hunting, the latter most unfortunate. Eyes land upon Stormchaser himself and she moves with a purpose, fluffing out her fur as she shivers, sitting in front of him. "Hi, Storm, do you wanna play a game?" spoken softly, shes incredibly bored, does not like being in the confines of the warriors den.

// @Stormchaser
✦ ★ ✦

Snow was usually an occurrence that Stormchaser was excited about; though, all his enthusiasm had seemed to have left him after the pummeling of snow and howling wind that had ThunderClan all held hostage during this storm. He heaved a heavy sigh with a lowered head placed on his nest, golden sunlight hued eyes watching the heavy downpour at the entrance. So much for getting out and stretching his legs today. Even Stormchaser knew it'd be near suicide to walk out into the territory in weather like this, no matter how much he did like the snow. Movement from other warriors stirred around him, clearly all antsy about this weather. He made out hushed voices of worry, each talking about the weather or when it'd stop. The Oriental shifted in his nest, tightening a plumed around around his lithe frame. More movement stirred around him as delicate cream paws ame into his line of vision along with a familiar voice.
The warrior looked up from his nest, eyes locking with Covecatcher for a moment. She asked to play a game with him and he smiled, sitting up from his previous position to sit in front of her. "Sure, Cove. Anything to pass the time would be great while waiting out this blizzard." Stormchaser nodded his head, curiosity sparkling in his eyes at what she had in mind. Covecatcher was definitely a bubbly individual, always making friends wherever she went. She was kind. He chatted with her a few times, but still didn't quite know her too well. He did know her well enough to deem her a friend of his. "Thinking about a game of who can't withstand the blizzard the longest without becoming cat-sicles?" The warrior chuckled, revealing a mischievous toothy grin towards her.