camp With a can of baked beans ⚙ Harassment


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "puh-LEASE teach me a move Wheattail!" begs Shadowclan's resident living bullhorn - red tipped and everything! The boy bounces after the cinnamon molly, eager to take advantage of her good nature in the hopes that she won't kick him to the curb the second she's inconvenienced. And he certainly can inconvenience. But Singekit has been understimulated for far too long (literally a single hour) and requires a change to his routine. Spotting the warrioress returning from patrol, he sought his chance and now sticks to her like a burr! Now that she's not an apprentice anymore, she ought to hold an entire library of battle knowledge in her head! Surely she can spare something to teach Singekit!
He aims to bat at her ankles, nipping at her tail, anything to get her to show him some sort of move! "You gotta show me something! Maybe you'll be my mentor even, so you GOTTA!" Not that he wanted to be trained by Wheattail. He wanted a stronger warrior to be his mentor, with scary scars and lots of experience! But he supposes beggars can't be choosers, and so long as she shows him anything at all he'll be happy! She just has to show him something! Wrapping his paws around her hind leg Singekit wails, "PLEASE!!!!!!"


    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently


Wheattail sometimes wondered if she wanted kits of her own. After all, she adored them. Their tiny statures, their squeaky voices, their boundless energy and innocence, all of it combined to melt a heart that was usually closed off. However, as Singkit made use of all those qualities to unleash a combination of physical and psychological pressure onto her, the warrior firmly decided she would rather be a babysitter than a parent. Small doses, and all that.

The piercing pleading begins practically the second she saunters back into camp, and a strange mix between a smile and a grimace crosses autumn features as Wheattail continues walking. She was content to ignore Singekit, more for her own amusement than anything, but a line is crossed when the somali lookalike felt a stinging pain on her most prized possession: her tail.

She whips around like leaves caught in a gust, amber eyes narrowed into slits as she opens her mouth to speak, barely stopping before any truly hurtful vitriol spilt out. Wheatail instead takes a deep breath. “It is sometimes difficult to remember that a kit’s idiocy is tied to age instead of intelligence” She huffed, unable to let the energetic kit off without a little insult. “I will show you a single move. And if Chilledstar makes you my apprentice, then I will simply disappear into the marsh and live amongst the frogs.” A small smile was on her face now, in a better mood as the pain subsided

Shaking the gremlin child off her leg, Wheattail got into a battle stance. “Observe carefully” She instructed, before launching herself forward and grabbing the air, rolling onto the ground and clawing at nothing for a moment before getting up. “If you are a smaller cat like myself, it is wise to tackle larger opponents to the ground. It helps to nullify their advantage” she explained, gesturing to Singekit with a flick of her still-stinging tail. “Now you try. And not on me, please.”
"Oh, how adorable, we have a little warrior-to-be burning bright." Willowburn cooed as he watched the spectacle from a somewhat safe distance away. He was amused yet also curious as to what exactly Wheattail would teach the pesky youth. The move shown was basic yet useful, though his ears pricked up when the warrior invited the kit to trial the move. Though who exactly would be the unlucky enough to be sacrificed to Singekit? Oh, perhaps it would be he.

The brown tabby smirked as he rose to his paws and approached the pair. "Think you can bring me down with the move that Wheattail showed you?" He was certainly bigger than Singekit by a fair amount, though he was already bracing himself to humour the kit's desire to succeed.

- ⋆ -

Smaller cat? Tackle your opponent? Pipit was practically gawking at such ideas. Why in the hell, would you do exactly what your enemy would expect of you, when you're half their damned size? If it wasn't evidence in the way his body was riddled with scars (if asked, half of them came from successful solo missions hunting foxes... yeah... definitely not dumb shit like getting stuck in a bramble bush or... falling out of a tree or... anything that lame), he was something of an expert in combat! And should've been asked first.

Willowburn is awfully nice to stroke his ego but the chocolate and black tom is absolutely flabbergasted by this nonsense, watching with a dumb-founded expression as he actively encourages such a dumb tactic as 'knock them over.' There was more to fighting than just pinning someone down... brute strength did not win every battle. "Ahuh... good luck with that," he says, quirking a brow, "Let me know when you're done teaching that kit garbage so I can show her the real deal."

They needed Singekit to learn to protect herself so some of the clan's idiots (Ferndance comes to mind) didn't get more kiddos offed at a spry, young age.​
Sharpshadow believes there's probably an infinite amount of warriors that would give a more worthwhile answer than Wheat-tail ever could, even within ShadowClan alone. She's pretty surprised that Wheat-tail doesn't say something like, the moves are the friends we've made along the way, or we should just hold paws with the cats we battle, for no child of the forest truly seeks out violence, or something else stupid. Willowburn has so far proved to be right up her alley... Sharpshadow would stick besides the hopefully, less starry eyed side of the ground beside Pipit, watching the kit and warrior duo with an unconvinced furrow to her brow.

Who knew how Singekit chose his victims? Badly, evidently. If he wanted to stunt his own growth by asking flowery poets for advice on fighting, then fine.

Sharpshadow gives a snort at Pipit's comment— one that he stops too late. He guesses if he wanted to pretend he was never a part of this... gathering, thing, he lost that chance a little while ago. Sharpshadow shuffles his paws, feeling like an oddly - placed rock in the middle of clearing. Something clever. Cats liked clever cats, didn't they? Annoying kittens were not annoying, but... funny. Or something." Uh... Clearly, Wheat-tail doesn't realize you'll be the tallest cat in the forest in the next few moons... Pretty presumptuous. " Presumptuous. He bets that's a word Wheat-tail would love.

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  • ( OF THE THINGS I'VE GOT IN MY BRAIN ) SHARPSHADOW: Formerly mentored by Smogmaw Mentoring Halfpaw
    ♱ he / she , no pref , dislikes gender neutral language ; fine with gendered terms
    ♱ currently 18 moons old as of 12.19.23 / ages every 8th

    dark smoke feline that stands at an above average height. Easily identifiable by her namesake – an unruly mat of fur, destined to be cluttered by inconsistencies between chimera halves. Burdened with a broken tail, often lying dead behind her in the dirt.

    Anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharpshadow has not known peace for a single time in his life, and lives anticipating inevitable dangers to the detriment of herself and others. scraping together some higher purpose— making somewhat of an effort to be " likeable "
    heavy ic opinions! he's irrational and mean </3