Dec 21, 2023
Badgerstripe had taken to tending to the medicine cat residents. Two of her closest friends reside inside, and Gentlestorm could use all the help he could get. She cleans, maintains nests, and keeps the patients company; it's the least she can do while she can no longer patrol or hunt efficiently. But of all cats within, there is one in particular that remains untouched and invisible.

Badgerstripe was displeased with any cat who sided with Skyclaw and was granted the mercy to stay. She had yet to really trust Fallowbite again, even if she made the right choice in the end - stars, even her own apprentice was not spared her anger. But Wrathhowl brings a whole new level of discomfort to her. Ever since she learned the culprits behind Pebblestep's death, an image that still stains her mind red, she almost wished she had let Stormywing kill him.

It was his fault that Sleekserpent had acted so wickedly, wasn't it?

For days, she had simply willed the pathetic-looking warrior out of sight and mind. But now, as these revelations course through her mind particularly strongly today, she finds she can no longer contain it. Badgerstripe makes her way over to Wrathhowl pointedly, lugging with her a wad of fresh moss to change his bedding. All good and innocent; to any other, she is simply doing her self-assigned chores. To some, perhaps she is finally seeing forgiveness.

They could not be any further from the truth.

She works at his nest silently at first while a savage anger simmers underneath. A keen eye flicks over to him, examining his face. He looks so pitiful now, so small, so pacified; is that how Pebblestep looked when he convinced Sleekserpent to help kill him? In her umbrage, Badgerstripe tugs a tad too harshly on a bit of bedding, accidentally snagging a bit of the injured warrior's fur with it. She leans her muzzle down close to his ear, as if to apologize. But her words come scathing and venomous.

" Sleekserpent was with you when you and Smokefur killed Pebblestep. You snakes couldn't keep your corruption to yourself? " Nevermind that Wrathhowl was - still is, in her eyes - a mere apprentice, while the former was a grown warrior. If she could see Sleekserpent for anything other than what he was at death, an unapologetic killer, she would. If she could absolve him of guilt, find the hopeful truth that he was coerced or manipulated or forced, she would go to the ends of the earth. Tears ebb at her eyes, and Badgerstripe blinks them away. " My kits will grow without a father, all thanks to you and your crooked traitor friends. "

I could have turned him around. I could have convinced him, she thinks pitifully. He could have listened. Why didn't he listen? Was their hold on him that strong? How could it be Sleekserpent's fault? How could she forsake her and their kits so willingly? She wouldn't - there had to be a reason, a threat, something that forced their paws.. because they wouldn't abandon her for this cause, wouldn't they? And she stares that threatening force in his scarred face now, disgust and hatred and raw grief written plain on her face. If only he could see it.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) @WRATHHOWL obligatory ic opinions <3
  • Nervous
Reactions: WRATHPAW.
*+:。.。 Wrath-howl has been curled into himself for who-knows-how-long now. His muscles are stiff and sore, but focusing on aching joints relieves some of the burning-stinging-freezing from his face, so he can't entirely complain. He can't complain, period. Instead, he does his best to simply not think, although the alternative is laying in his little bubble of darkness, breath baited as he waits for who-knows-how-long for whatever comes next. Unable to sleep but unable to stay fully awake is an interesting way to taste purgatory. Left in his frightening limbo where the noises he hears but can no longer see morph into pictures and creatures in his head he can no longer disprove. Those who visit the medicine den have as much likelihood to be a massive creeping arachnid as they do a fellow clanmate - although being a cat doesn't make them any less dangerous.

He recognizes Badgerstripe right away when she enters the den. She's one of the few frequent visitors who isn't also sleeping off pains and aches, so the sound of her paw steps and her scent has become familiar by now. Still, in his waking dreams, so occasionally takes the form of a massive serpent gliding between mossy nests. Wrath-howl usually holds his breath when she visits, imagining that if he moves, her fangs will find purchase in the meat of his throat. If not to kill him, then to drag him out of the den and cast him into the cold and the permanently dark.

He doesn't respond when he hears her paws creep closer. He can't see, he doubts he'll ever see again, but it doesn't take eyes to know the taste of a heated atmosphere. By this point, he's used to it. All he can do is comfort himself with the mantra you deserve it, at least they're still letting you recover over and over again to satiate the burn mounting in his chest.

Still, Wrath-howl can't help but yelp when pain lances through his side.
"sorr-" he begins meekly, only to snap his teeth shut when he feels her warm breath against his ear. Stiffening in an instant, he's left no other choice but to listen as she speaks.

The guilt he is palpable. No amount of apologies in the world can make up for all he's done. The least he can do is accept the little punishments, so when a cat decides to use him to vent, he'll listen...

But as the words sink in, Wrath-howl feels a sudden spark of irritation. Wrath-howl was to blame for Sleekserpent's involvement? The cream and white killer has done plenty of wrong, there are so many reasons to throw him in the mud but to blame him for his fellow villain's's almost a relief to feel something other than guilt for once. "I never...even the guy...It's fault...We all had choices" Wrath-howl begins, wheezing through each word.

But just as quickly, the fire is snuffed out. Still curled up tight, he stares at the nothing he's allowed to see, before clenching his teeth, which ultimately serves to only make him wince as he irritates his many wounds.

"But...I'm s...sorry..." he thinks suddenly of Sproutberry, of how little he spoke to his same-aged counterpart, how the one time he finally did...He swallows hard at the thickness mounting in his throat. "Ma...maybe I should...'ve..." he wondered if Sleekserpent would have listened. What if just talking about it with her could've saved him, too?

After a long pause, nervous for the answer but steeling himself anyway, he asks, "Is she...was she banished...?"

    DMAB— He/Him
    10 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally very easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently , mentally unwell