On the cusp of dawn, he is streaming past the bramble thicket, a ghost of his namesake. Exhaustion tugs at him and his apprentice both, but their destinations are not the same. A sharp pivot leads his paws to an elderberry bush, heavy with dark fruit in Leaf-falls wake. The patter of paws announces his approach. And he lingersβ€” He did not think he ever wouldn’t anymore, with tension unspoken between them. But the words did not come out as harshly as they may have, once. He wonders if he could stand to brave the floor Blazestar had once lay lifeless on. " Blazestar. " A shuffling in the dirt. In the past, he may have barged in without warning; but that time was no more. " …May I enter? "

He noses his way forward, and a thick flood of memories is quick to meet him. The mash of teeth to lips is not kind to himself. Horror bubbles like bileβ€” a response to something that has already happened. Why concern himself with a thing unpreventable? Stamped down to the dredges of his mind, Dawnglare meets the eyes of SkyClan’s leader.

A quiet voice remarks that it was not so hot in here, anymore.

" ...Beneath the half moon, " He begins with a breath, and he stares all too intensely, for the dens dim lighting. " ShadowClan had quite the tale for us. Cats that died because Starlingheart could not bear the loss of her son. His piece of salvation was larger than all the rest had received. She had been weak when it came to her little ones, and she would not be the last. And so she proposed that no future medicine cat would ever need face such a choice. " A paw taps against the cool earth. " That is: no kits for any of us. "

He allows a moment of silence, for Blazestar’s perusal and for his own ticking. His eyes flicker to the elderberry’s walls; to the ground below, and again, a familiar blue. " I agreed. StarClan too, was clear in their approval. " A giddyness creeps upon him suddenly, with the remembrance of the moon's beating heart; a glow that should bring any holy soul to their knees. Acquiesces came quickly then. It had to, for the sake of WindClan's extended ruse. Fur spiked strangely in places, slowly, he wills it flat. " And soβ€” this is how it shall be. " Never once do his eyes lose their poignance. And hanging between them, just a moment, is something he is not sure he should mention.

In the end, he decides that he will. " Your son was quite unhappy with this. " A meaningful look exchanged.

  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 π™π˜Όπ™†π™€ π™Žπ™Š π™‡π™Šπ™‰π™‚? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    β€”β€” He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    β€”β€” Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

XXXXXβ€œYou may. What is it, Dawnglare?” He yawns, placing a paw politely over his gaping maw. The stress of his Clan combining with RiverClan’s, intensified by the pit of hunger in his belly, has had a soporific effect on the Ragdoll. He finds himself sleeping later when he can afford to, though the urgency in Dawnglare’s voice prevents him from nodding back off. He shuffles in his nest, hastily grooming scraps of moss from his thick pelt. β€œWhat is it?”

XXXXXToo late, he remembers the new moon the night before, the medicine cats’ meeting. Dawnglare looks faintly troubled, though his healer is harder to read these days. The tale he bears is harrowing, one that sickens Blazestar. ShadowClan’s medicine catβ€”he remembers seeing her, a slight thing, black and white with a trembling voiceβ€”had used two of her only three doses of lungwort on her sick kit. Sympathy clouds his eyes. She’d lost a patient, but she’d ensured her son had lived, and now it seemed all medicine cats would learn from her folly.

XXXXXβ€œNo kits for any of you,” he murmurs. He examines Dawnglare in the pale, morbid light of dawn. β€œYou and all the medicine cats agreed to this… this law?” Some of the sleepiness clinging to his body begins to fade, and he stretches, relishing the burn in muscles getting used to exercise again. β€œStarClan agreed, too, you say. How do you know?” He furrows his brow questioningly. β€œDid they appear to you?”

XXXXXDawnglare’s final comment causes Blazestar’s tail to flick. β€œFireflypaw?” He doesn’t know how to feel about this news. β€œSurely it’s not an easy thing to agree to, but…” He rises to his paws. β€œIf StarClan has agreed… then it must be their will.”

Despite the sleep that still clung to his eyes, Blazestar gives the news the attention he ought to. Soft eyes and gentle face. No, not much had changed at all. Dawnglare takes in every inch of his face. Pale, morning light does what it can to peek through the gaps in the bush, flecking Blazestar in his usual sun-brightness. A blink. He is curt, in reply to this question. " Indeed. "

StarClan agreed, too, you say. How do you know? A twinge of annoyance, then. Did Blazestar think him a liar? Certainly, he thought him something. Something impure. His bite does not come to him as quickly as it used to. Yellowcough’s bought leaves him dull. His eyes are more akin to a smolder, than they were to any frozen lake. But he lets it go. He thinks he was too tired to do anything, but. A sigh, sounding as if it carried the weight of the world, and that was not far off. " If you had been there, you would know, " he drones. What great sacrilege would it be, to part jaws in a yawn, here and now. Quickly, he wills it away. " It – We were blinded by its brillance, the moonstone. You remember, don’t you? " When Blazestar had received his lives, all those moons ago. " Then, it had glowed. That night, it… it lustered. Even the likes of WindClan would not refute it. "

He is still, as Blazestar rises to his paws. Dawnglare’s gaze follows his upward. " Yes. Your son, " he reiterates with a tired drawl. " I find is odd that he fought harder than those with children. " Disaster in the making, perhapsβ€” surely. Whether he listens to rules or not seems to depend on the very day. If it were to be any of them. It would be him. Perhaps that wasn’t fair to think.

His eyes are half-lidden. Exhaustions tug is heavy. " I do not want him to make a mistake. "

  • Β 
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 π™π˜Όπ™†π™€ π™Žπ™Š π™‡π™Šπ™‰π™‚? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    β€”β€” He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    β€”β€” Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

XXXXXAnnoyance flicks across Dawnglare’s expression like a stormcloud, though Blazestar does not flinch away. β€œYou would know,” the healer insists, referencing the Moonstone with its pallid shine, cold and glittering light like a fallen star. Blazestar remembers, of course. One night seasons ago, he had stumbled after the fox-red medicine cat, and the two of them had stolen into Mothermouth with little idea of the glory that awaited them. Nine cats, fallen, stars in their fur, had come forward to give Blazestar the nine lives of a leader. That same stone had now demonstrated acceptance of the medicine cat’s code.

XXXXXThe Ragdoll exhales softly. β€œI will ensure SkyClan knows. If this is StarClan’s will, I expect it to be followed.” He eyes Dawnglare. β€œMy son has a good heart, and no doubt he expected to have kits someday. That is not his path. SkyClan will honor StarClan’s decree.” He taps his tail against the ground, lost in thought. β€œThank you for telling me.”

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Acknowledgement comes in the form of a low hum. It is not something he would've pushed forβ€” a thing to be announced for all of SkyClan to hear. Though he waited patiently over each of them, fools, many of them still were. Dawnglare did not doubt that they may share similar thoughts his apprentice did. Their duties were beyond imagining to most, and not fit for most, because of that. Starlingheart had realized later than she should, but she had realized nonetheless. Perhaps for that, he could look upon her more favorably. WindClanβ€” they would never find such favor, in his eyes.

It prickles at his fur, that Fireflypaw had found more in common with WindClan that day, and that SkyClan may not be so different in that respect. Though he could not see it, high branch looms not so far away.

He supposes that did not matter, though. All the mattered was Blaise. Fireflypaw's mistakes would be all his own.

Though he wonders, with a purse of his lips, if it was worth keeping Fireflypaw from that path; or if Fireflypaw has merely been walking the wrong one for moons now beneath Dawnglare's gaze. Dawnglare's glance to Blazestar is sidelong, a story he struggles to tell bubbling within blue eyes.

Another time, he resigns. His nod to Blazestar is slow and solemn. If Blazestar was nothing else, he was honorable. irritatingly so, at times. " I believe you, " with a blink, he tells him. Even if he knew his belief did not matter to him. He could see the buzz of thoughts within him, but of course, Dawnglare was not privy to them any longer.

" Of course, " his reply is curt. Light - dappled paws linger within the den for a moment too long, before he is turning to leave. Soon, he would sink back into sickening routine.

  • Β 
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 π™π˜Όπ™†π™€ π™Žπ™Š π™‡π™Šπ™‰π™‚? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    β€”β€” He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    β€”β€” Currently 57 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Sick, and extra moody because of it!​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads