pafp with all ambition // bell troubles


make it easy
Mar 14, 2024
With her hat, it had been easy; she could loop the thing onto a low hanging branch and manage it back onto her head before the end of the night. Even the few (but truthfully many) instances where it hadn't landed as she had hoped, she would just drag it home and stage an incident for their twoleg to correct for her. But her collar was another thing. She couldn't latch and unlatch it so easy, if at all - and the damned bell on it is just so... noisy.

"... I felt like a fool, Edenpaw," she says, chin angled upwards as the other inspects her adornments. Their conversation is set in camp, where just about anyone could approach them and bid their own thoughts - it's not like Spice would nip any wayward tails. "It was there, between my paws -" she speaks of a bird during her last hunt, "but my bell jingled and it flew off before I could catch it." One that, evidently, escaped her sharp claws. She tries not to budge, but she can't help shifting her weight from one paw to the next, "I'm sure others saw it. You don't think Orangestar would chase me out, do you?" Prey like that could've fed the whole nursery (she thinks, but she exaggerates too easy.) Perhaps its only fair that Orangestar sees her out, even if in a violent fashion.

[ pls wait for @edenpaw ?! <3 ]​
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 They fidget with the bell between careful paws, hunched down to get a better look at the way it latches to the delicate ribbon around Spicepaw's neck much alike the grayish one that had once belonged to their nape. It does jingle... anytime they pass the orb-like thing between one paw and the other it rings and Edenpaw grows uncertain if its sustainable. Would Hazelbeam's Twoleg be mad if it got lost out here? And why had it put such a noisy trinket on her sister in the first place?

It's by some miracle that they haven't been adorned with such 'gifts' yet either... They listen with attentive, forward-facing ears as Spicepaw recounts her tale of woe, emerald eyes flicking up to look towards a dour face as a sympathetic smile spreads across their maw. "You're going to make yourself upset," they hum, leaning forward to press their nose comfortingly to her cheek before setting about inspecting the golden ball again.

"There'll be plenty more birds.. and you're doing great, really! I didn't catch my first prey until a pawful of moons ago... Pretty late-bloomer, myself. And then! You should've seen it... I yelled because I was so excited and scared all the rest of the prey away- Miss Hazelbeam did too... Greeneyes and the rest of them told us to be more quiet next time but... they're all good cats... they weren't real mad about it."

Maybe some of the cats here would've been but... with the new rules, they'd be a lot more mindful of their hateful speech, Edenpaw thinks. The dusted girl shifts and the bell slips from her house-mate's paws with another, taunting jangle... "Well... We could probably try to rip it off? Or maybe shove some moss in those little cuts to see if it'll quiet it!"


Johnnyflame couldn't help but pause when passing the pair and overhearing their conversation, a quick assessment quickly revealing what was wrong- he'd seen it more than once, after all.

"Oof, bells can be tricky. I'm lucky my own twolegs never thought to put one on me. Had one with a bow on it when i was just a kit, but I shredded that thing faster than you could say 'Starclan'- just wasn't my style." he acknowledged with a sympathetic look. "But Edenpaw is right; your not the first cat to come in here with a bell on your collar, and you won't be the last." he explained in an attempt to add comfort.

He wouldn't lie to her and say there wouldn't be cats who would find it frustrating if she were out on patrols with them giving away their location, but there were solutions[/i], and he nodded t Eden. "Your probably on the right track with the moss. I'm pretty sure the sound comes from whatevers knocking around in there, so if you keep it from doing that.." he shrugged, the answer obvious.


"Do twolegs just like driving you crazy? Jingle, jingle, jingle- I'd lose it, I reckon!" Mallowlark chirped, grin as vastly wide as ever, a sheen of fanged white. And yeah, he wasn't lying! Why would he? Oh, he'd start twitching, like their jittery deputy... his brain would fall out of his ears and would dribble into a little pool on the floor, probably. That was probably why he'd not been born a kittypet; it wouldn't have been a pretty sight for whatever poor Twoleg ended up custodian of him.

Their suggestions, though... and Mallowlark had to admit, Edenpaw and Johnnyflame were a little more knowledgable than him with matters such as this... he found himself teetering a little toward one. "Moss seems fiddly, though..." his tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth. " I say yank it right off. You probably won't break your neck if you do it right."

And he meant probably very literally... like, the weight was very much on the uninjured side. It seemed the perfect solution, really! It'd be gone for good, no insanity to be found.

Eggshell hated debates. The back-and-forth, the strain of decision, having to lend his opinion to one side or the other. What if his opinion was wrong? Petrified amber peepers flicked between the cats as he approached, dropping the small sparrow he’d caught as the coward took stock of the situation.

Seeing spicepaw’s adornment, a yolk-stained paw instinctively went to his own neck. Eggshell was thankful his own collar didn’t have any strange trinket inside, but as the boy took in the two sides that seemed to be forming, he couldn’t help but feel a but squeamish (especially after Mallowark spoke).

“Ripping it off s-seems…extreme…” Eggshell muttered. No matter how annoying, it was a gift from the other’s twolegs, right? A sign of protective paternalism, reminding its wearer that they would always have a home - even if its occupants were often occupied. The ball of nerves knew that many might not agree (if Silversmoke showed his face, he was liable to claw the whole thing apart, after all), but there was a reason he only stayed during daylight, no matter how much he loved Skyclan.

“Y-Yeah, I think s-stuffing it with moss is - is best. That way, your h-housefolk don’t get mad.”

Horsepaw can't wrap her head around why so many kittypets willingly went back and fourth between their "housefolk" and the clan -what motivated them? They never had to worry about starvation - most were plumper then any wildcat, they had shelter from the elements they had nothing to worry about in the entire world. Did they come into the wilderness seeking fun and adventure like this was all some sort of big game to them. She doesn't know if she should feel pity towards them or disgust, her mother had always shamed their ways. She'd told Horse they were hardly cats, that their lives were too easy and that they would never have the souls of survivors. They weren't hardened like she was, she has nothing in common with them save for now that she shares the same camp with them.

She doesn't hate them though, without running into those kittypets that fateful day she'd have never come here and would still be out scouring the endless earth in solitude. There was no reason for her to be rude. She'd been eavesdropping in on the two apprentices conversation (she could've come up to them earlier - but she honestly still couldn't muster the courage yet). It was more daunting for her when she was with peers her own age, she didn't know what to expect from them and they likely didn't know what to think of her. Plus they were talking about something she hadn't a clue about. It made her thankfully she didn't wear a collar like them, it branded them to their heritage and for some announced where they were at all times. She'd claw her ears off if she had to wear a bell day and night.

When the kittypet warrior approaches she perks up more not hiding the fact she was watching, seemed he didn't have the same experience lucky for him when it came to bells. His suggestion is much of the same and then comes her mentor - the ever-smiling tom was still a enigma she was figuring out but he was very reasonable. Tearing the thing off was the smartest thing to do, she slowly gets up and prowls over to him her head bowed respectfully it's a little too low too formal but she doesn't want to be rude. She's still figuring out their customs and well errr how to be around other cats in general.

Eggshell disagrees and she meows a soft "It's not extreme it's a more permanent solution" she turns to look at him, her resting gaze always looked angry but she isn't. "I'd worry too about wearing a collar.... What if it snags on something and chokes you"