pafp with cloud in the rearview | a lesson in weaving

Jun 8, 2022
( ⚘ )Sat, stiff as bone, besides the river's edge Reed let glazed eyes roam the surface. Bright rays cut through the murk, slivers of lucid water revealing a miniature world below. Heads of streaming green, tugged by a watery breeze reflected the trees above; the subterranean plants housing flitting fish, not unlike a flock of faraway birds. Despite most of the waterway's perks being lost on the nervous feline, they couldn't deny its charm. However, they weren't there to watch the world go by. Instead- the excursion just outside camp had been an exercise in motivation. Reed wanted to learn to weave, but that required help.

Having seen several of the newcomers adeptly erect their own nests and reinforce the walls of the new 'Riverclan', they grew a fascination with the practice. Reed always liked to muddle the plants along the bank, though without the grace the others possessed. Perhaps it could be a skill they could master, or at the very least pick up. Without the swimming or fishing prowess of other cats, it would be nice to contribute to the community they had found themselves freshly surrounded by.

Positioned only a few strides from the camp's well-trodden entrance, Reed steadied their breath and dragged up whatever confidence might exist within their slim form. Catching sight of a friendly looking magpie-pelted cat they jolted up before they could talk themself out of it. With all the fanfare of a fledgling chick, a call rasped from their throat. "Weaving- uh, do you know how to weave nests?" And then after a breathless beat, "Can you teach me?"

/please wait for @Raccoon to respond first <3
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They had trotted into camp not long ago with a fish in their maw and some willow stems for their nest. At a raspy call they had flicked an ear in acknowledgement as they set down the fish, pushing the willow leaves aside, as the voice spoke again after a beat. Orange eyes looked up as they finished up their task and gave a small head tilt, weave? Was that simply not a practice most cats knew? "Weave? Sure I can teach ya!" They brightly responded.

Raccoon had weaved their own nests before, a wall was something entirely different in terms of pattern, but they were sure if one could learn to make a nest they could make anything! Though they couldn't rightly tell who this cat was, everyone was so new after all. "I am Raccoon, by the way. It is nice to meet you," They offered a warm smile and a little paw raised as if to shake, before they seemed to think better of the idea and retracted their paw.

"Come along dear student of mine! Much is to be learnt!" A laugh left Raccoons' maw and they waved their tail rather excitedly, before trotting for the camp entrance. First and foremost, they needed reeds to start weaving!
( ⚘ )Pleased surprise flattened their whiskers- it had worked! Reed hadn't noticed the fish clutched in their maw and guilt at interrupting their task wormed its way through their ruffled confidence. It was tentatively quashed, however, as Raccoon continued. Another one that smiled bright and with kindness. All of their preconceived notions of the cats across the river were being slowly washed away. Perhaps they weren't savages.

One false step, followed by a wobbled rebalancing, led the willowy cat after their teacher. "My names Reed, uhm... like the things you weave." The quiet reply was followed by the abrupt flattening of their long ears. Who doesn't know what a reed is? Why did you ask that? they scolded internally, redundant words already lost to humid air. Temptation to dip behind the nearest shrub burgeoned but they once more tried to blind themself to the embarrassment. Determination to learn from this generous cat just barely held out.

In an attempt at redemption, Reed took a dashing detour and in an unpracticed motion snagged several fronds of the required materials. Patient eyes settled on Raccoon as they returned inside camp, jaws stuffed with the sharp, grassy limbs. Once the two settled in a location, the feline would drop them between them.