camp with double vision ࿐࿔ june '24 meeting


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • This would be the first time they'd be hosting a meeting under the star-blooded mantle. It marked the first of many to come, if the same twisted wrench of fate that stole Smokestar too soon did not find her too. The exhaustion that had mounted itself like a stone upon their back felt lighter now... only in part. The time to grieve had never really been settled, not when the threat that scoured their territory had taken up such a costly toll. There was no time to rest... Had been. Maybe now it could be different.

    "Those old enough.... to catch their own prey... gather around." That distinction would be important now right... now that children were not immediately made to run through the territories immediately after the baby blues had shed from their eyes? Ascending the river rock with deadwood limbs, the blue molly faces her clan with more certainty than the last time... They could not still be an imposter now, not anymore... witnessed and beheld in the tender touch of astral gaze.

    "We've been successful... in driving back... the Twoleg threat. We've... saved our clan-mates," she announces, pride in her clan and the comradery that had seen them through to victory, "We owe it.. in no small part... to those kittypets... who helped us... and as thanks... and a bid for... their own freedom... I have extended them... the invitation to stay..." She is not even the tiniest bit uncertain plenty of loud-mouthed cats will have less than savory opinions on that but it hardly matters. Coal-dusted snow had asked of her to trust.. and so she'd try. She'd have to prove to Asphodelrain she'd meant it, when she'd said that one's background did not define their loyalties.

    "I ask you all... for your patience... and trust... to teach them... what skills were stolen... by greedy furless paws... the same way they... stole our kin." There would be no tolerance for spitting, seething hatred. Lichenstar had never tolerated that kind of disrespect, not even towards the Ripple Colonists that had remained... Even if their friends had chosen to shed blood, it did not make all of them criminal.

    "Ospreypaw," the good cheer ends here, where the business begins, "Cindersong has been... a great mentor... to you... but will require... several moons of rest.. to recover from... her injuries. From this point... onward... Tigersplash will be... your new mentor." It may be a little bit of a cruel reassignment, if Tigersplash's kindness did not include a spine (much like Coyotecreek and Otterbite, frankly) but... she'd keep watch on it, just in case. "Many of you... will have noticed... Splashpaw," she persists, looking for the river-eyed girl in the crowd, "She is.... RiverClan blood... and comes to us... to embrace her heritage. She is... a natural swimmer... and proves herself... to be a promising... young cat- therefore... Lakemoon. I'd ask you... to be her mentor... Please teach her... your dedication... and loyalty..."

    It would be hard to argue the point that your family made you a traitor... especially with Lakemoon standing as proud example of how that didn't matter. Besides... anyone Lichenstar's age wasn't RiverClan blood anyways... they were just a bunch of loners and rogues, united by a common goal. Lineage weighed little to her. Only the RiverClan's success mattered.

    As much as she loathed to admit it, it had been enough time passed that she could had off responsibility to the younger generations and with the aging of Jaggedkit, that would mark the start of the new era. "Jaggedkit... you've reached the age... of six moons. In accordance... with the warrior code... it is time... you begin your training... as an apprentice. From this day... until given your... warrior name... you will be known as.... Jaggedpaw." What joy she can offer the young cat is stifled in knowing she does not entirely look forward to relinquishing him to his new mentor, "Otterbite.... will be your mentor. Coyotecreek... was a great mentor... to you... and I expect that you... will teach Jaggedpaw... as well as you were taught."

    "There is.. one more thing... before I name... our newest warriors," her glance skims over Beepaw, Cricketpaw, and Cicadapaw, a painful surge in her chest to remember their father's proud voice sharing with her his choices. Picked out so long ago now... prepared for their inevitable success but not here to share in it. She'd make sure they knew he was watching, that these were his names.. that they would walk with a piece of him always.

    "Foxtail," she summons him forth with a flick of a broken tail, "Your dedication, care... and unwavering devotion... in the face of hardship... proves you to be... a warrior any should envy. I can think of... no one better... to join my council... as a lead warrior," the tip of her tail quivers in excited anticipation, hoping he is just as honored as she is thrilled. "Should you accept..."
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦ huge congratulations to vvin and @FOXTAIL!! she's been an absolute sweet heart in the discord and foxtail, a huge, active part of riverclan since his joining <3 we are soooo excited to have you on the team and look forward to our sweet boy's fish-filled adventures as a lead warrior!
    new warriors to be named in the next post!
    new apprentice pairings : @Ospreypaw and @Tigersplash ,, @splashpaw and @LAKEMOON ,, @Jaggedpaw and @otterbite

    Thank you so much to everyone for another fantastic month in RiverClan!! It's been POPPING, and we hope that this event has been as fun for you as it has been for us to run it <3 We've still got a couple minor clean-up threads to follow up with and as a friendly reminder, we are still resolving the BIG ESCAPE!! This is open to any cat old enough to leave camp, so please jump in and be a hero StarClan knows you are!

    ACTIVITY SHOUTOUTS (10+ posts)
    @lichenstar @Moonbeam @Snakeblink @iciclefang @FERNGILL @Mosspool
    @FOXTAIL @Troutsnout @claythorn @willowroot @salmonshade @LAKEMOON @FOGSHORE @hazecloud @robinheart @BEEPAW @turtlepaw @MIDNIGHTPAW @shellpaw @Magpiepaw @DIZZYPAW @Frecklepaw. @Ospreypaw @splashpaw @Cricketpaw @PEBBLEPAW @EVENINGKIT @Pinekit ⭒ @HORIZONKIT @CRABKIT @Foxkit

    Don't forget, activity shoutouts means art raffle!! ;) If you are on the census and feel you were missed, please let me know and I'll make sure to compensate you for being forgotten T_T

    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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The last moon hasn't been easy, to say the least. While Newleaf brings the clan warmth, prey, and newborn kits, it also brought along unwanted guests. He vaguely remembers increased twoleg last Newleaf— when he was merely an apprentice— but he doesn't remember them being this intense. It felt nerve wracking to patrol, or even hunt, in RiverClan territory with hidden traps in mind. He still thinks back to Hazecloud, whom has been reunited with her kits.... to his huge relief. He had been petrified their stolen clanmates would never make it home.... and the warrior had several sleepless nights that were filled with survivor's guilt. He suppresses guilt brewing in his chest.... he needs to let it go. All is well. Lichenstar's words repeat in his head, and the warrior finds a spot to sit in the crowd.

The meeting begins, and Lichenstar starts with announcing the twoleg threat will no longer be an issue. Of course, this wouldn't be entirely possible without the assistance they got from the camper kittypets.... These kittypets had no obligation to help RiverClan. Had no obligation to assist in the escape and rescue of numerous clanmates.... no obligation to leave their twolegs. These kittypets that stand before the clan might not be clanborn, but they have heart of warriors.... they were brave to defy their twolegs, and even more brave to leave their comfortable soft lives, for something that is anything but soft. The warrior gives Lichenstar a nod as she asks for their patience. She's right.... it seems like they haven't had a chance to break free from their twolegs until RiverClanners began getting stolen.

Next comes apprentice re-assignments. His ears prick forward as he catches Ospreypaw and Tigersplash leave Lichenstar's maw, and the young warrior looks for Tigersplash in the crowd. Ospreypaw was a little rough on the edges.... that young apprentice wasn't afraid to speak her mind, and seems to be quite the hard worker. Tigersplash will do a great job, He thinks to himself with pride as he thinks of his littermate, he's the perfect cat to continue Ospreypaw's training. And then.... there's Splashpaw. A new apprentice that seemed to join them after the gathering.... with mysterious origins. His ears prick as Lichenstar tells the clan that she has RiverClan in her blood.... and that she is quite a natural swimmer; and that she is here to embrace her heritage. He sees no need to argue against his leader.... he trusts her word. He gives a nod with a flick of an ear, Lakemoon will be a good choice for the young Splashpaw.

"There is.. one more thing... before I name... our newest warriors."

His olive green eyes briefly glance at the three apprentices, whom eagerly await their warrior ceremony. What could it be? He pulls their gaze off of them and looks back over to Lichenstar, and to say the least, the young warrior was not expecting his name to leave her maw next. "Foxtail." His tail nearly puffs up in surprise, and she beckons him forward with her broken tail. He pads forward with flattened ears.... did he do something wrong? Oh StarClan, is he in trouble— but then, Lichenstar continues to speak. Oh. Oh! The young warrior tries to stand still as Lichenstar extends the offer for him to join her council.... and he can't tell if he's trembling from nervousness or from excitement. Pride swells in his chest as his paws tremble, and the lead warrior focuses his gaze onto Lichenstar. "I... I-I would be honored...," He mews with a dip of his head, "I a-accept."

  • 82418929_FoLQDUUK9zQigyb.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    lead warrior
    20 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to meghan for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)

It's her first meeting as a RiverClanner, and although she has been one of them for a few weeks now, experiencing the Clan at it's most intimate... feels different. These are occasions where cats are honored; kittens are given mentors, apprentices are pledged to be warriors. Cats like Foxtail are granted the highest honor, invited onto a council that Splashpaw doubts she'll ever be received to. Names will be listed, orders will be jostled, and she is to be here for it all... whether some like it or not.

She settles by herself, watching as Lichenstar grants freedom to the kittypets that've helped, whilst also inviting them into the fold. She looks for said newbies - not to grimace or frown, but for a hope of comradery, companionship. She doesn't speak up but she notes if any of them still have their kitten fur and listens as her leader moves on. Ospreypaw is gifted a new mentor - and alongside that announcement, she is presented to the Clan. She is known as Splashpaw now (a detail widely spread, however having it spoken so loudly only confirms its permanence,) and she is held to a cat named Lakemoon... she's met the blueish feline a pawful of times. Stoic, quiet, but surely meaning well.

Splashpaw leaves her spot to find Lakemoon, briefly touching her nose to the warrior's before returning to the crowd with her. The aforementioned grand event occurs with Foxtail, the forever present tom invited onto RiverClan's council. She says nothing quite yet, simply watching as he accepts the position.​

Her paws still tremble just like the first time. Attending meetings made her fur stand up. The anticipation is the worse! Troutpaw was pretty social. Always having her nose in everything. She had leaned on her clan mates a lot after the death of her mother. It was important to know what’s happening. So the apprentice pays attention. Flexing her claws to relax. ""

The moment her littermate accepts the well-deserved honor of becoming the Clan's newest lead warrior, Hawkcloud lets out a cheer. It pierces the serene quiet that's settled over the camp in the wake of the meeting — a weight finally relieved from their shoulders at the knowledge that the Twolegs have been driven back from their territory, their Clanmates rescued. Perhaps it comes a bit too soon, as well, with the ceremonies for their newest warriors yet to come. But Hawkcloud doesn't bother containing her excitement, not when her brother is being honored for all his hardworking and dedicated time as a warrior. She can think of no one more deserving.

She's proud of Tigersplash, too, for receiving Ospreypaw as an apprentice, even though the circumstances regarding the apprentice's former mentor are less than ideal. Their sister will also be a wonderful mentor, Hawkcloud knows, and her heart swells with pride and happiness for both of her sibling's accomplishments today. She hopes the joy of the moment won't be overshadowed by any of their Clanmates disagreeing with Lichenstar's decision to allow the kittypets to stay. Although Hawkcloud will never understand trusting Twolegs enough to live with them, she's sure the kittypets have seen how cruel the creatures can be when they trapped RiverClan cats. Thanks to their help, the kittypets deserve to stay with them if they choose to.​

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. The presence of kittypets within the camp walls was too overbearing to be able to ignore. An entire group, deemed to be indebted to by their pointed leader. Call it forest-born haughtiness, but Lakemoon saw no reason to take cats who were rarely more useful than a fresh-faced apprentice in, to dedicate valuable resources. Who’s to say they wouldn’t go dashing to the Twolegplace when leaf-bare covered their lushious land in brittle snow?
Despite her reluctance to accept these newcomers, Lakemoon hardly blinks from where she sits in the crowd, breathing out the urge to scoff when Lichenstar asks for trust in them.
What comes next is much more interesting than kittypet talk, but Lakemoon is looking forward to the warrior ceremonies, reassignments were typically a bittersweet task. Ospreypaw is paired to Tigersplash, a fine choice. Next to be called forward is Splashpaw, an apprentice who was not Riverclan born, but who’s blood right Lichenstar fiercely vouched for. Lakemoon hears the whispers, gossip that she does not partake in, such as how some could swear they smelled a faint marshland scent on the girls pelt during her first night here. The silvery warrior had spent her childhood growing up in those swamplands, the signs were there, ingrained into a youthful subconscious. When Lichenstar turns to her, Lakemoon tilts her chin upwards, ears twitching in fleeting contemplation. Must my heritage always be used to make a point? The thought is a soft hymn in the back of the scarred warrior's mind as she shifts to her paws, the echo of a then Smokethroat making an example out of her to a sorrowful Boneripple. When she meets her new apprentice in the middle, narrowed optics only pause for a moment before continuing with the ceremonious nose-touch. With the smaller ebony at her side, Lakemoon can at least thank the stars she doesn’t seem overly talkative today, nerves maybe.
Foxtail is called to join Lichenstars growing council, and Lakemoon lets her gaze glide to the fumbling tom. Hm.

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

જ➶ The high disgust that is clear in her gaze is deadly and for all to see. The young apprentice can not believe what she comes over to see. Her maw crinkles in what appears to look like she might have smelled something rotten. Kittypets in their camp. Kittypets who barely know how to live within their territory let alone in the forests at all. They are being forced to waste their time teaching them their techniques and letting them gorge on the fish that they catch. Utter ridiculous talk. She can not believe that their leader will force them to do this. Honestly she's just as bad as their former leaders. Her muzzle pulls taunt before she shakes her head. Stepping quietly over to Ospreypaw and brushing against her flank. "We might as well be Skyclan at this point. Let in any cat who helps. When are we going to be instating Daylight Warriors." Her tone is a whisper, only for her friend to hear as she glances at Lichenstar.

Then her friend's name is called for a mentor reassignment and she tilts her head. Tigersplash. Her maw doesn't change and she merely nudges Ospreypaw in getting a new mentor before more talk is given. And Splashpaw is brought up. A half blooded cat that didn't belong here just like the kittypets. She snorts softly and glances toward Lakemoon. What a joke her home is becoming and so quickly as well. Especially when soft hearted cats are placed on the council.

--- talking discreetly to @Ospreypaw

If the kittypets were to be brought in, then so be it- though Ferngill could not shake some uneasiness, remembering what had happened last time they had allowed strangers to learn Clan culture. They'd been unwilling to adapt despite agreeing, and had stolen one of Smokestar's lives for it. Still, he trusted Lichenstar... trusted that she knew that this was right, even if it was going to use up a lot of their resources. And... in truth, kittypets were probably more likely to accept Clan life than rogues.

Splashpaw's joining too concerned him- fearing retaliation from ShadowClan, he was not sure whether it was worth it. But Lichenstar was right about her RiverClan blood. He only hoped she would not falter if ever RiverClan had to meet ShadowClan in battle, as he knew his sister never would with ThunderClan.

There was happier news, though. Ferngill was passively aware that some apprentices woudl be graduating today, but before that Lichenstar announced Foxtail as bound to join her council. A bright eye of green found his friend in the crowd- he grinned at the flame-tailed tom, striding over to him. "Welcome aboard," he chirped- and Ferngill noticed Foxtail was trembling a little, but he knew in time the patchwork tom would settle into his role, just as Ferngill had. "... and congratulations!" a whispered but sincere addition.
penned by pin
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. She knew more or less of things that would be discussed at this meeting. New apprentices, mentors being reassigned, mention of Splashpaw and the kittypets that would be joining the clan to become RiverClanners themselves as well as the trio of apprentices that were set to become warriors. It was sad to think that though Smokestar would be able to see his children become warriors it was from StarClan and not here in life and the thought of Cicadastar not being up there with him caused the usual smile that rest upon the medicine cat's face to falter for just a moment. Though she knew he wasn't there with Smokestar she could only hope that wherever his soul rest that he could still see this ceremony as it unfold before the living.

She watched from her usual spot the looks on her clanmate's faces as Splashpaw was mentioned, as well as the kittypets. Not everyone was open to outsiders and though Moonbeam didn't agree with their mindset she could see where they were coming from. She was wary of many of them, yes, especially after all that the clan had been through, but a few bad apples didn't make the whole of the bunch bad - Claythorn was a prime example of that.

A smile is cast Splashpaw's way as she is mentioned, hoping that the younger feline was having an easier time getting used to the clan but she knew deep down that she would be given issues among many of the apprentices that she was now meant to sleep beside. Silence would remain from the medicine cat as the meeting continued on, eyes cast to each feline as they were named and a slow dip of her head offered to Foxtail should he look her way. He wasn't the stereotypical cat that was part of the council but she was sure he'd be a good fit in his own way, it would just take some time getting used to the new position and learning what there was to do.


  • --
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    13 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
This was not the glorious meeting that would release her young into the wilds, to teeter after more experienced paws and finally sink their claws through scales. However, Hazecloud was still quietly present just a short distance outside the nursery to watch. Her focus flickered from the pointed molly who sat atop her throne where Kingsblood once had. Where wispy fur once bristled, jaws snapped and spat. Where a solemn soldier once stood and bore gifts of his disciples in his pelt.

She found herself looking on a newer face, friendly and kind. Her sovereign savior, the reason she and her daughter could see the river once again. Hazecloud was surprised Nutmeg had wanted to stay with her, but with the effort she- all of the kittypets- had placed in getting these strangers back home, she was excited to see how she would adapt to RiverClan's ways.

Another new presence to the crowd, Splashpaw, is addressed and the queen gave a short, single nod. She wondered if Lakemoon was a calculated choice due to the amount of family she shared blood with in other Clans, bordering both of them no less. The scarred tabby had been beside her during the journey as well, a pillar of strength in every needed moment. Splashpaw would do well under her guidance.

Her mate has one more announcement, an addition to her council!

A smoky maw curled in a smile with the chant for the toms name readied. Foxtail was a kind warrior, dutiful, bound to the code and honoring his home. Hazecloud held no blame in her heart toward him for her entrapment of course, and she is glad to see him accept the offer. Well deserved.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.



✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • His acceptance comes in the shivering uncertainty that he oft carried himself with as of recent... It isn't terribly unalike the awe-stricken stare of Ferngill when Smokestar had summoned him forth for the same great purpose. It's a role she remembered accepting with a drowning sense of elation, of nervous fear that said she might not be good enough.


    Lichenstar bows her head to him in show of acknowledgement before setting her attention on the proud forms of several figures, speckled in star-struck markings and saddled on either side by dusty pelts. "Sandpaw... Beepaw... Cicadapaw... and Cricketpaw... Step forward...." This was important. Nervously, raindrop eyes glance towards the clear afternoon skies, free of clouds that might obstruct heavenly gaze. Pay attention, is sent in stubborn will skyward before fixating the four under a serious stare.

    "I... Lichenstar... Leader of RiverClan," it is begun in a leaden-tongue start, already feeling the upsweep of tightness in her lungs that says this is wrong. Again. Again it is wrong. They would be the first under her name... her new name... and still it felt out of place. "Call upon my ancestors... to look down... upon these apprentices... who've worked hard... to understand our code.... and I commend them... as warriors... in turn."

    Her descent from the River Rock is hasty, a huff of effort upon landing as reed-thin legs surge forward to close the gap, to standing in front of them and stare into eyes jaded by the cruelties of their lives. She can remember when they were so small.... clinging to Smokestar's legs to wade into the shallows for the first time.

    "Beepaw... do you promise... to uphold the warrior code... to protect and defend... your Clan, even at... the cost of your life?" It feels far heavier a question now... knowing how many have been lost and how quickly StarClan plucked some of their best and brightest. The stalwart molly gives her affirmation and Lichenstar wastes no time, practically gushing to share this final gift from her father, "Then... under the eyes of StarClan.... we give you... your warrior name," Her brow pinches slightly, hoping she notices, praying she hears the we where it should be I. "Beepaw... from this moment on... you will be known.... as Beefang. StarClan honors you... for your battle prowess... and your devotion," the word tastes of river water, of the suffocating feeling of dread, of Brookstorm's scent, "and we welcome you... as a full warrior of RiverClan." Delicately, she presses forward to rest her nose atop the snow-split molly's head, "He honors you..." is added only in whisper before she pulls away to find Cicadapaw next.

    "Cicadapaw... do you promise to... uphold the warrior code... to protect and defend... your Clan, even at the... cost of your life?" A too small version of him lingers here now... bug-eyed and droopy eared where his size had not yet fit him. The tom that stands here now is almost regal... transcendent... The rumble of his agreement gives her permission to continue. "Then... with StarClan's will... we give you... your warrior name." You are a reflection... but you are not the same. Would he feel more complete... and self-assured to have a name that was unique to him? "Cicadapaw, from this moment... forward... you'll be known as... Cicadaflight." She leans forward to touch her nose against him in turn, "StarClan honors your determination... and composure... and we welcome you... as a full warrior... of RiverClan." The soft breath she exhales is one of relief, to know she has made good on her promise thus far and would have to hold these treasures from his kin no longer. "You were always... meant to be... solely you... Hopefully... the name he left behind... is enough."

    Cricketpaw stands as the final of his trio and stares with star-bright eyes at her with certainty. "Cricketpaw... do you promise... to uphold the warrior code... to protect and defend... your Clan, even at... the cost of your life?" There is no escaping destiny now... it has offered them the final step towards achieving it. There is not an ounce of hesitation in the 'yes' that rings in her ears, "Then... with StarClan's blessing... we give you... your warrior name," her lips run dry but persists anyways, knowing a drink of water will mean far less to her relief than the ceremony itself will bring to these apprentices. "Cricketchirp." The corners of her lips tilt up into a smile- it suits him... his boisterous confidence... her great leaps towards a future she has designed for herself. "StarClan honors your devotion.... and willpower..." No doubt in part these skills come from Petalnose too. "We welcome you... as a full warrior... of RiverClan." Their touch is gentle, voice even gentler, "Please know... that he is proud..."

    They do not linger, gliding past to address Sandpaw as the last, "Sandpaw... do you promise... to uphold the warrior code... to protect and defend... your Clan, even at... the cost of your life?" His growth too, is nothing to be scoffed at, even if scarred like the fiery-furred tom on her council... he had survived and persisted all the same. Upon his confirmation, she nods, "Then with the power... of StarClan... I give you... your warrior name." She is distantly aware of the thrum of bittersweet joy, the vibrating need to burst out into cheer from her clan-mates, "From now on... you will be known... as Sandpelt." A bit.. on the nose... but not unfitting, hopefully, "StarClan honors your... loyalty.... and resilience. And we welcome you... as a full warrior... of RiverClan." Again, a ginger touch before stepping away from the newly named four, a grin pulled across her face as she glances towards the rest of the river dwellers in encouragement, "Tonight... they will sit vigil!"

    And though she makes sure to give the time for them all to accept the chorus of song that sings their new names to the heavens, there is a final act, one requested that she had to still make good upon. "StarClan... I ask you now... to forget the name... of the cat you see... before you... It does no longer... suit her. Under my authority... as RiverClan's leader... and with your heaven-sent approval... I give her a new name. From this moment... Rosalia will be known... as Thornskip... as she embraces... clan life... with sharp claws... and a joyful stride..." The last touch of nose against forehead before finally she can call this day successful. Her climb to the top of the River Rock is swift, tail lashing in anticipation.

    "Greenleaf... is here... my friends... rejoice... in the sun's... gifts... and be good.. to one another.... This meeting... is adjourned."
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦ new warriors!!!
    @BEEPAW -> beefang !
    @CICADAPAW -> cicadaflight !
    @Cricketpaw -> cricketchirp !
    @SANDPAW -> sandpelt !
    @Rosalia -> thornskip !
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
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       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
ꕀꕀ The meeting begins like any other. The leader first speaks out about the new cats in their midst—they are kittypets, but they had helped RiverClan to survive. And now they will be RiverClanners as well. Sandpaw finds that he doesn’t particularly mind their presence, just as he doesn’t mind the presence of Splashpaw in the apprentice den. New faces are just faces that he may have to get used to. Foxtail’s rank of lead warrior is another change that will surely take some getting used to, but Sandpaw cheers all their names just the same. RiverClan is stronger for having each of them, and he shows his appreciation for them all in his calls of all of their names.

Next up is exactly what he’d expected; the black and white siblings are all receiving their warrior names today. They are named and blessed by the pointed leader, and presented to the clan as capable and honorable warriors of RiverClan. He calls out their names softly, his cheers growing quieter when he realizes that the leader isn’t finished yet. Lichenstar’s eyes fall upon him next, and the fur along the back of his neck prickles. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code, to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”

It’s a question he’s pondered many times before, and even more so lately. Weeks spent lying useless within the medicine den had given him plenty of time to consider… and no matter which way he twists the question and its meaning, the only answer that he has ever found is yes. There is no other option. No other possibility. There is only Sandpaw here and now, standing before his leader, nodding his head solemnly and responding, "Yes."

And with that, he is named. Sandpelt is a perfectly average name, unassuming and somewhat boring. But the name isn’t the most important part of this meeting. He’s a warrior now, a full warrior of RiverClan. His eye squints with joy, vision blurring with the force of his bright grin, and he turns to look at his parents. He isn’t a disappointment, not now. Not anymore.

The tom’s golden gaze settles excitedly on the forms of his parents—but they aren’t even looking at him. Their own eyes are fixed on the trio of siblings who also just earned their warrior names. The golden children of Cicadastar and Smokestar, the cats who everyone is truly here to see become warriors. He can’t blame them, though—who wouldn’t be excited to see the children of two leaders become warriors? Turning to glance at Beefang, Cicadaflight, and Cricketchirp, the tortoiseshell gives them what he hopes is an encouraging look. "Congratulations," he says, trying his best to put on a bright smile for his fellow brand-new warriors.

  • ooc:
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    SANDPELT ❯❯ he/him, warrior of riverclan
    pretty, silky-furred tan tortoiseshell with one yellow eye. calm and hardworking, but can become snappy if angered.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
The Clan meeting starts off negatively, in Iciclefang's eyes. Lichenstar announces her formal invitation to the kittypets to join RiverClan, and the tortoiseshell's jaw clenches immediately. Then there's the matter of Splashpaw, whose origins are glossed over. She says, her ears flicking, "Does our Clan not deserve to know the truth about Splashpaw?" She stares at her leader, shocked to know Lichenstar would keep her half-Clan status a secret—to keep Pikesplash's crimes a secret. Perhaps she should revel in this undisguised mercy, considering the origin of her own kits, but it astonishes her completely. Cicadastar would have dragged Pikesplash by his scruff to face the Clan he'd betrayed; Cicadastar would not have lied to them.

And Foxtail, trembling little tom, is named lead warrior, to stand on a council beside her. Iciclefang stares at the red-patched cat openly, saying nothing either congratulatory or derogatory. Her expression is blank. What does it matter, who leads us now? We are ShadowClan, we are kittypets.

She hardly hears the rest of the meeting, her mind buzzing with discomfort. New faces seem to stare at her from every direction, their pelts misty with Twoleg-scent, with ShadowClan mud. She yearns to wrap her tail around her kits and drag them away, but she doesn't move from her spot. Her apprentice is to become a warrior today, though when Cicadaflight's name is bestowed upon him, her tongue feels glued to the roof of her mouth, thick like honey. She hopes only that he knows she's proud of him, even if she can't bear to cheer with the rest of RiverClan.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 24 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Part of Tigersplash expects to see Smokestar ascend the boulder; a phantom returning from the river from the clutches of death. Yet it's Lichenstar who ascends, whose taken his place - he respects her greatly but there's a twinge of discomfort at the change in ritual but it's a discomfort he'd already went through after Cicadastar passed. He yearns for things to be normal again, for well earned peace where he can lounge in the sun and have nothing to worry about nothing more then keeping his belly fully as well as his clans. But hey, didn't the hard times make the good times even richer and well earned? He wants to desperately look on the good side of things - it kept him sane and hopeful. Things would be getting better now, his clanmates had returned rattled but mostly safe and unscathed - they had to get better and Starclan be damned if they didn't he'd find a way to make them better with his own big ole paws.

They gained new friendly faces in the camp, ones who'd been welcomed and thankfully so. While he'd never understood how any cat could stomach being a twolegs property being stroked and eating pellets and all that his clanmates wouldn't be home without them, he'd welcome them in with open paws and would wait till later to push them for the fascinating details of what their lives were like before they went wild.

He sits close to Hawkcloud, he looks up proudly at his leader chest puffed and fur well groomed (even for clan-meetings he argued it was worth looking your best, who knew what announcements could be made). He'd been right to do so, his ears stand tall and alert, surprise wracks him "From this point... onward... Tigersplash will be... your new mentor." he'd been envious of Foxtail when he'd been assigned Pebblepaw but understood that well he wouldn't be the first choice ever to be a mentor. He wasn't mature like his brother, he still hadn't shook off his "kitten fluff" in a lot of ways he liked to play and sometimes didn't take things seriously. Though he had skills to share and a talent and love to pass down to a worthy pupil; no one could argue that he was a powerful swimmer. He'd been one with the water since he was first allowed to pad into the shallows.

He'd expected this moment would come many moons from now but he doesn't complain, no he beams as bright as the sun shaking off any wariness and discomfort from the past moon as he lumbers his way over to Ospreypaw. He dips his head down in the customary tradition and waits for Ospreypaw to meet him and touch noses before he lifts his broad head back up. "You're in good paws" he promises proudly in a whisper as new apprentice receives their name. He'd make her into a formidable warrior, he'd do good by her and by his clan. He'd take this duty seriously! He'd call out the others names backing away so he doesn't make his new apprentices eardrums rattle from his joyous roar "Jaggedpaw!"

This moment wouldn't be the only highlight of his day (of the past few moons really) because it's Foxtail's time to shine. There is no envy when she hears his named called out; when he's invited to join Lichenstar's council. He looks for him in the crowd and he wants to yowl his pride for his 'little' brother before Lichenstar has even stopped talking, before her offer has fully left her maw. He comes running once it does and once Foxtail accepts. He'd crash into Foxtail though not hard enough to tackle his brother, his forepaws wrap around him, his head bonking against his brothers cheek "My baby brother all grown up! A lead warrior!" Tigersplash doesn't care for decorum even in the midst of a meeting, he's happy. He drops back to his fours but he still weaves around his littermate purring loudly, maybe one day Foxtail would be Foxstar seasons from now and then just maybe Tigersplash could be his deputy.

The meeting moves on even if Tigersplash doesn't - he had so much to say -so much to do now with Ospreypaw but he makes himself sit down. Still rumbling from the strength of his purr as he listens as Smokestar's kits become warriors - there's a melancholy to the ceremony he's sure they all must feel it; if only Smokestar held out a little longer but she hopes he looks down at his children from Starclan with pride. "Beefang! Cicadaflight! Cricketchirp!" but they aren't the only ones named; Sandpaw was becoming a warrior too and she's happy he's able to earn his name, that fox could've taken him from them but he stood tall today and ready to become a proper Riverclan warrior. "Sandpelt!" and with that one ;last announcement a new warrior though made much less traditionally but he calls out their name just the same with as much pride. "Thornskip!"


How thrilling! How novel! Rosalia hadn’t been involved in a ‘meeting’ before. There was a lot of firsts for the young cat, she beamed at the thought of it. To be able to sit amongst clan cats, fellow clan cats now? It was exciting, they could hardly hear the chatter around them over the steady and loud thrum of their own heartbeat. Oh how their heart soared at the idea of being allowed to stay, part of him would miss his upwalkers, though he had slowly been accepting the fact that he wouldn’t be missed in kind. He wasn’t a fool, she had seen other kittypets during her travels that did a lot less work and received much more love in return.

She was never going to equal the same amount, things would be different here. They were devoted to trying their best for RiverClan, she needed to pool her hard work and devotion somewhere. Lichenstar seemed honourable, so did the patrols that he had spoken with when helping aid the rescue of the stolen clanmates. So he had good faith, that was what he was known for after all. That faith that things would be different deafened them to any less than favourable remarks from those around him about the fact that kittypets were joining their ranks.

They could hardly fret and dwell upon what the negative reactions would be when there’s so much pride to be had! They got the honour of witnessing such young cats grow and take a new mantle of life. While Rosalia didn’t understand what this exactly meant just yet it was deemed important so it had her utmost attention. The same sentiments were shared towards the new lead warrior joining the RiverClan leaders council, it seemed like a high honour!

Then amidst the celebrations of hearing all these noble and mighty names be called out and celebrated by all those in attendance they hear her name be called. That mighty thrum of her heartbeat picks up again at the call of her name, who would he be to not heed said call? Confidence held him high above the nerves at the pits of her psyche. The nose touching his forehead is grounding, solidifying that she has made the right choice here. Thornskip, how delightful, now noble, how… fitting. “Thank you!” he wasn’t sure if they were supposed to speak or not, much less who they should be thanking. Surely if they're not supposed to talk then she could be forgiven for a minor transgression such as that. Clan life was a learning curve but she was going to adjust. With a sunny disposition that rivalled the Greenleaf sun they took their spot back amongst their clan mates, their clan mates!



Outsiders in RiverClan. The apprentice flattens his ears back with a scowl. He can hardly question the leader of the clan, but that didn't mean he would smile and wave like some SkyClan kittypet. They'd might as well have Daylight Warriors at this point. And Splashpaw? Apparently of RiverClan blood, but Nettlepaw doesn't remember her in the nursery. The rest of the meeting passes on in a blur. At least Smokestar's kits were finally getting their names, and Foxtail had long since earned their promotion. Still... Iciclefang's words ring through the blind tom's sensitive ears, and the apprentice narrows his sightless eyes, lashing his tail. The truth about Splashpaw? Others cheered the names of the newly promoted. Nettlepaw instead pads closer to Iciclefang, trodding on a few tails along the way, much to his clan-mate's frustrations.

"What truth?" Nettlepaw inquires aloud. "What truth about Splashpaw?" He doesn't care who hears.


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • Iciclefang's audacity finds no end it seems, as ice-sharp gaze wields a dagger-tongued question. Their stares combat a silent battle of wills, foretell a burning blue-flamed fury in her leader's gaze as she so openly defies what order was spoken to her plainly. This disobedience would not be stood for... and as Nettlepaw pipes up to demand answers, her frustration only sears into hotter boiling.

    "There is... nothing further." Her tone is flat, stony and unrelenting for information or emotion outside of the tension of her anger. "I've shared... no lies." An omission instead... a lack of information to protect them, rather than burden their nightmares with fear and uncertainty. It wasn't helpful and instead, was only meant to breed dissent and paranoia, to openly demand a transparency not befitting the masses.

    Lichenstar would not stand for such willful attempts to sow chaos, much less against her direct orders.

    "You're all... dismissed." It is final, absolute, and made doubly confirmed by the wave of her tail and abrupt decent from the river rocks that lorded her above her clan-mates. Her gaze catches a stubborn calico one last time... and there is a sinister promise in that glower.

    I won't forget this.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
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