Petalstep .

. don’t let them win .
Jan 2, 2023

PETALPAW — Keep about your wits.
Her warrior assessment was coming up in only a couple of moons, and to say Petalpaw felt unprepared would be an understatement.
She met the standard, sure. Yet, her goal was to excel, being sub par wasn’t acceptable.
Which is why she feels a small twinge of satisfaction as she has her sparring partner pinned, their only a moon or so older, but that only added to her hidden glory.
With one large forepaw planted beside their temple and the other firmly against their chest, she waits for their surrender under determined eyes.
They wiggle, but cannot move, and eventually call it.
Finally, Petalpaw steps off, eyes now scanning to any crowd the spar may have gathered. While her mouth speaks nothing, she takes a seat, wondering if there’d be anyone else willing to aid her in fine-tuning her combat skills.
She wanted to be able to knock her mentor on their arrogant ass, next time…
That thought earned herself an inward grin.
From the sidelines, Mosspaw watched the spar intently. She loved watching spars, they were an excellent chance for her to improve her own abilities. Though usually she preferred watching the warriors when she could get the chance.

It wasn't often she found herself learning from watching other apprentices. They were still in training, same as her, after all. Not to mention that few of them took training as seriously as she did. That said, as Petalpaw fought she found herself taking notes. The form of her pin was perfect. Before the other apprentice tried to struggle, Mosspaw knew it was over. The hold was firm, the one paw on their chest giving no chance for escape. It was like something her mentor would show her.

The other apprentice finally surrendered, and Petalpaw stepped away, her gaze wandering the crowd. It felt like she was waiting for something.

Mosspaw stepped forward.

"Very well done." Mosspaw complimented, with a dip of her head. "If you are not too tired, would you mind if I had the next round?"
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The warrior observes with obvious interest as the two apprentices spar, eagerly anticipating which of the two will win. His bet is on Petalpaw—and the fluffy she-cat seems sure of herself, satisfied, as she claims victory over her opponent. With a grin, the tom flicks his tail at the sight. "Great job, Petalpaw!" He calls out to the pale apprentice, tipping his head to her. It’s impressive for an apprentice, beating any opponent of any age.

The younger she-cat looks around, seemingly seeking something… or someone? Perhaps she wants another round of sparring? He’s having a nice time sunbathing, so Clay watches until another apprentice steps forth to challenge Petalpaw. It’s Mosspaw—a kit of Willow’s, so of course she’s got Clay’s support—and he smiles. If Petalpaw accepts the invitation, then he’ll stay and watch. As it is, he turns to face whichever cat happens to be nearby him, tilting his head curiously to the side. "Who d’you think would win between them?"
"Hard to say, really. Petalpaw executed that finishing move well, she is clearly taking her training very seriously. However, she's more than likely a bit tired after that last one. Mosspaw has also been studying her. However, either one could win this one. I may say Mosspaw. She did fight well from that skirmish against Sootstar's spawn, I heard." Clayfur's question had been assigned for her as she had been sitting near him, observing the spar between Petalpaw and the previous apprentice. She was growing each day into a more competent warrior, but so was Mosspaw. Obsidian toes tuck under her chest, thick tail curled carefully around her sturdy frame and enjoying the sun for a moment. Her lips pursed as she observes the two apprentice's, eyes half-narrowed and velvet ears flicking.

Her mind trails to Sablepaw now, thinking of how much her apprentice has grown. She was a coming of age apprentice, once kitten short limbs now grew long and slender much like her mother's. She was becoming an adult now, child-like features morphing into a beautiful woman and she was proud. Sablepaw had really turned the tables lately, and soon enough her own warrior assessment would be upon them both. What would she do? Leave her out into the territory and hunt as much as she could? Tracking a scent? Or perhaps, an all out spar—the lead warrior had plenty of options to choose from, and lately she had been exceeding in hunting and fighting. A sigh escapes her, flanks heaving as she exhales soundly. "Our apprentice's are growing into more than capable warrior's. RiverClan will be as strong as ever." Pride blooms within her, breaching over her lips as her darkened features pinch into a soft smile.

જ➶ Petalpaw did a very good job on her spar and the woman allows a small smile to pull at her muzzle. A part of her wonders when she will be able to watch her own children spar. When they will rise to the challenges set before them. She knows that their training has been going well enough and she hopes to take them out to teach them the things she learned from home soon. Their split ancestry is necessary for their survival. Stepping over she gives Clayfur a small smile as she settles beside the brown and white tom, eyes narrowing just slightly in thought. She has grown fond of Mosspaw and she tilts her head as she contemplates what Cindershade has said. It's any one of their's match, things can shift quickly. "I think Mosspaw will do well. They are quite a determined one and very sharp. A quick learner but let's see how they put things into practice." She has yet to train her own apprentice.

Truthfully excited for when she is able to. She wants to give what she can to Riverclan and maybe one day she can pass on more of her own knowledge to the next generation. If at all.

PETALPAW — Keep about your wits.
The compliments are not lost on the ivory apprentice, simply filed away to relish in later.
No, it was Mossypaw that she was focused on now, almond eyes silently flickering to and fro as her peer volunteered for a spar.
The only acknowledgment Petalpaw would give her would be a curt nod before she’d drop into a defensive crouch, waiting for Mossypaw to follow her cue before they’d begin.
Petalpaw’s gaze is locked onto the other, unmoving, while her paw pads press firmly against the soil with each step, anticipating the sudden thud of Mossypaw lunging.
Yet, Petalpaw wanted to be on the offense, and would attempt to strike first with a quick lunge towards the other, attempting to use her hind heel to quickly turn Petalpaw to the side, she’d aim to knock Mossypaw off balance with a hard hit to the flank using the brunt of her shoulder, officially starting the spar.
Returning Petalpaw's nod, Mosspaw settled into a crouch of her own. Deep green eyes met with yellow. Her muscles were tense as she stared at the other apprentice.

Her opponent lunged in a blur. She tried to dart out of the way, but too slowly. Petalpaw turned suddenly and shoulder slammed into her side, though not as solidly as it would have if she hadn't moved at all. With a grunt, she staggered, but retained her balance. Before she could mount a second attack, Mosspaw spun around, attempting to lunge at the other apprentice and slam into her paws first to force her to the ground while she was still recovering from her little trick.

PETALPAW — Keep about your wits.
Her move mostly succeeds, but Petalpaw tries not to let her focus stray too much, her mentors incessant lessons now instilled into her mind, his words playing on repeat behind chartreuse optics.
Focus on the action during the spar, relish in your victory later.
Mosspaw’s retaliation is anticipated, but executed too quickly for Petalpaw to do much in defense. Instead, she switches the gears around in her head, turning over from offense to defense- no she needed to stay on offense.
She lets her muscles relax, taking Mosspaws hit and falling to the ground without resistance for a lighter impact.
As soon as her head makes contact with the soil, Petalpaw wouldn’t skip a beat, refusing to give the other the opportunity to gain the upper hand she’droll, keeping her legs in a crouched position once the ivory apprentice was upright before she’d spring towards Mosspaw, head-on this time. With her forepaws outstretched, she’d attempted to hit either of the others shoulders at first, before the rest of her body weight would follow, aiming to bring Mosspaw to the ground and pin her. Her attack would be made more difficult without being able to sink her claws into the other, but Petalpaw was more than okay with relying on brunt force, her own body still feeling the consequences of Mosspaws shove.
Mosspaw's exhilaration soared as she pushed her opponent to the ground. She could even feel the other molly going limp as they both fell toward the earth. A little triumphant squeak left her, anticipating victory. All she had to do was pin Petalpaw just as she had seen her do moments ago and it would be over.

There was no chance for her to get her grip though. Petalpaw slipped out from under her within an instant, leaving her to scramble for balance on the suddenly bare ground beneath her. A weight slammed into her shoulder, and suddenly she was on the ground. Mosspaw writhed desperately, with no thought in her head but escape. As the seconds passed her by though, it became increasingly apparent to her that she was pinned, and her thrashing slowed.

She had lost. All she could do now was met her failure with dignity.

"I yield." Mosspaw stated, loud enough for everyone watching to hear, as she went limp. She nodded to the apprentice atop her. "Well done." After a moment's pause, she added, "Would you mind teaching me some things sometime?"

Poppysong stood watchful as a group of warriors along with a few apprentices created a sparring ring in the reeds. She hadn't sparred in ages but really, she wasn't keen on doing so today. The silver molly's paws took her closer until she was right there next to Boneripple and Cindershade. "I do believe Petalpaw has this one covered." Her vote of confidence for the white molly came from memories of her own apprenticeship. She hadn't been the best with fighting, and from what she had seen of Petalpaw's performance she didn't think the girl had a style to put into her combat yet. Maybe she could help with that, if the girl ever wanted... but she doubted it. Poppysong didn't even know the apprentice.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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