private with sudden death || snap paw || we fight back


skyclans therapist TM
Apr 24, 2023
"Snappaw, are you coming for training?" her voice was soft into the apprentice den as the early morning sun would rise and the birds would begin to sing their chorus and symphony.

The large fluffy warrior would wait patiently, her tail wrapped over her feet as she awaited the young apprentice to exit the den.

FlowerCloud was curious if he would be interested in beginning spar training, with new threats, she wouldn't want him to feel useless. As much as she did not wish to rush him, she hoped they would be eager to learn how to fight like a skyclanner.

So many cats belittled them, told them they fought like kittypets. She did not mind the scorn, but Skyclan had many features of their own that others would never know of.


It's been about two moons now since Snappaw was freed from the shelter, since he'd taken his first steps into the pine forest. He thinks he's been settling into SkyClan okay, freckled paws fitting into the role of an apprentice as best as they can.

Though the child still misses his birth home, though his memory of his old colony wanes with each day, he can find remnants of it here with his current home - a sense of togetherness and duty that keeps his mind busy in the much larger clan as he trains to become a warrior.

The golden-furred cat can only hold onto the hope that - when the day comes to earn his full clan name - he'll be able to make the trek back to his old colony; to at least tell his mother, his brother that he's okay. That he's safe.

Snappaw is resting in the apprentice den, curled up in his nest when his name reaches his ears. Flowercloud, he knows right away as aquamarine eyes open. Training time already? The child takes a moment to wake up - to take in their surroundings - before rising to their paws. Another moment is given to stretch before he treads out from under the cover of ferns to meet with his mentor.

"Mornin' Flowercloud," he greets the fluffy she-cat with a yawn. The sun is just barely rising, and the apprentice can't help but wonder if this means a long day will be ahead for him. "What are we doing today?"
The apprentice seems curious, but tired, and she wonders if early morning training wasn't the best. But if Snap Paw asked for it to be a bit later, she wouldn't hesitate to allow the apprentice to sleep in longer. Waking up early allowed more stuff to be done during day lit hours, where it was easier to see and clearer, and allowed proper sleep at the correct time.

A smile reached her lips, as a low rumbled purr came from her chest. "I was curious, actually, if you were up to beginning to learn some fighting tactics! If you don't feel ready, we totally won't, and I won't push you." She always told Snap Paw she would rather him be comfortable then forced into something he wasn't ready for. He had his own healthy boundaries he can set at any point. And if he ever needed to voice an opinion, he always could rely on her, or if he needed help in any way.

And even, if asked, she would go to this colony to make sure he stayed safe, but that was him to ask and she wouldn't push it.

Snappaw expects the answer to his question to be the usual stuff - hunting practice, patrolling the territory, something like that. But, Flowercloud surprises him with the idea of something new: battle training.

"Fighting tactics?" he repeats, ears twitching at his mentor's words.

Back when he was still new to the clan, back when he was still Snapple, instead of Snappaw - Thistleback had taught the shelter cats about hunting and fighting. He remembers then how the now-missing lead warrior's lessons had piqued his interest more than others brought forth by Blazestar's council, but he also recognizes the uncertainty he'd felt at the thought of using claws and teeth on another.

Though, Snappaw is older now - more aware of SkyClan's ways. Flowercloud wouldn't unsheathe claws on him for this, would she? He wouldn't have to break into their mentor's skin with their own claws, right?

Despite his uncertainty, Flowercloud informs him that it's his call. The apprentice thinks for a moment longer, before nodding his head. "I'm ready." After all, if he wasn't ready now, would he ever be?
A gentle smile reached the large femmes maw, and she would dip her head to her apprentice. "Then, we will go." Her form turned to lead the way out of camp, making sure the orange and white cat followed close behind.

"There's several ways you can fight. It depends on what you want to do, and how you're comfy. You can fight with speed, you can fight with strength. You can fight defensively, and offensively. But most of all, the best thing in my opinion, is to fight smart." She knew it probably didn't make sense yet. The green eyed golden warrior would try her best for now, until she could actually show him.

"What do you remember from thistlebacks lesson?" she would ask, a small pang in her chest as she would only come to realize they may never find him again. But thistleback was strong, and he was smart. He will come back as soon as he had the chance. she was sure of it.