WITH WHAT FIRE? || geckoscreech

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Lead warrior. Pfft. Fake rank. Made up. Flickerfire thinks Pitchstar just wants extra spies and picked the two warriors least likely to not betray him. She isn't sure how he came to that conclusion, and as days went by, Flickerfire continually wondered -- what do she and Geckoscreech have in common? Why them? She gets Chilledgaze -- Chilledgaze is a work-a-holic, a work-til-you-die type -- but Flickerfire is not.

And... what about Geckoscreech?

The tortoiseshell sighs as she peers into the warriors' den, looking for her co-lead warrior with hooded orange eyes. "He wants us. Fox by the Burnt Sycamore," she mutters. Her left ear twitches perceptibly. She doesn't care to spend time with the former queen. She'd rather be napping or stripping a lizard spine clean or digging in the Carrionplace or -- well, anything else.

"Hope you can keep up. I've got stuff to do today." She doesn't have anything against Geckoscreech, per se... but she doesn't get it, and her frustration mounts with every pawstep.


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❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
"he wants us. fox by the burnt sycamore."

the intrusive voice of the tortioseshell would put a pause on the former queen's minstrations, dainty paws hovering over a newly made up nest now adorned with the soft, ebony feathers of a crow. with leaf-bare encroaching upon them each passing day, the lead warrior had decided a few sunrises back to start lining the beddings with objects that were sure to keep those not aclimated to the cold somewhere warm to reside.

geckoscreech would have to come back to this later it seems and proceeded to peel away from her activity to follow flickerfire out of the warriors den where she'd give a quick shake of her fur to ensure nothing was clinging to her frame. the rosetted molly did not hold her fellow lead warrior in a favorable light, that tortie lacked an ounce of grace and has the attitude of a ungrateful child. the way she spoke to her would already cause annoyance travel underneath her pelt, aqua hues snapping to meet those of orange. "let me guess, does it involve rolling around in filth at the carrionplace while batting around a rat tail?" surly words come off her tongue in a way that sounded condescending.

a banded tail would lash behind herself twice. "be serious." geckoscreech mewed in clear vexation before taking the lead and heading towards the entrance of camp to get this investigation over with. they may share a title bestowed upon them by pitchstar but flickerfire was out of her mind if she thinks she can speak to her that way especially since she has moons over her.
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette
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Flickerfire can hear the anger in Geckoscreech's mew as the queen follows her out of camp. "Let me guess, does it involve rolling around in filth at the carrionplace while batting around a rat tail?" The tortoiseshell flinches. It's closer to the truth than she'd like to admit right now.

Geckoscreech takes the lead and Flickerfire glares at her backside mutinously. What is her problem? In her opinion, the ivory queen is one of the cats in camp who just don't know how to have fun. Take everything so seriously. She doesn't know how any of them can live life like that -- live life so sad.

She says, "Maybe you should try it sometime, you bag of bones." She pouts. "Pitchstar really put me on duty with the least fun cat in the Clan."

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❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
bag of bones.

bag of bones?!

the reaction to such insolence was almost immediate, geckoscreech turned with deft movements to fully face the mottled feline with a fire flaring behind her optics before a paw came lashing out to cuff the molly harshly around the ear. a low hiss spilled from behind gritted teeth, the fur along her neck rising in steady ire. "you best watch your tongue before you end up losing it completely." her co-lead was unbelievable, she swears there's nothing but empty space and pebbles in that head of hers.

"not everything is fun and games flickerfire and i pray you get that wake up call soon before it bites you right on the ass." geckoscreech partialy growls out before jerking back around to continue their trek towards the burnt sycamore, at this point she's hoping they find a damn fox out here.
  • Haha
Reactions: Marquette
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Flickerfire's remark about Geckoscreech's age is made in passing, with innocence. The sharp pain against her ear is met with indignance -- she nearly jumps from her gold-flecked pelt, rounding on her co-lead warrior with fiery, burning eyes. "You best watch your tongue before you end up losing it completely."

The tortoiseshell scowls. "What, you gonna take it from me? Time and place, Gecko. You may be older'n me but we're equals now. Remember that, before you lose your tongue!" Her fur lies flat at her neck, but the scarlet-orange stare she gives her equal is murderous.

But it's not anything worth being actually angry over; it's also not the first time an older warrior has cuffed her for insolence. She relaxes slightly, pulls away from Geckoscreech with a wet snort. The ivory she-cat intones, "Not everything is fun and games, Flickerfire, and I pray you get that wake up call soon before it bites you right on the ass."

Flickerfire flicks an ear; it twists almost sideways as she responds, "I'd rather that bite me on the ass than you! Can we just focus on the fox, please, so we can both go be around cats we don't want to claw the fur off of?" She tastes the air again and finds only stale scent. Frustrated, she stamps her front paws into the marshy earth like an impatient child.

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