Well, he'd learned a couple things from last time. Even though the eyes of his Clanmates still felt like coals on his back, he could find a reason to stay stable within himself. Even if the lot of them were baffled, disgusted to see him standing in this position... deputy, next to lead them, him. A jittering tom who'd one day die nine times, and yet never looked at death with acceptance, rabidly hissing and spitting to avoid it. "SkyClan- please gather for patrols! Dawn patrols, to- to start with..." No false start this time. He shook, yes, but... but that wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He trembled with every emotion.

"Greeneyes," he sought his friend's face in the crowd, the vibrant gaze he was names for. Twitchbolt swallowd, gathering his thoughts in the pause. "Um- you will be leading the, the dawn patrol along the Twolegplace border. Howlfire and Chrysaliswing will be accompanying you." Deep in olivine, there was an apologeticness... if he could help it, no-one would walk that border, but it very much had to be done.

Then, he caught a mismtched gaze. "Silversmoke, you will... you'll be taking Duskpool and Birchbranch with you to the RiverClan border. Dawnglare can come too, if he needs some herbs." He'd almost sent Hazelbeam, but had remembered the look of utter disdain on Edenpaw's face, as if he'd betrayed them... a niggling feeling told him to refrain. Instead...

"Now, for... for dusk patrols. Orangestar, can you take Hazelbeam, Figfeather and Harmony with you there, please?" he offered her a shaky smile, searching her face- childishly- for some glimmer of acceptance, before realising he probably looked like an idiot for it. For the life of him he couldn't remember the minutiae of how she used to select people... oh, but then would he be a fraud, a copy? There had to be some reason Orangestar picked him but what, what...

Figuratively stuffing his paw into his mouth (and physically gritting his teeth painfully together), Twitchbolt paused for a moment to reel in his spinning-out composure. "Dogbite, Coyotecrest, you'll be with me tonight along the loner lands border." Dogbite was a good friend, and Coyotecrest was a trusted ally. Twitchbolt couldn't bear having any strangers on his side, especially not during a patrol that had a less-than-zero chance of getting ambushed.

Clearing his throat, he tried to straighten himself up, look more... proper. "Johnnyflame, Drizzlepelt- you guys can, um, take some hunting patrols. Please. And... Slate, I'd like you to lead a training session." All capable toms... and Slate was certainly a fighter. He only hoped it wouldn't lead to any more... conflict.

There was one final thing to be addressed, though. One little... little matter. Last time, and he was learning from last time, Sangriakit had claimed he'd forgotten, and- apparently he had her admiration, somehow. With a while to wait until her apprenticeship, it might be nice for her to get something to do. So, doubtless finding her amongst the throng, Twitchbolt relaxed a little when he met her eye. "Sangriakit- I have a special patrol for you, too." It might have sounded stupid, but it felt... right. "I want you to- to gather some of your denmates, and lead a patrol to find the warrior with the coolest story behind a battle-scar, and report back to me with your findings." It might be a way to keep some kittens entertained, at the very least...

DUSK PATROL (THUNDERCLAN BOARD): @Orangestar (lead) (@Springpaw), @Hazelbeam (@edenpaw ?!), @harmony. , @FIGFEATHER
DUSK PATROL (LONER LANDS BOARD): Twitchbolt (lead) (@PUMPKINPAW), @Dogbite , @Coyotecrest (@BLAZINGPAW)
HUNTING PATROL 1: @Johnnyflame
PROMPT - Right in front of your patrol, a bird falls out of the sky, dead.
HUNTING PATROL 2: @Drizzlepelt
PROMPT - Spring has sprung! The pollen in the air might be difficult to hunt with, though...
penned by pin ✧
Last edited:


Johnny yawned and stretched out his stocky frame from where he lay beneath the spring-warm sun, taking a moment to enjoy the sooth it had on his muscles before getting to his feet and making his way over to Twitchbolt. He smiled and nodded a quiet greeting to the other cat, settling toward the front of the gathering clan as one of the early arrivees. Ears twitched at the sound of his name being called, pleased to find himself leading one of the hunting patrols. With the weather being so good lately the tom was eager to enjoy it while he could. "You got it, Twitchbolt."

Quietly, the bedraggled feline was chewing away at a particularly fat rodent. Freshly caught that day beneath a bed of rock and growing grasses. So much change had happened in just a smidge of time. Only a pawful of sunrises ago his body had shook from the chilled touch of leafbare. Now Dogbite's pelt was warmed with the promise of hotter days and his paws gently tucked beneath them. The saying that time waited for no one seemed no truer than now. His friends kits were here and his life upended in a glamorous way.

Both Crescent and Bear had re-entered the feline's life and he had been promoted alongside one of his closest comrades under the trust of Orangestar. Ekat's training had progressed substantially and it felt like they'd finally solidified themselves socially amongst his clanmates. It was strange to see so much good come from such a dark place. Joy written across maws when hardly a moon or so ago their cheeks had been marred with heartbreak.

Twitchbolt's familiar trembling frame appeared in the clearing, calling out for their ranks to gather. Dutifully, they cleaned up the remaining bones of the mouse, and made haste to the growing crowd. Filing in alongside Johnnyflame with a sideways smile and refocusing on the patchwork tom. Through the usual humdrum of assignments his tattered ears perked at the mention of their own name. Happy to note that their former denmate had selected him to come along.

Thankfully, the borders had been quiet ever since they'd all taught those rogues a lesson. Though Dogbite wouldn't pretend that his paws hadn't tensed at the idea of traversing hostile lands. Silently, they nod in agreement and cast a slow blink in the deputy's direction. Hoping to communicate their agreement to the assignment.

  • mobile post!
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
The spotted tom's head tilted upwards as he heard his name, a sense of joy rushing over him as he was finally allowed to lead a patrol once more. Just as he was about to nod, the Deputy continued to speak a stipulation that caused him to freeze in place. 'That makes things more challenging.' Beyond knowing as much about herbs as an unborn kit, he'd never been shy about his loathing for what Dawnglare had done. The bristle of his fur was difficult to ignore, either Twitchbolt hadn't spotted the signs or thought him peaceful enough not to let it ruin the patrol. It wasn't similar to refusing to patrol with Slate some time ago, the promise of a fight had always been on the horizon whenever the two butted heads, but it wouldn't be a fight with Dawnglare, it'd be a murder. That, at least, was enough to keep him tethered. "It'll be done, Twitchbolt," the Lead Warrior mewed, finally finishing the bow of his broad head. His eyes scanned the crowd for members of his patrol, apprentices and mentors alike, and gave a rallying whip of his tail. He'd rather not dawdle when things needed to get done.


Flaxen colored ears twitch forward at the mention of his name, drawing in his attention as he came over from grabbing a squirrel from the fresh kill pile. His chest tightened as if claws grasped its very core once Twitchbolt spoke of the loner lands. Instantly he thought of Blazingpaw and wondered how well he would handle the situation. To revisit the place you were attacked was no easy feat. Regardless, Coyotecrest gave the jittering tom a shallow nod of his head before seeking his son. "Here, eat up. You'll need your strength before we head out later." He murmured after dropping the fuzzy rodent before dark paws.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twentyone moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
*✧・゚ The clan’s patrol assignments mostly go right over Sangriakit’s head. The tawny she-kit doesn’t fully understand why warriors and apprentices are sent to the borders—except for the rogues, and what happened to Blazestar, she supposes. She mostly just knows that they get to go do something she doesn’t get to do, and that makes her want to do it, too! But Blazingpaw and Hawkpaw and Wolfpaw got hurt, so Sangriakit and Coffeekit don’t get to be apprentices yet. Last time Twitchbolt gave everyone else tasks, he forgot to give any of the kits stuff to do—especially her!

This time, though, Twitchbolt doesn’t forget about her. She hears her name called, and immediately her attention is grabbed. "YEAH?" Her voice rises in a loud chirp above those of her clanmates for a moment, eyes glittering as she gazes up at the deputy. Little paws pitter-patter with excitement, and Sangriakit’s mouth falls open as she listens intently to Twitchbolt’s explanation of her super special patrol. He wants her to go on a patrol—to lead a patrol? She can totally do that! And plenty of warriors in SkyClan have cool scars, so they probably have really cool stories to tell about it, too…

Taking a step back, the kit nods—a serious expression crosses her face, determination bright in leaf-green eyes. "Okay, Twitchbolt! I’m gonna be the best patrol leader ever!" She is. She’s gonna be smart and figure out the information that the deputy wants, and then nobody can call her a stupid kittypet. "I’ll let you know who has the coolest story," she says, her voice growing serious. Then the little kit turns and rushes off, seeking out a few other kits to go on her patrol with.

At Twitchbolt's familiar call, Howlfire joined her clanmates to hear the patrol assignments. An ear twitched when her name was called first, joining Greeneyes and Chrysaliswing on a dawn patrol to the border with the twolegplace. Well, that would certainly be interesting with Chrysaliswing in tow, but she hopes at least that they'll have an easy enough patrol. Amber eyes search for her daughter, and with a flick of her head, she summons Hawkpaw to follow. This would be her first patrol to the twolegplace border and she wondered how her daughter was feeling. "We're ready to head out whenever you are, Greeneyes," She mewed, smiling at the tom.

It’s still a little strange to hear Twitchbolt’s call in place of Orangestar’s. His friend is deputy now, a rank he hadn’t quite realized was tangible for anyone their age until the new leader promoted the brown and white tom to it. It feels like yesterday, they were just kits, and now? Now they both stand part of SkyClan’s council.

He approaches, a nod in greeting to his friend as he awaits others to gather, for his placement to be assigned. Greeneyes doesn’t have to wait long — his name first in the likely long list of names. Bright eyes look to the deputy, and while Twitchbolt pauses, the tom is patient as he awaits his assignment.

The Twolegplace border isn’t his favorite — memories of silver cages, of disappearing faces, a mother he’ll never see again come to mind at the sheer thought of it — but Greeneyes has been assigned to it plenty, now. Enough to be alert to potential dangers at its edge, enough to keep his fears down when he walks it. The ginger tom nods his head in response. He’s fine with this, he thinks

Until he learns of who’s coming with. Howlfire is fine — of course she is, his best friend’s sister is his friend too — but the other warrior coming with him? Not so much. Couldn’t Twitchbolt pick anyone other than Chrysaliswing to go with him? To the Twolegplace, of all places? Part of him wonders if his friend is testing him, if he’s testing Chrysaliswing.

Will do — “ the young lead still hums, before seeking out his patrol-mates in the crowd. He looks to Falconpaw, motioning for the apprentice to join him, before greeting Howlfire and Hawkpaw with a smile. “ Well… This will be fun! “ Greeneyes tells his friend, because, at least Howlfire will be with him.

His niece’s name catches his ears, and he looks back to Twitchbolt, to the torbie nearby. She is tasked with her own patrol — in camp, obviously — and Greeneyes smiles at the two in amusement. Remembering the scar he carries, Greeneyes makes note to talk to Sangriakit later, when her patrol is in full swing.​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Silence encroaches him as he is asked to accompany them to Twolegplace. He had appeared at the patrol-meeting with silent paws, a seemingly dark stormcloud following him. His ear twitched as his mentor's named was called in accordance with the Twoleg border. The sewers. He itched to return there, to the damp place where his father ruled his own little corner of the world. Greeneyes had turned his vision to Falconpaw expectantly, and he continued moving closer.

He mumbled a soft greeting to those around Greeneyes, sinking into a sitting position. He at least had a different reaction to the Twolegplace Border then the others did, vision shifting around to the other patrols.
  • "speech"
  • FALCONPAW 🌧 he/him, apprentice of skyclan, eleven moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Keen ears perked up to silently listen at Twitchbolt's command - if he really strained, Chrysaliswing swore that Twitch's voice held just a little more conviction. To his chagrin, as acerbic and sharp as an adder's fang, Twitchbolt would have been one of his last choices for deputy. He couldn't claim to know what Orangestar's thought process was. Still, the jittery bark-and-sand hued tom proved his superior, and he had no choice but to listen. Taciturn tom glanced at Greeneyes with a gaze of molten yellow and energetic green, as if waiting for some sort of signal to proceed. He did not approach, however, instead keeping his distance as the shadow did to the sun. Only when the patrol move would he tail them. If his destination was the Twolegplace, the chimaera would surely sulk and stalk to the place he had grown sickeningly familiar with, like it was a vision that hardly eluded him no matter how much he wiped at his eyes. Apprehension prickled at velvet paws, at the thought of unfinished business blooming outwards like a fervent sore or deadly nightshade.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.