private WITHNAIL AND I \ dipperpaw

This late-afternoon was warm, tangerine-tinged as the light grew golden. The river was warmest, shallow-and-shallower as it was growing, at this time of day. Fernpaw padded along its edge, verdant eye glancing dreamily into the crystalline waters, as if they would whip into an embrace and pull him into the depths. But- no. No, he had to take that step himself. And no matter how weary he grew, how much his training took out of him that day, the river would always be there. He'd always be able to swim and remember that he was good at it- remember his father beaming at him, tiny as he had been back then, as he had worked with the water toward Mudpelt's paws.A fiery paw skimmed the surface, rippled surging like heartbeats from the pressure-point.

It was then that he was pulled from his reverie by approaching footsteps, and he pulled his paw back to the shore. He had to turn himself around fully to allow his vision to befall Dipperpaw, approaching his blind spot- but his reaction-time had been good. Training's over, he reminded himself, a warm grin settling on his face. "Hey, Dipperpaw," he chirped cheerily, head tilting in a silent question.

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She cannot lie and say this was an easy decision for her, this branching out. She wonders, if she reaches out a paw would it be slapped away? It is what has kept her from making friends for so long- the fear of rejection. As far as she knew this fear was irrational, it had no roots anywhere no way it should have taken purchase in her mind and yet as she approaches the red tabby tom she can feel every instinct in her body screaming at her to turn away and quit while she was ahead. She ignores the feeling though, if she could not conquer a fear as inconsequential as this she may as well give up on being a warrior now. Warriors had to do scary things all the time (right?)

"Fernpaw" she says dipping her head in a polite greeting, just like her mother had taught her. It was not a secret that the tom was a strong swimmer, taught to him by his father. It is something they have in common which is what made him a perfect candidate for her first friend. Well, her first friend that wasn't Jaypaw. "I was wondering if you would like to go for a swim with me?" as much as they could swim in the deteriorating water, anyways. There are still spots that should be deep enough for a dip and she was determined to find them.

Dipperpaw was polite, formal- she spoke very well, quite the contrast to the easy smile slapped upon Fernpaw's face, an unfaltering and casual cheeriness that had always found him without much resistance. Swimming? Despite his talent for it, Fernpaw wasn't entirely used to being specifically sought out. Still, he'd never complain when it allowed him to do one of his favourite activities- it was clear from the glimmer in his smile-curved eye that he was thrilled to be asked such a thing. "Oh, definitely!" he exclaimed, tone as bright as midday sunshine.

A flaming paw tested the shallow waters- not here. They would hardly be able to wade in this- a heavy sigh left him, but it did not dampen his glow even slightly. His single eye settled upon Dipperpaw again. "I think I know a good spot not far from here. And the water should be nice and warm..." With a flick of his silken tail he beckoned her, waiting for her to catch up to his side before they began to walk together.
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Dipperpaw feels happy when the red-furred tom does not deny her request. In fact, a ghost of a smile even appears on her jaws. The faintest tug at the lips, barely visible but definitely there. His elation reminds her of her sister, Jaypaw, and she finds his mood is just as contagious as hers. Perhaps that is why she had felt drawn to him. She watches as he walks up to the river, as he dips a paw into it and then lets out a sigh. It was expected, the river here was shallow right now, barely deep enough to wade in let alone swim. No, this would be no place for them to practice. "Lead the way" she tells him, giving him her best effort at a faint smile.

Fernpaw, though he still carried the title of apprentice, was much more experienced then her. She knows he had struggled with his training, but it was not a secret among the clan that he excelled at swimming thanks to his mentor and his father. I wish I had a mentor like that she finds herself thinking. Her mother or her father being her teacher would be the most ideal thing in the world to her. But sadly, she was stuck with the mentor she had now. An older she-cat who just wanted to finish Dipperpaw's training so that she could retire to the elders den and live out the rest of her life in peace.

She thinks while she walks, and for a short time they fall into a comfortable silence before suddenly she opens her mouth "Do you have any swimming tips?" she asks, looking at him for a moment with her starburst eyes, only a brief glance before she returns her attention back to the land in front of her lest her long limbs trip over a log or other debris.


If Fernpaw had ever been good at anything it was reading faces; even at the slightest curve on Diperpaw's lips, his spirits brightened a little. She usually held an odd neutrality about her that was difficult to pierce, much like his sister- a flat shell, as hard as ice. To melt it just a little was always a privilege, always something that lifted his spirits a little bit. Uneven eyes curved with his grin, happiness shining from his face like streaks of sunshine, as they walked. For once, he knew something- knew where this spot lay, and lead the way confidently as she asked.

Sedge caressed his side as he wove past it, his nose working overtime to remember his surroundings. He'd not lost all of his sight, of course, but the loss of periphery was more disorientating than he would have guessed moons ago. He clicked his tongue thoughtfully at Dipperpaw's request, head rolling to one side. "Mudpelt told me that everyone does it a little different, but it's mostly about finding your rhythm." It wasn't really practical advice though, was it? "And keep your head above the water, of course. And spread your toes out!" A grin set shining upon his face, realisation glazed over his sighted eye.

"Just up there, see how the sun's hitting the water?" The ripples glimmered like a ribbon of stars across night sky, strange to see in broad daylight. "That's how I know it'll be warm, too. Looks like a good place to give it a go, yeah?" Approaching, it was thankfully a part where the tide had not dipped too deeply.
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Most of his advice were things that she already knew, but she doesn't bother telling him that. He believed he was helping so why not allow him to continue thinking that? Like many other RiverClanners, she had been swimming since she was much younger than she was now. She considered herself to be a pretty strong swimmer. Not the strongest in the clan but still pretty strong. As for her swimming style... She thinks about the way her long limbs cut through the water, how her silky fur floats on the surface around her as she cuts through the blue. There was nothing in life she enjoyed more than paddling through the lilies.

Fernpaw does offer a bit of information that she didn't yet know. He shares with her how he knows the water will be warm. "That's a handy trick" she tells him, her whiskers twitching. Still, she hesitates when she steps off the shore, expecting it to be cold despite his promise that it wouldn't be. She was pleasantly surprised when his words had rung true. She then looks over her shoulder at the tom still on the beach. "You were right, it's warm" she informs him.